Flu Shot

I confess I've gotten flu shots only once or twice. I'm waiting for them to replace the mercury with hallucinogens. Then I'll be first in line.
Who knew discussions of flu shots could be so much fun! :)
Never had one, but was almost vaccinated for the three year rabies thanks to an ill-timed move by one of the cats during our vet visit the other day.
Good for you.

That's DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis.

I'm up to date on all those plus flu plus zoster.

Rich, can you give us the suggested schedule for these? I had a DT after trauma 5 years ago at age 64. I doubt I have had a pertussis shot since I was a child, and perhaps they didn't even exist when I was a tot? :)

Rich, can you give us the suggested schedule for these? I had a DT after trauma 5 years ago at age 64. I doubt I have had a pertussis shot since I was a child, and perhaps they didn't even exist when I was a tot?
Ha, generally a 5 year interval gets you a booster: TDap if never given, T alone if you are up to date.

Otherwise for prevention you might find this helpful:


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I also got the shot today. I had the Flu about 30 years ago. I can tell you it was the sickest I have ever been in my life. I was in the bed for 10 days with fever and aches. It took me many more weeks to completely get over the flu. I will never miss a shot again
Never mind Mr. Rich. I just noticed you have already commented on the first page of the thread.
Sorry about that. :blush:
Any comment on the mercury levels?
I've never heard about this.
I got my first flu shot last year but intended to get another soon.
"Of the vaccines today that still contain mercury, the flu vaccine is the biggest concern, according to Dr. Ayoub. About 80 percent of flu vaccines contain as much as 25 micrograms of mercury per dose. The EPA's safe limit for mercury is 0.1 mcg/kg, so everyone who gets the flu vaccine receives an overdose of mercury. You would have to weigh at least 550 pounds to receive a flu shot and be within the safe federal exposure limits for mercury"

Mercury Poisoning from Vaccines – Mercury Vaccine Thimerosal, Autism, Heath Care Studies, Candida Program

Note the shift to EPAs mercury limit , which is based on a totally different concept of exposure i.e. a daily limit

The oral Reference Dose (RfD) is based on the assumption that thresholds exist for certain toxic effects such as cellular necrosis. It is expressed in units of mg/kg-day. In general, the RfD is an estimate (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily exposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime.

Methylmercury (MeHg) (CASRN 22967-92-6) | IRIS | US EPA

it could be dangerous to get a flu shot every day. But the above statement is nonsense
Pro-disease troll haz found forum.

Unfortunately we don't have a vaccine for that, we have to rely on the forum's natural defences to fight the disease.
Oh, hey, don't forget to have all your fillings removed. Mercury, and in grams, not puny micrograms. Oh, and those novocaine injections may contain mercury, too, although the conspirators might not list it on the label, so stick with whisky and branchwater, to avoid contaminants, including fluorides that will corrupt your precious bodily fluids.

(No, folks. Don't worry about the metallic mercury in fillings. It's not readily absorbed into your body, and is not nearly as dangerous as mercury-containing organic compounds such as methyl mercury. I can't believe what some people put themselves and their family through, in time, pain, and unnecessary procedural risks, to avoid an almost unmeasurably small risk.)
DH and I got our flu shots a few weeks ago. Get 'em every year. I don't want to risk getting sick, especially now I'm ER'ed. Back in my w*orking days, I didn't mind getting a mild cold (not the flu, just a regular cold). Gave me a chance to use up some sick leave and stay home in my jammies watching daytime TV.

One thing I notice about ER is I get fewer colds. My theory is it's due to less stress and more rest. Plus not being exposed to germy coworkers.:yuk:
I agree about the germy co-workers--my boss has little kids and is a regular Typhoid Mary! I mean, I'd never get sick from milling around at the bar--those peeps are healthy.
I agree about the germy co-workers--my boss has little kids and is a regular Typhoid Mary! I mean, I'd never get sick from milling around at the bar--those peeps are healthy.
Plus, it's a known fact that alcohol kills germs. Martinis are especially efficacious.


Thanks for all your posts regarding these vaccines. Very helpful. Thanks again.
Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake.

W. C. Fields
I got mine and am trying to book an appointment for DD4.

I frequent a lot of autism forums as well. DD4 has autism. IMO, it is not possible to have a rational discussion between the pro and anti vaccine crowd.

I believe in vaccines and am a rational, science minded person. But, I am spacing out DDs vaccines a bit. Still within the proscribed time frame.

Sure, I KNOW there are no real (double blind, placebo based, etc) studies but still feel I should be cautious.

I had the flu once as well. Don't want it again, and certainly want DD to avoid it!
Now if we could just 'space out' exposure to infected people...
I'm one of those who has never had a flu shot and probably never will. For me it's got nothing to do with the mercury or any concept of the big bad drug company, just that I feel I am healthy enough to fend off germs that come my way. I haven't so much as had a cold since 1997. I actually think it does my body good to learn how to fight off disease.

Of course I can say that as I am relatively young (40s), if I was 65+ I might feel differently.

If I do get the flu I would use my brain and stay at home until I was better rather than spreading the germs far and wide.
With the flu (and many other infectious diseases) you can infect others before the symptoms show.
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