Do you have what it takes to be a Billionaire: Test

Heh. I already KNOW I don't have what it takes because after living through the last 18 months, I know I'd stop taking any risk LONG before I got to a billion.
I saved time. Pass on the test. If I had what it takes to be a billionaire, I would be one.

Wondering, how many billionaires took the test before becoming one? I'd venture to say none. They were too busy making money.

So I guess there are two kinds of people, those who take tests to find out what they are good at. And those who do what they are good at.
I got a 56, same category as Orchidflower. But then I took it again, using my preconceived notions of what billionaires are like instead of answering truthfully, and got an 84 - - Forbes 400 billionaire.
I received a 60. I already knew that I would never be a billionaire. I wish that I had more money, but I would not ever want to be a billionaire.
I got a 38. That puts me in the "Joe Salariman" group. Dang.
I got upper income bracket. Too bad my present job feels more like training for upper income tax bracket.
I took it for several people in my family and none of us got higher than 62.
Lol 46 out of 100...Stuck with a house in the burbs. Ok by me. But Id prefer some acreage for livestock and guns ;)
I took it 5 times, playing with the answers. Real answers = 50, randomish answer = 50-58. Wonder what the trick is.
I got only 48, but I already knew the result.

If you use the billion term to mean 1,000 million, all I lack is $996,000,000. Damn I hate being inferior.
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Lol 46 out of 100...Stuck with a house in the burbs. Ok by me. But Id prefer some acreage for livestock and guns ;)

Is that you, "long lost bro"? Me, too, 46.

Is that a poorly constructed test or what? I was surprised at how restricted their questions were and assumed right off the bat that being the youngest child would keep me under a billion.

! substituted “Fluffy” for my nonexistent kids; BTW, she gets nothing. In a later question, they ask if you have kids. Huh?

Ye gods, I do collect art although I don’t consider it a hobby; how many people can say they sail, collect art or raise thoroughbred horses? If they don’t, they have to choose, “what hobbies”?
40 upper income - but apparently right on the cliff as Shawn reports that 38 is Joe Salaryman. Seems right to me.

I never wanted a billion anyway.

And how come there wasn't an other on the hobby question?
52, and the accompanying description was pretty much correct...
I got a 62 -- but just re-checked my statements....where are my tens of millions?!
I got a 62. Did it again but changed my country of birth to US and got a 70. (Foreign born military brat.)
36:confused: Must be my sailing hobby, no way can you become a billionaire by being a sailing bum.
38?? I figured I'd be at least a 50!
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