Credit card opt out question


Dryer sheet aficionado
Feb 15, 2008
A while ago, I opted out of prescreened credit card offers, and that seemed to work fine. However, a few months ago, i started receiving offers again, this time with my name misspelled.

None of the opt-out contact info I've found on the web lets you talk to a real person, so I have no idea how to stop receiving this mail. Anyone have any ideas?

How much of a danger is this? i.e. if someone gets a credit card in this misspelled name, will that go onto my credit report?

I have thought about freezing my credit reports after I finish getting new insurance, brokerage accounts etc, which presumably would eliminate the problem.


My understanding is that the Opt out only affects companies that send mailings based on credit reports.
It does nothing to stop blind mass mailings or if you got on some list in some other many (did you by chance refinance your mortgage lately, especially online??)
Not sure about the danger level. I suspect that to go onto your credit report it would require more than a misspelled name. If you haven't requested a free copy of your reports in the last 12 months it may be a good thing to do, just to be careful.
So far, the only mailings I get with the misspelling are credit card offers, which is what makes me suspicious. My last refi (not online) was in 2004 or so, and I do occasionally get HELOC offers, but they are spelled correctly..

I got my last credit reports around August, so it's a few more months before I can get new (free) ones. Unfortunately, that was before I started getting these mailings, and they didn't show anything amiss.

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