Does anyone else find Dr Rick annoying?


Recycles dryer sheets
May 25, 2014
Actually IMHO the whole insurance industry is having a competition for most annoying commercials. Insurance is like dentistry -- no one wants it, really, and we hate shopping for it. Limu Emu makes me want to shove Doug into the Hudson.

Dr Rick is a "Parentamorphosis Coach" who helps young homeowners avoid "turning into your parents." His advice and criticism seem ageist and often overlook the fact that long experience might give people reasons for doing what they do. And a lot of what he seems to dislike is behavior that could be considered outgoing or helpful, and is observable in people of any age.

At any rate, mocking seniors strikes me as another facet of what's going on in the world today -- shaming, cancelling, mocking, or putting down anyone who doesn't look or act just like yourself. Or as the Rolling Stones put it, "He can’t be a man because he doesn’t smoke the same cigarettes as me." What makes Rick's opinions better than anyone else's? And for that matter, has anyone noticed 30-year-olds having any trouble expressing their own opinions or choices?

Or am I just confirming my geezerhood and proving Dr Rick's point?

The anti-voicemail one -- yes, it takes longer. But's it's way more personal, you get to leave a longer message than it's practical to type, voice-to-text often makes mistakes, and the listener can tell from your tone whether he needs to call back today or next week will do. And I won't forget it, because it STAYS THERE, unlike the text message that scroll off the screen as soon as my fourth expiring-car-warranty spam of the day arrives.

Yard stuff -- gnomes aren't my thing, but why should anyone care if they are? And that gazing globe he finds -- my mom told me that when she was a girl in Vermont 100 years ago, only the rich people had these as they were very expensive. Buying unnecessary kitsch is a symbol of success for some, but for many it's a reminder of something pleasant in the past. How are these symbols worse than your third pair of Skullcandy headphones?

Buying in bulk -- he's got a point here, but I don't think that your parents are the only ones who forget that freshness might be as important as price.

How does Dr Rick frost your cookies?
Some of the earlier commercials were kind of funny but yeah, this most recent one, about the voicemail, just seemed dumb. It's like, why is this supposed to be funny? It's actually practical to leave a voicemail sometimes!

Another problem though, is that it seems like these days they'll play a commercial to death, so it goes past its expiration date much quicker than back in the old days.

I swear one of these days, I'm going to hear "Call NOOWWWWW...It's Dy-No-MITE!!", "Get your Docs in a Ro-ow" or anything relating to Camp Lejeune one time too many, and I'm going to pretend I'm Elvis, and that Robert Goulet just came on the tv :p
All commercials are annoying. I don't watch or listen to any of them. On the rare occasion that I watch live tv, I mute and use the time for something else.
The one good thing about "Joe Buck" (Sportscaster) is I've learned how to tune out annoying things like him and such commercials as these.

Although there are a few a find funny.
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They are annoying and really stupid so you can remember them. I don’t care for them either and actually makes me less inclined to consider a product which is probably backfiring for the advertisers. I think the people coming up with the ads are reaching for anything these days to make their client stand out. Commercial only get worst as the years roll on.
Thanks for clarifying that Dr Rick is a commercial. It wasn’t clear to me and a search of the googily wasn’t helpful. In that case I agree with this
All commercials are annoying. I don't watch or listen to any of them.

This is a media topic so the thread was moved to the media forum.
I'm not sure who Dr. Rick is, as whenever I do watch TV, which is very infrequently, I mute all commercials!:D
We never watch TV. Problem solved.
The one good thing about "Joe Buck" (Sportscaster) is I've learned how to tune out annoying things like him and such commercials as these.

My mom was a baseball fan and would listen to her beloved local broadcaster on headphones to avoid every other talking head, and most especially the national guys like Buck. She would go to family events and still listen to her team, much to the chagrin of my sister. I thought it was precious.
They are funny cuz they’re true. We just don’t like a mirror put in front of us sometimes.
The problem with a lot of these commercials is it's often difficult to match the commercial with the company. I'd have to give some real thought to figuring out which company Dr. Rick is shilling for. Contrast that with the GEICO gecko! The LiMu emu I can figure out but the annoying jingle helps with that. And Flo with Progressive has been on so long, she's almost like family. But the DY-NO-MITE commercial for me is a head scratcher. I know it's for Medicare, almost certainly Medicare Advantage but I have no idea who is behind it.

Oddly, the Subaru commercial with the dog family leaving their hot dogs behind makes the proper connection for me but I don't understand why. Maybe it's a dog owner thing. Still, my favorite commercial using a dog was the old Polaroid one: I still chuckle at it. Perfectly edited to tell a great story in 30 seconds and you remember the sponsor!
I'm not sure who Dr. Rick is, as whenever I do watch TV, which is very infrequently, I mute all commercials!:D


I don't have the slightest clue as to who he is, or what kind of doctor he is. The degree of masochism required to intentionally not hit the mute button, and instead choose to listen to commercials on TV or the internet, is beyond anything I could possibly grasp.

I don't even watch them while muted (that is what computer solitaire is for).

We never watch TV. Problem solved.
That's better than me! I probably listen to 1-2 hours of TV each year, mostly in the event of an impending disaster such as a hurricane bearing down upon us. Even then I don't listen to commercials.
How does Dr Rick frost your cookies?

They don't bother me in the least (I'm 67) although I don't consider them very funny ... except for the "It's a freezer, not a time capsule" one. Having looked in many freezers large and small, it rings true.
When we watch regular TV, I'm astounded by so many ads, and how long each block of ads takes. Someday ads will take up more time than a show.

I mute ads as I can't stand them and don't want my brain filled with their gibberish. I'm on my second remote , and I've worn out the mute button again !!
Right now I have to decrease the volume to 0 instead of mute :cool:
+1 or more. Totally annoying and does nothing to tell me what makes Progressive (?) a place to buy my insurance
+1 or more. Totally annoying and does nothing to tell me what makes Progressive (?) a place to buy my insurance
Well I just learned something. I didn't realize they were selling insurance. Shows you how much attention I pay to their commercials.
I find these commercials very entertaining. Like the old "trunk Monkey" ads. (if you don't know, google it!)
Lighten up, it's a joke.....
They are funny cuz they’re true. We just don’t like a mirror put in front of us sometimes.
^ This ^

Anybody that leaves a voicemail nowadays is simply announcing to the world that they're over 50 years old. And that's the point of the commercial, they're trying to appeal to Millennials and Gen Yers by poking fun at seniors. These commercials are basically "OK Boomer" mini-skits.

One of my favorite Dr Rick quotes is when a woman wants to print something off a website for safekeeping and Rick answers, "You don't need to do that, you don't need to print part of the internet."

Insurance commercials attempt to be humorous because they deal with ghastly outcomes. Nobody wants to think about their house burning down or becoming an invalid from a car accident. So they present their products as being a source of laughs. I find it kind of interesting that Allstate's Mr. Mayhem tries to have it both ways by actually showing accidents and then portray them as being easily fixed.

Most insurance commercials aren't very funny. I actually like the Dr. Rick commercials. At least they are somewhat funny.
No wonder I had no idea who this Rick guy was. Thanks to Roku I haven’t had to watch a commercial in over two years. The fact that he is still on commercials says a lot about him that he can make fun of later.
I had to look up "Dr Rick voice mail commercial" on YouTube. I've seen some of their commercials in the past, on Hulu. I didn't think those were mocking old people in particular, but mocking people who they consider stupid...
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They are funny cuz they’re true. We just don’t like a mirror put in front of us sometimes.
I agree, people need to learn to laugh at themselves. See the humor instead of getting worked up over something with an element of truth. I would rather watch Dr Rick commercial than most commercials, if i am watching TV. Especially the current Camp Lejeune or political commercials.
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