Did You Vote?

Voted a few weeks ago. Absentee. DW and I have voted that way ever since we could. Read up on the issues and candidates since we have only been here about 14 months.

Worked as a Deputy in Florida a few times at the polls. Saw several different processes for voting. Really do not see what the big problem is with people not being able to vote. Of course our workers showed up on time, were trained within the (Clay County Florida) county before the elections, and the machines, no matter what type, worked (must have something to do with maintenance and training).

Been voting for about 44 years (could not do it before 21 years of age way back then).

Will be interesting, but sad, to see the army of attorneys tear the process up.
I voted just before 9 a.m. PST in suburban San Diego and was amazed that I was the only voter there. My wife voted absentee, but I wanted to experience the new computer-based system and was most impressed with it. Easy to use, fast and paper copy. The folks who complain that such systems can be abused may be right, but I'll take this over what used to exist (in any of the six states I've voted in).

My precinct is heavily Republican, and there are no chances of anything changing that (for several reasons). Nevertheless, I voted for the token Democratic opponent for U.S. Congress to try to send a message. My hunch is that others will do so both in this precinct and nationally, but even so, the GOP will retain the Senate and will only lose the House by a narrow margin. Bottom line: whether the Democrats win or not, with one House change, there will be very little change in domestic or international policy.
I sure voted NO alot today. California had alot of we need to tax you more things ;)
Voted first thing this morning. Ditto to above posting -- California - yikes - taxes way too high out here. Enough already...
youbet said:
What treat did you get in exchange for your votes? Continued employment? City services such as garbage pickup? A sixpack?


Continued employment , and therefore the quantity & quality of services that the townspeople have come to expect. i.e. - The wastewater (poopy water) dept has 5 workers who have to maintain the main treatment facility, 24 pumping stations scattered all across town, and roughly 75 to 100 linear miles of sewer mains. That dept is currently 2 workers short. The H2O dept is currently staffed with the absoute bare minimum of employees. Parks is just plain under-staffed to start with, as people from the other departments have to go maintain public property at the expense of their own operations. And the street dept has about 6 guys to maintain ~100 miles of streets. Police & Fire are currently fully staffed.

If they lose 1 worker in any of the departments, then every dept is affected, and services are affected, then the people in town won't be happy campers!!! (the poop may not hit the fan...but it may backup into there basements!! :D )

The depts HAVE to live within their budgets, but a couple of the pols don't think that they themselves need to. And we hope to get them taken care of next April 17th!!!

Mwsinron said:
I sure voted NO alot today. California had alot of we need to tax you more things ;)

Yeah, they only let us have 2 things to vote "NO" on today.....but they were both worth it...I like coloring in that little circle next to the word "NO" :D
DanTien said:
Yeah and they don't ask you to prove you are who you are here either, not like some other places I hear. Oh we still use paper ballots and pencil - takes me for ever to fill in the dang circles properly - me eyes are ready for Lazik or ReZoom or whatever surgery I guess Nords....oh I also don't bother voting for the unopposed candidates - saves getting my hand tired from filling all those circles...if the repubs keep control of the house and senate I'm either commiting suicide later tonight or moving to Canada or Italy or ?

Dan: If I get enough stickers from my other polling place visits, I'll mail them to you. You can cram them in your mouth and nose. Go out that way. . . :LOL: :LOL: . . . well DW will mail any leftovers from my event.
DW and I voted around 11 AM at our local VFD firehouse. We were the only voters there and got a choice of "paper or plastic". DW went the paper route and I chose the new electronic voting device.

We finished at exactly the same time and I'm pretty sure I was the only one of us who voted for Kinky (she seems to think he really is...). ;)
disEntropy Greg said:
Dan: If I get enough stickers from my other polling place visits, I'll mail them to you. You can cram them in your mouth and nose. Go out that way. . . :LOL: :LOL: . . . well DW will mail any leftovers from my event.

Sounds good! That would make quite a statement - Despondent DFLer found with "I Voted" stickers stuffed in olifactory orifices after Republ-icky upset - left note "I refuse To Stay The Course, would rather Cut Stuff and Run Choke"... hopefully We'll survive this and be around to elect Obama in 08... :)
REWahoo! said:
We finished at exactly the same time and I'm pretty sure I was the only one of us who voted for Kinky (she seems to think he really is...). ;)

I did my part to get out the vote - took the wife and her best friend - and not a vote for the Kinkster in the group.

We didn't vote early this time because the early polling place was always jam packed. Opted to go for what we thought would be a slow time on election day (when everybody has to go to their precinct's polling place) and still found a line. Eldest son just came home and said that the voters were lined up outside the school all day today.
The lines at 2:30 were very long at our polling place (a school gym), looked like the last 2 Presidential elections! Took an hour and a half to vote, due to a long ballot and too few machines, but at least the electronic feedback was decent this time (still no printout, though). As a reward, we went to Jack's Cosmic Dogs for a couple of old-fashioned vanilla malts.

I'll be up late!
DanTien said:

.. hopefully We'll survive this and be around to elect Obama in 08... :)

Just another reason I leave the keys in my gun cabinet door. :)

Mr._johngalt said:
No. Nor will I.


Sounds good to me. Another vote for the Gay Old Perasts (GOP) not cast is a good choice. :D
Voted on the way home, very very busy there, usually I'm the only one there because I get there between 4:30 -5:00pm. I was really surprised at the 20 or so people there waiting.
Here in WA most people vote through the mail. DH and I voted last week.

I just got home from canvassing pestering folks who haven't voted yet. We had an actual list of registered Democrats who hadn't voted. It is raining like crazy here, so most people who were home just felt sorry for me and told me they would go vote.

Part of my volunteer duties also included stopping by the polling place and checking off the list the people who had voted so we wouldn't keep bugging them - the folks at the polls said they were having a bigger turnout than they've had in many years.

Just so y'all know - I don't make telephone calls. I don't like to receive them, so I don't make them.
Not a big turnout here in MS. No contested races.
All incumbents are heavily favored.
The only contests are for smal time judge posts.
Voted during lunch hour. It was rainy and I expect a low turnout, but there appeared to be more people voting than in past elections.
Voted early and in person about a week ago at the county registrar's office. The electronic touch screen was easy to use.

From the sound of things here, there was a good turnout. If so, that's great (though it probably won't favor my candidates).
I just heard the the governor of South Carolina couldn't vote because he forgot his registration card. A bit embarrassing. :-\
donheff said:
Early and often. I grew up in Chicago. :LOL:
I grew up there on the southside..I still vote there and I live in Minnesota! What a great country.. :D
Voted by absentee ballot last week.

Here in Ohio, all sorts of problems with the machines (surprise surprise).

Whose brilliant idea was it to run a smoke test on beta software on a major election?
DanTien said:
I grew up there on the southside..I still vote there and I live in Minnesota! What a great country.. :D

You've got that right! Every time I hear those Ohio Republicans getting credit for being able to steal votes and influence elections, I just about puke. Dey don't know nuttin'! When it comes to getting things organized and delivering the vote, Chicago Dems are the world leaders. And we get praised for it too. No investigations, no whining, just winners!

DanTien, not only do you still get to vote on da south side, your Ward Committeeman knows how you voted and knows how to return a favor! ;)
Martha said:
I just heard the the governor of South Carolina couldn't vote because he forgot his registration card. A bit embarrassing. :-\
He left it at the governer's mansion in Columbia, but he votes in Sullivan's Island, here in Charleston County. He had to go to a county office to get a replacement. I don't know if an ordinary person could get this done as quickly. This was the first election here in SC where I needed to show the voter ID. Lucky for me, I always bring it--otherwise I'd forget where to vote and my precinct number. Several rpecincts vote at the same place and you want to get in the right line.

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