Do you feel guilty about ER?


Dryer sheet aficionado
Aug 30, 2008
Ottawa Canada
Do you feel guilty about ER?


- should still be w*rking, contributing to society?

- having too much fun, life shouldn't be this good?

Only that I am not ERd. ;)
Do you feel guilty about ER?
- should still be w*rking, contributing to society?
- having too much fun, life shouldn't be this good?
I gotta learn not to take a big mouthful of coffee before clicking on "next post".

No, no guilt feelings at all. What we mostly feel is "Life is good." We worked our assets off for this ER and we're going to enjoy it by collecting more money in retirement than we ever collected in paychecks.

And I'm pretty sure I'm still catching up on the fun that I deferred in my working years. Maybe by 2030 I'll be getting closer to parity. Doubt it. I never felt guilty about taking recess or summer vacations from school, either.

I should point out that there are more ways to contribute to society than by earning a paycheck and trying to save Social Security/Medicare.

But it doesn't matter how we feel. Would you feel guilty about taking long vacations from the workplace? Would you feel guilty about taking a three-month sabbatical? Six months? A year?

The key would be how you felt about going back to work. At that point you'd realize you had nothing to feel guilty about...

I should point out that there are more ways to contribute to society than by earning a paycheck and trying to save Social Security/Medicare....
This is the crux of the biscuit. And where does this idea come from: that we need to contribute to society? What is society anyway? I could sit cross-legged on a mountain top for forty years on that one.

No guilt here, but then my retirement is "semi-early." I did do a long stint in "semi-retirement." Don't think I had any guilt there either but I did get more people looking at me askance.
Guilt? Nope!

The only thing I felt remotely like it could perhaps be called a mild form of "survivor guilt" where I feel a little sorry for the poor folks who have to keep working. Especially those who are stuck working for the rest of their life.

No longer "working to contribute to society"? I never felt an obligation to some nameless "society" in general, only to those people close to me and those organizations with which I choose to be involved.

Having "too much fun"? I heartily subscribe to the Declaration of Independence assertion of the inalienable human right to "pursuit of happiness". There is no such thing as "too much fun".

Gosh, where do people get these bizarre guilt-ridden puritanical self-denying concepts anyway. And in whose interest is it, exactly, to perpetuate these. Your own? I don't think so! It's the way for other people, "society", to get you do deny yourself and give them what they want instead.

You California folks sure have some strange names for things. If we had a clue whether you were a Jo or a Joe we might have some idea as to the particular body part people were viewing...
Phew! That kind of Texas talk in the summer gives me the vapors.
Thanks for all your replies

And yes, I'll try the search engine soon.

A couple relatives have said that they "should work". Those "shoulds" are killers.

sit cross-legged on a mountain top

be it known by all sentient beings that this post is my contribution to society. one more thing i can cross off my things to do today list.

is not even sitting cross-legged on a mountain top a contribution to society? one less person driving the highways, crowding the malls, one less person adding their neurosis to the world.

who contributes more (as if quantity matters): continuously struggling ambassadors of a riving planet or one who attains a moment of personal inner peace.


"life is a play and we all play a part: the lover, the dreamer, the clown" ~~laugh clown laugh
.........The only thing I felt remotely like it could perhaps be called a mild form of "survivor guilt" where I feel a little sorry for the poor folks who have to keep working. Especially those who are stuck working for the rest of their life..........

My sentiments exactly - especially the people that were left behind at Megacorp when I took the buyout. They are trying to do the same tasks with far fewer people.
Do you feel guilty about ER?

Not one bit! (Although my retirement was not that early by the standards of many on this forum, age 58.)
- I enjoy life pretty much on my own terms;
- I work out a lot, thereby (hopefully) keeping aggregate national health expenses lower;
- I (thankfully) have the resources to contribute to a few charities;
- I support my community through taxes but take little out of it (e.g., no kids in school, no need for public support for health care, fuel assistance, etc.)
- I volunteer in several venues, probably contributing to society a helluva lot more than I did during my post-Navy, corporate "career."
- I don't commute to work; therefore I put less carbon in the air than I did when I was working.
- I have time to shoot the breeze with store clerks and be nicer/less brusque than when I worked (and was more hurried/harried).

And even being a Catholic :angel:(where guilt is often part of the package) I don't have any. :)
No guilt.

Just a dirty little smirk every morning when I wake up and see that its after 8 in the morning.
Oya, Nda, ?da, Nde, K'amaj, C'am, N...taj, Tsaa, Haw, Hawaa, Maley, Nee, Geen, Gai, Ats, Ci, Mahnguh, Indi, ?nkobi, Jo, Ne, Jok, Arangkwa, Yelem, Aydelem, Aye, Ie, Way, Cuwa, Ti, Nari, Na, Dah, Ma, Poyeda, Lay, Laa, La, Lela, Jo, Jo, Mai?, Voch, Che, Nu, Daabş, Ma, La, Non, Nun, Iyat, Mam, Ba, Wşn, Ahqho, Aqa, Keawai, Janiwa, Janiw, Jani, Janixay, Janix?, Gatu, Yox, Gila, Sinalubiri, Ahah, Nangwa, Enna, Ayi, Yagam, Yugam, Hais, Katai, Kutai, Yok, Ez, Daong, Ne, Nie, Awe, Na, Bobo, Gara, Ni, No, Saa, Te, Ao, Poi-e, Ne, Hm, Awşje, All-, Nann, Ket, Nope, Taah, Mu-, Teo, Taawe, Ne, Momo, Ngai, Mahou'hpu, Mahou'pabu, Gala, Bee, Be, [emphatic]Beeya, [saidbymen]E, [saidbywomen]Ee, É'e, Doo-yee, Kily, E, Kş'i, Ma...ta, Maan, Mhai, Nie', No, ?, Ahe', ?ndi, N, Oh?'m, Haan-haan, Haa-ha', Dac, Ka'c, Ka'cu, Katcokma, Tla, V'-tla, Tla-hv, Hov'čhne, Iyayi, Iyaye, No, Halo, Wake, ??i, Iyayi, Ani, Pepe, Keyu, Ahanh, Chikimba, Iksho, Mach, Ma', Ma'anic, Ma, Mach, X'?ş, Ha?ş, Ma, Ohom, K'amu, Ma, K'amu, OhŤm, Sewilx, Amo, Se, Anictu, Museil, Pwo, Chuk, Ohom, Nyi, Kai, Keka, Ko, Tocus?, La, V?, Nani, Kai, Kamu, Kepu, Nageus, Na, Nagusy, Non, Inn?, Kue, Akwi, Akwe, Ekwe, Elekic, Eka, Mwčc, Nam?ya, Mola, Kus, MŤnkos, Hekťst, Non, Ne, Sa, Su, D?ta, Nej, Kaha', 'Andooh, 'Awundooh, Yagu, Noon, Umaaw, Aliu, Hani, Wata, Guran, Yaga, OhŤm, A'ou, Nee, Neen, Yimba, Aa, Kha-, Gadu, Da, No, Nope, Uh-uh, Nut, Naw, Nah, Noway, Na, Nese, Ne, Me'-tea, A'na, Maal, Ei, Ep, Es, Eiba, Eih, ?ih, Ein, Qu?ta, Aan, Aach, Aachin, Koa, Koko, Aaha, Nei, Nah, Ne, Xai, Sega, Ei, Eo, A'a, Non, Nee, N?, Ala, Jikai, W?, Xai, Diylyola, Non, Nenni, Nona, Nani, Gamil, Nedda, 'Aa, 'Aa?, Nani, K'amu, ?o, ?hv, Ah-ra, Ara, Nein, [slang]N?, [slang]Nie, [slang]Naa, [spokenlanguage]Nee, Nei, Naa, [spokenlanguage]Na, Maya, Nau, Ochi, De'ngje, N?'?, Ahaniri, Nahniri, NahiiN, Naa, Ma, Yaka, Biway, Gurrangung, Manari, Aya, Mo, Me, Babu, A'a, 'A'ole, Lo, Desa, Nesats, Jinahi, Nahin, Hye, Jinahin, Naheen, Na, Tsis, Chťimu, Hina, Mhai, Msian-ne, Msi, Bo, Mtioh, Mmsi, Uhun, Qa'?, Gae', K'ae', A?, Atsa, Ib, Ngwüy, Ngome, Ngo, Ka-, Nem, Nei, Ntondo, No, Saan, Haan, Ne, Tidak, [informal]ndak, [informal]nggak, [informal]kagak, [don't]Jangan, [notyet]Belum, [forthings]Bukan, Aa, Maawaach, No, Non, Naaga, Naamik, Aagaa, Aakka, Naagga, Naaka, Naamik, [itisn't]Nşhea, No, Ne, No, Engga, Ma', Omba, 'A, Na, Ani, Ye', Mach, Isha, Iie, Nne, Iya, Yanda, Ingeno, [highJavanese]Mboten, Ora, [forthings:not]Sanes, Nann?n, Kayon, Nau, Ak, A'ou, Ahani, ?ni, Lawnga, Kuru, Ne, Moh, Mao, [emphatic]Mako, Uga, Anit?, N'a'i, K'amaq, C'am, Beda, Illa, Aa, Ali, Deeai, Jo, ?ni, Ei, Mwe?, Ne-keh, Ma, Aricne, Ka'ya, Lawnga, K?t?, Ki?p, -e?m, Zhoq, Ohom, Ink'a, Ma, Ink'a', Chox, Taku, ||ka, Te, Otte, Pa, No, Moh, Ingaaha, Ayee, V?, Aca, Tiguo, Aa, Oya, Acha, Jok, Oya, Yo, Hapana, A-a, ?awa, ?niko, Ni, Bebe, Aga, Abu, Naa, Aniyo, Animnida, Ajo, Ajej, Moh, Non, Nomo, Wiya, Suli, |kťa, |kťi, P?uhara, Na, Ne, Neu, No, Mala, Mats, Gooran, Aaye, [emphatic]Ahawe, [emphatic]Ahowe, |ka, |kwa, ka:, Man, Biduk, No, ?ni, Mahhey, Łi, Hiya, Shnee, Bo, Non, Nullus, Minime, Ne, Kapwa, Ku, Mata, Kuta, Umayay, Tahashi, Tachich, Mahchikwi, Alalan, Kukesi, Kunkesi, Kuktakohchi, Kuntakohchi, Okeksene, Ngga', T?, No, Non, Ne, [veryinformal]A'a, [veryinformal]M'm, ?b, [you]?t, [me/I]?b, No, Nee, Nee, Ne, Qay, Gai, Inehi, Ngaaha, Nangwa, Kwaha, Ooyo, Xwş?, Kagute, Neen, Lawnga, Ne, Ikai, Dele, Tsia, An, an, Tidak, Bukan, Le, Mi, Min, Ai, Yimba, Waka, [not]Aku, Bushizheyang, Budui, Meiyou, Bushi, Hani, Ham, Aat, Aita, Kao, Kare, Mü, Nahi, Uke, Ampi, Mampi, Ampu, Jaab, Mme, Nanga, Aepot?a, A-a, Nole, Gčmu, Noo, Pamiyeur, Mv[+subject], Maiv[+subject], M?imi, Moqwa, Ao, Indak, H?'?, Apia, Ewut?, Hama, Hella, Huma, Ken, 'Ewyty', [informal]'E'eh, Hela, Ewutu, Ka'p, Kip, Ka, Ład+u, KoŤ, Tť', Tťu, Met, Ekshu, Q'ay, Nau, H?e, Ha, Non, ?güi, [notthis]Bish, Karu, Gadu, Garu, Ayo, Ma', Aras, Aja?, A?, Akana, Amo, Hiya, Edi, Ana:, Achicha, Minta, I?k, De?ei, Dooda, Ndaga', Mewaq, Hayi, Koma, Nono, Ya'ngo, Ahaa, [definition]Hoina, [location]Chaina, Makhu, Ngarru, Jowandjan, ?ť, [lit.don't]Warrayi, No, Nei, N?i, Deai, ??, ?wč, Oh?'m, Juat, Ni, Gaawesa, Kai, Ana, Hon'-ka-zhi, On'ka-zhi, N?, N?, Noun, Mbu, |kwa, |kwi, Kwi, Vuo, Vuol, Vuel, Ya'a, K'ami, Mwi, Pame, Ning, Neng, Pia'a, Roba, Anş, N?h?, Na, Nakhayr, [polite]Kotama, [slang]Konotiri, [slang]Ne, [answertoquestion]Iniani, [forbidding]Hari'a, ?ni, Karu, M'khu, ?mbe, ?starhu, ?si, No, Nomoa, Pia'a, Inte, Tesu, Tee, Wiya, Eeno, Nau, Nee, Ma, Ntaj, Ntax, Ta, Maa, Ma...ta, Nie, Si'ai, Siei, Kui, Da', Caj, N?o, Co, Non, [formal]Nani, Naheen, Nahi, Yaapw, Mmm, Yeehee, Manam, Mana, Manan, [forbidding]Ama, Ma-, Man...taj, Ina, Kare, Hae?um?, Niş, NişkŤ, Nişkmş, Na, Na, Nu, Na, 'Igka'i, 'Igke'i, Nyet, ?ewe, Taj, ?le, Ij, Tae, T?toto, Tahatna, Mer?, ?h?, Leai, Kai, Ipo, N?n?, N, Wa?, No, Na, Nde, Ee, Naw, Nae, Na, Mo, Aowa, Ne, Saate, Nou, Non, Tjhe, Tjhee, Aikona, Nyaa, ?i?, Ahha, Mecheye, Mesheki, Uhuh, G?, Neh, Icma, Aiwa, Kwete, Kai, Atsa, Nuddu, Nessunu, Baatili, Na, Ma, Natha, Qa, Ha, Nie, Ne, Maya, Ayi, Ne, No, T, Nono, Heunteu, Sanes, [don't]Ulah, Na, Noe, Nej, Ohom, [toelder]Hindipo, [sameage/younger]Hindi, Aita, U'a, [emphatic]Wu'a, Ne, Nono, Kala-kala, Illai, Venda, Baety, K?, Que, Quetasi, Tsirap?, Tasi, Tarap?, Ak?a, Nay, Yuk, Boomi, Gom, Umbae, Bae, Kaddu, Ledu, Maitague, Lae, [beforeaverb]La, Mai, Maidai, Maichai, Maioua, Ma-ja, Yo, Marey, Meyin, La', [emphatic]Lala', Ay-[+verbroot]-n, Tailpa, T'akwha, Klek, Tleix, Miyuc, Mi, Nogat, 'Ikai, Hş-ekh, Nichuna, Gala, Te, To, Wik, Haic, Mbe'ae, Anhan, Ijji, Iddi, Mbaa, Naani, [emphatic), [bywomen]Naani-mia, Hayir, Yok, Chok, Daabş, Ju'uk, [thereisn't]Ma'yuk, I'i, Mo'oj, [beforeconsonant]Mu, [beforevowel]Muc, Ma, Maan, ?v?l, Ni, Ana, Nahin, NehiiN, Anin, Ta', Kach, Ka-, Jyok, Yaq, Yuk, Y?q, No, Ei, Kh?ng, Th?akh?ng, Awigi, Dili, [old]Tifale, Ei, EB, Ep, Wihya, Mi, Neis, Aye, Wandi, [literally:'nothing']Lawa, [innegativecommands]Walku, Wangaay, Wayil, ?s, A, Aitsa, Wayil, Oh?m, Na, [noIdidn't]Naddo, [noIdidn't]Nage, [noIdon'twant]Nagoes, [noIamnot]Nacydw, Ya'a, El-eh-oh, Min, Mina, Wirraay, Kia, Ohom, Deedeet, K'amu, |na, K'au, K'auki, Anr?, Łi, Hayi, Nne, Ngava, 'É'e, K'amu, Ohom, Nit, Neyn, Mita, Anhan, K'ami, K'amu, K'amu, Ohom, Yaka, Rara, Oti, B??kŤ, Ma', Maa, Yahq, Tan, Mi-tang-keh, No, Ganga, Que, Ka', Ko', Akti, Bi, Bito, Cabi, Abi, Bi, Bibi, Bitw, Cabi, Bow, Ejxe, Watkh, Ja'ne, N@7tti, Cha, Tsha, Haaingeko, 'Ella,

In case you missed my point, that is NO in about 980 dialects/slang/languages!
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Do you feel guilty about ER?

- should still be w*rking, contributing to society?

- having too much fun, life shouldn't be this good?
I don't feel a single bit guilty, never have, and never will! I served the required [-]sentence[/-] number of years to achieve [-]parole[/-] full retirement for the rest of my life! I don't feel anymore guilt over my successful ER, than I feel when I win something in a raffle (like the half hog in won last December for buying a $5 raffle ticket). I feel joy, gladness, happiness, elation, satisfaction, and a myriad of other wonderful feelings over my ER......but guilt.....NEVER!!!

Do I feel I should still be working? NO WAY!!! What are ya nutz?! Contributing to society? Screw 'society'! Let 'society' fend for itself! That's not to say that I don't offer my time and money to help the less fortunate, because I do.

Do I feel like I'm having too much fun? Too much fun is like too much money....too much chocolate.....too much garlic....too much....well, you get the picture.

Life shouldn't be this good? Ummmm, somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but THIS is what REAL life is supposed to be like!!! Work, jobs, careers.....those are merely a means to achieve a goal......LIFE!
I feel guilty just thinking about ER. I'm still w*rking, but seriously planning for ER. Maybe guilty is not the right word, but I'll feel bad that every single one of my friends will still be working for years to come.

After ER, I definitely won't feel guilty that I'm not contributing to society, because I will still be a contributer. After ER, I'll still be the same consumer that I've been all my life, so I'm keeping the economy going same as always, and by leaving my j*b I'll be making room for a younger, probably smarter worker. So it's all good. :)
Maybe guilty is not the right word, but I'll feel bad that every single one of my friends will still be working for years to come.
IMHO, you not only shouldn't you feel guilty, you shouldn't even feel bad about their working situation. I mean your planning and adjusting to make ER possible for yourself, and they've had/have the same opportunity to do likewise. Whether others can plan ahead and stick to that plan is solely up to them. So there's no need to harbor ANY negative feeling about your ability to plan and execute an early out.

When I pulled the plug, there were other people who had about the same amount of years of service as I did. However, they were the ones who had only hoped to be able to ER, but they hadn't planned for it. Thus they're still on the treadmill, and will be for many years to come.......even so, they still aren't planning for their future escape. Sadly, most of them say they will stay working 'til they get dragged out of the place by their ankles, because they won't be able to afford to retire....early or otherwise.
Sadly, most of them say they will stay working 'til they get dragged out of the place by their ankles, because they won't be able to afford to retire....early or otherwise.

Had a friend say the other day that they'd have to dig him up outta the ground to punch the clock, he's so far away from imagining being able to retire. This was after I mentioned DH will be retiring in just a few years.
My jaw dropped, seriously. I hope that it was a joke, but still!
I'm only partly semi-er'd taking off Fridays, but Friday is generally the day that I get the most flak from friends/family/coworkers, and I don't feel guilty one bit
Guilty? Heck no.
I earned it, I owe it myself and darn well enjoying it.

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