Coronavirus - Health aspects

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Early days for clarity on disease course with data compilation further behind yet. No original source but I've seen an estimate that in 80 percent the disease course is mild with 20 percent becoming severely ill. There was a list of early patients published somewhere showing that some died up to a month after becoming ill. I also read that China does not have a system of physicians providing primary care outside a hospital or institutional setting.

This ^^^ says to me that *maybe* the mildly ill are staying outside the hospital and thus data compilation system. That many more are mildly infected (and recover spontaneously) than reported is a possible plus in estimating the overall fatality rate. But then conversely, the larger number is a negative when estimating future disease spread and containability. And the death rate among the severely ill may be higher than first estimated.

Another issue may be that even the "mildly" ill require a few weeks for full recovery. The last time we had the flu it led to bronchitis and we must have been officially "sick" for at least three weeks. So much is unknown with only conjecture at this point. :(
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Was planning on driving 80 miles to the d.c convention center on saturday for the car show. I have decided it isn't worth it. Fighting off a regular cold this week anyway...

I would not want to walk around a public place coughing, sneezing, sniffling at this time, even here in the US where only a few isolated cases have been seen.

People may just throw rocks at you. :nonono:
It all boils down to just how easy this thing spreads. So far the only real information we have is coming 2nd/3rd hand from China. Not really anything I consider rock-solid either way.

It is likely spreading easier than first reported.

WHO Declares Coronavirus Outbreak A Global Health Emergency:

There are several reasons why experts find the new coronavirus particularly concerning. First, the WHO said there is evidence that the virus could spread from human to human.

Second, experts still don't know for certain what animal the virus originated from in Wuhan. "Until we know what the animal is, there potentially could still be animals being sold in markets all across China that is spilling virus over into people,"

And third, Chinese authorities say that the virus has also infected medical workers – people who already would be taking serious precautions to protect themselves.

That third part is most worrying.

WHO Declares Coronavirus Outbreak A Global Health Emergency
It says here

CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 15 million flu illnesses, 140,000 hospitalizations and 8,200 deaths from flu.

I'm sure flu has very similar symptoms, so I don't think we can easily distinguish this new virus from the seasonal flu.
And the market rallied after the pandemic declaration. I think that people are thinking that the last few times the WHO has finally dropped the dime proved to be the bottom in illness related sell offs. This virus looks different to me, so I think this is a sucker bet.
They think a man in Vegas has it but it will take 2 days to get test results.
There's a suspicion, (tinfoil hats aside), that it could be a weaponized/transmuted bug. In which case.....

Given the nature of this topic, any wild/speculative/suspicious stuff should (please) come with a link to a somewhat-verifiable source?

I'm sure there are tons of suspicions being bandied about on FB and many silly blogs, but I'd prefer if we keep our standards a little higher than the rumor mills.
Given the nature of this topic, any wild/speculative/suspicious stuff should (please) come with a link to a somewhat-verifiable source?

I'm sure there are tons of suspicions being bandied about on FB and many silly blogs, but I'd prefer if we keep our standards a little higher than the rumor mills.

Mais, mais, la rumeur c'est moi. :)
Is a penectomy sufficient, or will you also need an orchiectomy?

Back on the coronavirus, the number of cases inside China has been raised to almost 10,000. The death toll is now 213.

I still want to know about the people who are still languishing in hospitals. They should be out of hospital beds already.
Is a penectomy sufficient, or will you also need an orchiectomy?

Back on the coronavirus, the number of cases inside China has been raised to almost 10,000. The death toll is now 213.

I still want to know about the people who are still languishing in hospitals. They should be out of hospital beds already.
Didn't you hear that China is building new hospitals? 1,000 bed, expected to be operational Feb 3, and 1,600 bed by Feb 5. They are being completed in 10-12 days.
That's old news. In the time it takes for them to get these 2,600 beds, they already had 10,000 more patients.

At the exponential rate that they have new cases, they will soon need to build a couple of hospitals every day, then soon every few hours, and then...

PS. They also need to train doctors and nurses at the same exponential rate to match.
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Babies and small children are at more risk.
Is a penectomy sufficient, or will you also need an orchiectomy?

Back on the coronavirus, the number of cases inside China has been raised to almost 10,000. The death toll is now 213.

I still want to know about the people who are still languishing in hospitals. They should be out of hospital beds already.

Actual numbers are likely massively underreported. Like times 10 might be in the ballpark of reality. China admitted to having 100k people under observation.
Actual numbers are likely massively underreported. Like times 10 might be in the ballpark of reality. China admitted to having 100k people under observation.

I imagine they're trying to underplay it, that's what I think from their past behaviours with other illnesses, but I'm thinking that here in the US/Canada, as coronavirus spreads, it will be harder to identify people with coronavirus vs flu. Chinese hospitals must be struggling with that too. Does everyone with flu-like symptoms get tested for coronavirus there? (My guess is not.) We certainly don't do that here, do we? I think in the US/Canada, we've been just focusing on people who *know* they had contact with someone who has travelled to China. Now we see people who have become infected without having had contact with people who travelled to China (in Germany.) Who do we test? Who do we quarantine? Where do we draw the line?
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In places with lots of infections and under quarantine, I am sure that the overstretched Chinese medical staff are focusing on treating the patient in front of them, not worrying about the niceties of testing. So in addition to the regime's penchant for secrecy and BS, the chaos on the ground means even if they wanted to be totally transparent they would not have good data to share.

Now do we believe that the commerce department, um, CDC is being honest and transparent?
The urgency of recency

I'm thinking that here in the US/Canada, as coronavirus spreads, it will be harder to identify people with coronavirus vs flu. Chinese hospitals must be struggling with that too. Does everyone with flu-like symptoms get tested for coronavirus there? (My guess is not.) We certainly don't do that here, do we?

Does it make any difference whether a patient has the coronavirus or some other similar flu-like bug? If there isn't a pill or a shot that will cure it, then all they can do is treat the symptoms while it runs its course. That treatment is the same regardless of which microbe is at fault.

Is this pandemic really different, or is it just that it's the current one?
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Does it make any difference whether a patient has the coronavirus or some other similar flu-like bug? If there isn't a pill or a shot that will cure it, then all they can do is treat the symptoms while it runs its course. That treatment is the same regardless of which microbe is at fault.

Is this pandemic really different, or is it just that it's the current one?

I think it's just the unknown factor that is alarming.
If we knew it was just as deadly as the regular flu, most folks would ignore it.
The scary part is maybe it's as deadly as SARS, but infects at 10x the rate, now that would be scary.
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