Cool hand is off to college.. but for how long?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
May 3, 2014
The kids at penn state had a pretty large impromptu gathering in violation of covid guidelines and the administration was understandably upset. In the midst of all this was a directive: if you didn’t take the covid test we will your block your canvas account which is essentially your student account that you need for almost everything.

Our son Cool Hand said “I’ll be back in 2 weeks”... In his estimation they are going to shut it down. He really could do all his school work from home but, he was determined to go. My guess is we don’t have all those co-Ed’s here. The apartment is paid for so Why not.

What a crazy world to adapt to...
your son is probably correct.
I have some sympathy for all of the kids potentially missing out on the "college experience", but jeesh, they gotta take this covid stuff serious!
But, then again, their brains have not yet fully developed away from the instant gratification.
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