Great American Outdoors Act


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 14, 2009
Today President Trump signed this new act. Previously passed with bipartisan support through Congress.

In a time when little arises from Washington that is not divisive, this legislation made it through. I’m appreciative of it, and think it’s positive for our parks, trails, and beautiful land areas throughout this country.

Yes, it’s more money being spent, at a time when debt concerns are growing. But that seems unlikely to change. So, if we’re going to be spending money, I at least support this focus of funding.

Trump signs landmark Great American Outdoors Act
Sounds like a very good thing. Hopefully there isn't any hidden pet project spending.
Sounds good, assuming there aren't any trade off or reductions to parks operating independently. From the Independent:

"It establishes a restoration fund to provide up to $9 billion over the next five years, with most of that money set aside for more than 400 national parks, which have seen flat budgets over the last few decades, creating a backlog for badly needed repairs to roads and other facilities...It marks the most funding injected into national parks since the 1950s."
Nice in many ways - I love our national parks - so that's a win. And it's very nice to see bipartisan sponsorship of this bill in the Senate.
I think that the National Parks are our crown jewels and that it is well worth investing in them. When I was a pup of 20, I took 6 months to travel around the US and pretty much set my route to go from national park to national park. It was so impressive to see all the infrastructure built by the WPA and CCC guys - beautiful lodges and cabins made from logs and stone and trails carved into mountainsides. The last time I was at a National Park, it looked like no one had invested a dime since it was built. :(
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They have to give us bipartisan support to make our national parks something worthwhile because they need to offer something we actually want in order for us to care that they've implemented another government shut down :D
I have also been following this, and it is GREAT news indeed, at a time when we desperately need some good news out of Washington.
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