Funny or Sad

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old medic

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 28, 2020
So I dropped into a friends Pub for a quick beer and say hello. I'm sitting at the far end of the bar, a guy in his mid 30s is next to me. Farther down sits 2 young ladies, the one looks like a teenager, but has a beer. Them 2 are laughing and carrying on, having a good time... Then I watch the young one raise up her arm and talks to her watch... I had to laugh and say " I finally got to meet Dick Tracy"
The guy next to me says Who:confused:...
The older girl stands up and scream WHAT DID YOU SAY!
So I repeat myself saying her friend reminded me of Dick Tracy....
She then threatens to call the cops because she thought I was sexually harassing them.... The owner comes to my rescue, but they still don't believe the story..
Now heres the part were I fell of my stool and nearly wet myself and had to leave...

She raises her hand up and asked her watch... "Who's Dick Tracy" :facepalm:
So I dropped into a friends Pub for a quick beer and say hello. I'm sitting at the far end of the bar, a guy in his mid 30s is next to me. Farther down sits 2 young ladies, the one looks like a teenager, but has a beer. Them 2 are laughing and carrying on, having a good time... Then I watch the young one raise up her arm and talks to her watch... I had to laugh and say " I finally got to meet Dick Tracy"
The guy next to me says Who:confused:...
The older girl stands up and scream WHAT DID YOU SAY!
So I repeat myself saying her friend reminded me of Dick Tracy....
She then threatens to call the cops because she thought I was sexually harassing them.... The owner comes to my rescue, but they still don't believe the story..
Now heres the part were I fell of my stool and nearly wet myself and had to leave...

She raises her hand up and asked her watch... "Who's Dick Tracy" :facepalm:

Such is the world we live in. Talking to her watch is much easier than carrying on a real conversation that might reveal her lack of intelligence.

I say SAD.

WOW! I think it is funny as it gets. On the other hand, something so innocent can turn into something like that. So, sad how the world has come to the point where everyone feels some sort of getting even.

Great story.

Gotta be careful. Know your environment. Of course that gets more difficult as we age.
Such is the world we live in. Talking to her watch is much easier than carrying on a real conversation that might reveal her lack of intelligence.

I say SAD.

What makes you assume she's unintelligent? The fact that she doesn't know about a character comic strip that stopped running in 1977? Considering she might have been born in the 21st century, I wouldn't expect her to know it. I remember references from my childhood, but I don't think I've heard any in the last 20 or 25 years. (The movie was released 33 years ago.)
What you said was not out of line at all. Innocent comment taken out of context.

If these ladies spend much time in bars in the future (especially during the later hours) they will get an opportunity to hear a lot of language that is truly offensive. I hope they're careful.
Perhaps some govt agency should change all the references to Richard Tracy…..
It may be that the name "Dick" has sexual connotations to these young women, which furthered the misunderstanding. Rick is currently used as a nickname for Richard, and they may have never even heard "Dick" used as a legit name.

I say sign of the times.
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What makes you assume she's unintelligent? The fact that she doesn't know about a character comic strip that stopped running in 1977? Considering she might have been born in the 21st century, I wouldn't expect her to know it. I remember references from my childhood, but I don't think I've heard any in the last 20 or 25 years. (The movie was released 33 years ago.)

Yes. It's not her limited frame of reference that's the problem. Like the "let's laugh at a teenager who doesn't know how to dial a rotary phone" videos of a few years ago. I don't know how to shoe a horse. The sickening aspect is her lack of knowledge of her lack of knowledge and the knee-jerk reaction to.......:

A) assume malice

B) feel righteous at being offended as if being offended is the only thing that could be going on without even understanding the situation and feeling no need to understand it. And ....

C) .... hate the source of the thing she doesn't understand and feel no need to know about and punish it.
Such is the world we live in. Talking to her watch is much easier than carrying on a real conversation that might reveal her lack of intelligence.

I say SAD.


I think it's sad you assume she is unintelligent just because she has a new piece of technology.
If you aren't aware of current thinking on incel, innuendo and harrassment, it might be a good idea to engage in friendly banter with younger folks, other generations.
Good thing she didn't call the cops, she might have been underage for drinking and had a fake ID.
We are living in the land of snowflakes. Ugh!!!
Sad, in that they seem to be so sensitive and so quick to take offence. I see it all the time these days - everyone in that generation seems so coiled and ready to spring into attack mode over the smallest perceived slight.
Sad, in that they seem to be so sensitive and so quick to take offence. I see it all the time these days - everyone in that generation seems so coiled and ready to spring into attack mode over the smallest perceived slight.

That will change once they have to move out of dad's house and pay their own bills.
If the young lady's name happened to be Tracy, I can also see how her reaction might be a little bit justified.

I would venture to guess that 90% of people born since 1990 have no idea that Dick Tracy spoke into a wrist watch. Perhaps more. Most may not even know who Dick Tracy was.
If she had been talking on her shoe she would have appeared smarter.....

Max smart in fact.

Wonder if the young lady was playing with OP - shocked! shocked at the sexual innuendo in a bar!

So Dick Tracy~Fearless Fosdick~L'il Abner... I've been trying to find the L'il Abner strip where Abner is mighty proud of the amount of tax he gets to pay, while General Bullmoose is offended by his tax bill because "what's good for General Bullmoose is good for the country". Any L'il Abner experts here? Did I make it all up?
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I remember watching an old episode of Buck Rogers when I was a teenager, and being shocked when Buck said "Look THAT up in your Funk & Wagnalls!"

I was like, woah, how'd they get THAT past the censors?! And WTH is a "Wagnalls"?!

I think it was soon afterward, I saw a Funk & Wagnalls dictionary, and made the connection. And I'll confess, as a kid, I was never exposed to "Laugh In"
I suggest that young people never listen to the very excellent funk song, "Shaft" by Isaac Hayes. RIP Isaac.
Funny for those of us in the generation(s) aware of Dick Tracy.

But I think also sad, that it immediately went into harassment territory, without any kind of conversation to explain.

But that last part is hysterical that she talked into her watch to ask who he was!!
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