favorite / least favorites buzzwords from work

My company - actually just this one office which used to be its own firm - has it's own jargon but they expect everyone to magically know it. One example is "OBE." The first time I read that in an email I copied a list of a dozen possible explanations from Wikipedia , including "Order of the British Empire," "Ottawa Board of Education," and "out-of-body experience," and politely asked which was the correct interpretation. The correct answer was "overcome by events." Of course, I then had to ask what the he|| that meant.

We used that all the time in JAD sessions.
Any combination of the following:

  • Win-Win
  • GOYA
  • Team
  • 5S, or in the original form: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke
    But of course it had to be improved to 6S in our “culture”, with the addition of “Safety”; completely disregarding the fact that safety was one of the primary goals of 5S.
  • The various geometric representations of the envisioned management system to become; the pillars with a triangular topper, the basic layered pyramid, the overlapping concentric circles, or in the newest rendition, a tree. Each of these re-appeared in various renditions through my tenure with the megacorp(s) overseeing our facility. One could hardly wait for the latest and greatest, which the newest recruit from HR would be tasked with excitedly introducing to the masses. Yippee.
Putting on the smiley face for another 72 working days.
OMG, that reminds me of the systems architecture diagrams the contractors were putting out when I retired...since we were, apparently, not doing pretty enough ones on our own. Anything having to do with customers, users, or other human elements was shown as a man, or men and women, wearing suits, and inexplicably up to their waists in little bowls of liquid.

Happily, my little temp job doesn't involve systems diagrams...not yet, at least. No doubt they are lurking in the wings.


  • The various geometric representations of the envisioned management system to become; the pillars with a triangular topper, the basic layered pyramid, the overlapping concentric circles, or in the newest rendition, a tree.
Six Sigma. At MegaMotors it started out being advanced training for high potential engineers and ended up being a dumping ground for excess management.
Six Sigma. At MegaMotors it started out being advanced training for high potential engineers and ended up being a dumping ground for excess management.

You beat me to Six Sigma.

Cost of Ownership

Cost of Quality

Also with 6S we need to "strongly" consider compliance with OSHA VPP (Voluntary Protection program). I guess it will be someone else's problem since I only have 47 more days to go.......
The CEO of a company that bought out one I worked with once said:

"While I don't mind criticism I will not tolerate cynicism."

Meaning of course that he would tolerate neither.

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