Daily WORDLE - 2022

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This just reminded me of the Twilight Zone episode, where the gambler dies and goes on to the after life. He's able to gamble at any game he wants, and he's winning - it's great! Then he realizes, he always wins! He can't lose! He never loses! What's the fun in that?

Then he comes to a realization..... (no spoilers!)

That was a good one with Sebastian Cabot in a great role!
Wordle 255 3/6*


It was the only word I could think of that fit the pattern in hard mode. Was surprised it was correct.
Wordle 255 3/6

It was the only word I could think of that fit the pattern in hard mode. Was surprised it was correct.
+1. My sentiments exactly (now that others have unintentionally alluded to same). I had the word in my head after two entries but told myself "no way", sat there trying to think of any other more likely possibilities - and finally said "way" on my original correct guess.
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Wordle 255 4/6*


I had a hard time with this one today also. I thought that I had already tried the word, but I guess that I had not.
While I, like others, was surprised by yesterday's word, it is in the Oxford English Dictionary, according to an online search.
1 minute 10 seconds.

Wordle 256 3/6

Wordle 256 4/6

While I, like others, was surprised by yesterday's word, it is in the Oxford English Dictionary, according to an online search.

Yes, it is. And while, by now, most of us know not to read this thread before doing the daily puzzle, even little comments like this (and yours is fine you posted when it was Yesterday) can tip one's hand. Not a full spoiler, but enough to plant a seed in one's head.

Because when I'm staring at those grids and letters, a comment like "never thought they'd use that word" might predispose me to trying something I might not, or seeing something that I didn't otherwise. One person's innocent musing can be another's spoiler.

As ERD50 points out above, a 4-row day is way more fun than a 2 row day!

And hopefully that also means everyone has this thread OFF on their subscribe lists, so they don't get an errant email with some comment.
So the day is gone. Although I, too, was surprised by the word, it was more about the difficulty of vowel placement and doubled vowel.

Would we be as surprised at "dollar," if dollar were a 5 letter word? Why is "rupee" surprising?
Wordle 256 3/6*

Birdie! DW had a 2 - I haven’t done that yet…:blush:

Wordle 256 3/6

Me too, two!

Wordle 256 2/6*

DW had four letters, albeit in the wrong places on her first try - and got it in 2. I've never been that close in 1.
Wordle 256 3/6

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