Getting divorced: he partly blames RE dreams

Having watched a couple of different divorces, it is kind of a relief when you see one where the protagonist recognizes the problem and just moves forward. No significant hemming and hawing or self doubt in the decision, which everyone around can see is the correct one.

I applaud your strength and character. Good luck.
please keep updating us. I just read this entire thread beginning to end. WOW!

you are a strong woman. Your life has changed for the better. Many years from now you will look back at this chapter in your life and laugh. It will be a distant memory.

You will be FIRE'd and happy and sitting by the fireplace with a glass of merlot. Later on in the evening, your new man will give you that look as he leans in to kiss you...... That night you will have spectacularly romantic and lustful sex with that man....

Your ex, however, well, he'll be an old angry balding doctor, working 100+hr weeks, struggling to pay bills, and hating his life.

smile honey.... your life is on a great path.
Congrats on getting your life together and best of luck in your new job.

I would def. write up an outline of your experiences and pitch it to Lifetime production company for a made-for-TV movie. It's a better script than most I've seen.
Living well IS the best revenge. Congrats on your progress as well as a job that you will be good at and stretch you in ways you want to go. Yaaay!
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Since several of you have requested updates and there seems to be enough interest in my ridiculous saga, thought I'd post again.

I moved into my new apartment yesterday. I still have a lot of unpacking/organizing to do, but I am here and happy! Things went as well as could be expected, with my amazing parents helping to move me in. I must say that I always thought of myself as not having that much stuff, but I am starting to rethink that image of myself after making untold numbers of trips up to the second floor! I don't know how "normal" people ever move!!!

My dad keeps joking about how I'm going to be living the life of a college student with rich parents since I'm living alone in a nice apartment in a trendy part of town. (I guess he forgets the part about working!)

My ex moved back into our house today. He will live there while it's on the market. He realized that he doesn't like his girlfriend and claims that he will be waiting for me for the rest of his life to return to him. I think he is being ridiculous and just trying to manipulate me as he certainly didn't appreciate me when we were married!

His family continues to envelop him in their toxicity. The latest is his alcoholic, drug-addict brother begging him to prescribe drugs for him, which my ex claims he won't do. I am just hoping that the rest of our state-mandated waiting period flies by, as I don't want to be responsible for any monetary damages if my ex's brother convinces him to prescribe and liability occurs.

Anyway, things are moving along. I continue to make new friends and build my new life. It's truly amazing how something that seems like it's the worst thing that could possibly happen turns around to provide new experiences and ultimately make a life that will be better than I could have imagined even a few months ago.
while it seems you are doing excellent in all regards, and I am very happy for you, I'll share my DW's best friend's saga that it may be a harbinger for you. DW's BF was in a way more awkward situation than you, such that when I met the future DW, her BF was living with her and against DW's insistence, giving DW money to help offset the cost of having another person live in the house. DW's BF was also paying a mortgage for an estranged husband which she ridiculously didn't want to divorce b/c of fringe benefits she received as a spouse. Eventually, DWBF decided to sell the house she hadn't lived in for the last couple of years, with the same loser insisting he could make payments, with the help of his new live in girlfriend. This went on for a few months with DWBF subsidizing estranged husband's lifestyle while he wasn't able to make full payments. When he proved he couldn't scrap up the cash month to month and the ending of his gravy train through official divorce, DWBF decided to really sell the house with the same loser living in the house with live in GF. Well, they were never able to attract any offers b/c ex hubby of DWBF didn't want to get rid of the house and was always too busy to show it or it was showed to potential buyers as a disaster. And unfortunately, through the divorce proceedings, the house was never settled. With the loser somehow able to make house payments the last year and half, she has moved to the other side of the country and found someone she hopes to eventually get married to. And of course, debt collectors call her daily because the loser stopped paying on the house. So, she'll eventually get to add a foreclosure to her list of drama she has lived through.

The point is, your ex may not have the same priorities you have when it comes to selling the house. And with him living in it, he can wreck your world regardless of what his motivation is, be it spite or he just figures out this is the only way you will communicate with him. If able, I would seriously consider discounting the sale of the house to get it sold tomorrow and/or not letting the guy live there (especially if his brother is going to crash there from time to time). Just my two cents. sound like you are in a good space and things are coming along nicely. I'm so happy for you. Keep a look out for some backlash when your ex realizes things may not work the way he hopes. "In the meantime", hurray for you!
Thanks for the update! All sounds good, though I'm worried about the ex in the house as well. Seems like a he has a big disincentive to getting the house sold.
Could you make him buy you out of the house? It might be possible for him to find a bank now while he is still employed.
All the best to you.
My ex moved back into our house today. He will live there while it's on the market. He realized that he doesn't like his girlfriend and claims that he will be waiting for me for the rest of his life to return to him. I think he is being ridiculous and just trying to manipulate me as he certainly didn't appreciate me when we were married!

I just began reading the thread and just jumped to the end after Page 2.

I definitely sympathize with you - sounds like you've landed on your feet which is great. Don't take him back no matter what happens. He strayed once, he'll do it again with whoever he ends up with next.

As far as what led up to this, I can very easily see how it could happen - doctors/residency, long shifts at the hospital, etc. - everyone watches the soap operas/prime time on TV. Being married to a physician (married right in between finishing med school and starting residency) I know the routine. We are coming up on our 19th anniversary.

Coincidentally, one of the residents in my wife's class did the exact same thing...but wife was the MD. Lost all respect for the person - we haven't spoken with her in ... 19 years.

Though it's a crappy thing to happen to you, be thankful that you are still young and have many years ahead of you. If you do choose to get married again, you have plenty of time to find the right guy, have kids if you want, and you'll eventually look back at this whole ordeal as just a bump in the road of life.

Sounds like thing are progressing along fine!

The only thing I'll add is that, yes one doesn't know how much stuff he/she has until packing and upacking! :facepalm:
My ex moved back into our house today. He will live there while it's on the market. He realized that he doesn't like his girlfriend and claims that he will be waiting for me for the rest of his life to return to him.

This is very disturbing, the text I put into bold! Creepy! Also with him living in the house, what incentive does he have to really sell it? I think he'll do as much as possible to ruin any potential sale, after all "he will be waiting for me for the rest of his life to return to him" and maybe in that house, memories et al.

I enjoy your updates and wish you well.
I agree that selling the house should be a top priority now. Failing a quick sale, he needs to pay premium rent for the whole house. And you get to bank your share every month.
I would also suggest that you buy some pepper spray or a Taser, assuming you do not wish to go to the trouble of firearms and a concealed carry license.

Yes, you mentioned that earlier already.

Has it not occurred to you that such weapons could easily be forcefully taken and used against her? This is a serious problem with smaller women attempting to arm themselves against physically larger men.
Your ex, however, well, he'll be an old angry balding doctor, working 100+hr weeks, struggling to pay bills, and hating his life.

I'm not sure why "balding" made the list. Are you saying all pathetic people are bald? Or all bald people are pathetic?
Has it not occurred to you that such weapons could easily be forcefully taken and used against her? This is a serious problem with smaller women attempting to arm themselves against physically larger men.
I'd presume that, in any situation where sprays/Tasers are deemed necessary, the only option is to use them before the guy even knows they're there...........probably very difficult, psychologically, for someone to do since most people would probably brandish the 'weapons' and issue "warnings" which time it'd be too late.
This is a serious problem with smaller women attempting to arm themselves against physically larger men.
I think it's more an issue with sight alignment and trigger control... and maybe the size of the ammunition magazine.
IMHO the best weapon for a woman is her brain. All the other stuff makes up for male inadequacies...

Honest, as much as these technology tools may seem to provide a well thought out defence is more effective.
Marathoner, it's been a couple of months since you last posted. Do you mind giving us an update?
East Texas, perfect timing as I was just coming on to give an update.

My divorce was final yesterday. I was much sadder than I thought I would be. I couldn't stop crying at the hearing, even though I knew it was what had to be done. Yesterday was not a great day, having to go to the credit union, social security office, DMV, passport place, etc., to change my name. In the elevator coming down from social security, a guy congratulated me on my marriage. I told him it was a divorce, almost setting off another bout of tears, and then he tried to pick me up! Very strange.

However, I woke up today feeling a lot better. I know that there will be more roller coaster and down days ahead, but for the first time in a long time, I am feeling really excited about my new life.

My XH was offered a job at his current hospital, but it was at an insulting salary. I wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with his subpar performance these past 6 months (he's failed exams related to his specialty, so is currently in remediation.) So, the good news is that he has accepted a position in a town about 4 hours away that starts in August.

Our house is on the market, and the real estate agent thinks it will sell quickly. We will lose money on it, but we probably won't have to bring cash to closing, which is all I really care about now.

My job is absolutely fabulous, except for the long hours, but that's pretty standard in the industry. My coworkers are simply amazing. They know about the divorce (because my name is changing and I needed yesterday off) and they have been so sympathetic and wonderful. It's at a well-respected financial services firm, and I'm learning so much that should help me reach my goal of ER. I converse with senior portfolio managers every day and have so many interesting conversations with them on a variety of topics. At my old firm, people at that level wouldn't have deigned to talk to someone at my level, but these people make it a point to stop by, ask how my weekend was, offer their expertise if I have any questions while studying for the series 7 exam, and thank me for the work I've done, expressing how happy they are I've joined their team. Sometimes it seems like a dream! (You know...if I have to have a job!)

On a more personal level, I ran an ultramarathon earlier this month and came in 1st in my age group; 3rd overall among women. Pounding out the stress of infidelity has made me faster! I continue on with my other hobbies -- painting, reading, hiking, etc. I'm reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.

So, life moves on. It's still crazy to think how fast this all progressed. Only 6 months ago I had a conversation with a friend, telling her how much I loved my life and how lucky I was to have a wonderful husband. And two weeks later, he confessed to his affair. After much soul-searching and work on myself, I realized that he never was what I thought he was.

To sum up: some good, some bad. Now that the divorce is final, I can truly move on. I don't know what I would have done without my amazing family, friends, and forumites. And running. That combination kept me sane throughout this surreal process.

As I've said before, your wisdom and encouraging words on this thread helped more than you'll ever know. I have read through it so many times, and find myself frequently repeating (to myself, in my head) the sage advice given here. I appreciate how so many of you have taken the time to share your wisdom and experience with me.

It has been a long and difficult journey, with many more long and difficult days ahead, but I know that I will be OK. It seems like there is enough interest here, so I'll probably update again in the future, even though the divorce is final. Maybe once we finally sell the house!

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