

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Nov 23, 2007
Any fun plans? None here *sigh*. Back in our younger years we used to dress up and party out. This year, DH and I plan to stay home and pass out candy to the neighborhood kids. A few things I love about Halloween:

- An excuse to eat some candy
- The one day black cats are cool
- Scary movies
- Seeing people in costumes

Here's my dear departed black kitty. First Halloween without him :(


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I also went to many parties in the past . I had some great costumes .One time when I was in my 30's I found a girl scout uniform at good will . I also found a girl scout sweater with badges . I added saddle shoes and a canteen of wine . My date went as the Pope . I miss those days .
Plan to be spending our first day in the new-to-us La Quinta house, with gas for the hot water heater and stove due to be turned on on Monday. Have an inflatable mattress packed and will have our cat in tow. Hmm. wonder if her claws and the mattress will get along.

That's IF we have keys then.
My fave Bostonian is going as Father Guido Sarducci. He knows all the routines and has done this act for years. I've never seen him in this costume.

I am going as a sexy Vampira. I bought (at eBay) a black corset top dress with fabulous embroidery throughout the skirt. I will top that with a wonderful sheer material that is a slightly shiny spider web background with tiny bats woven into the pattern. I will do my eye makeup very dark and deep with flaming red lipstick for the vampira effect.My hair will be moussed up into a big hair look.

Not telling what will be underneath. Nyah nyah :LOL:

You are NEVER too [-]old is 99[/-] young to do a simple costume, even if it is just a funny hat. So get going folks. Have some FUN! :D
Our party was last weekend--Skinful. I'm still waiting on the good pictures as my little point and shoot had a snowflake problem whenever I used the flash. It was pure craziness.
A local newspaper story with a slideshow of the pretty people is here, but I promise to share some pics of us cage dancing and posing with the man in the SC state flag speedo ASAP. :D
Our party was last weekend--Skinful. I'm still waiting on the good pictures as my little point and shoot had a snowflake problem whenever I used the flash. It was pure craziness.
A local newspaper story with a slideshow of the pretty people is here, but I promise to share some pics of us cage dancing and posing with the man in the SC state flag speedo ASAP. :D

FABULOUS costumes. I would fit right in at that party. :D
Yeah, I have to say we weren't anything like those, but it was so awesome to get to see such creative costumery! The site was just amazing, with wooded paths lit with blacklights, lots of DJs with laser light shows, a bunch of different stages with all kinds of live music, and random semi-naked people walking by! I think you should come down for it next year, Free, and stay on the boat! :)
we're having a stone soup party with games (pumpkin carving, pinata) and costumes. i'm an organ grinder monkey, doing yoga tricks for money and DW is pippy longstocking. uber excited.
I am going as a sexy Vampira. I bought (at eBay) a black corset top dress with fabulous embroidery throughout the skirt. I will top that with a wonderful sheer material that is a slightly shiny spider web background with tiny bats woven into the pattern. I will do my eye makeup very dark and deep with flaming red lipstick for the vampira effect.My hair will be moussed up into a big hair look.

This sounds really cool! A bit of a Rocky Horror Picture Show look:D
Meh. Carving pumpkins, taking the kids around the hood, handing out candy. Yadda yadda. Doing what is expected/going through motions. Yay.
Our little town goes Halloween crazy. They close off the streets and everyone, seemingly, is in costume going house to house to see the decorations, which can be extremely elaborate, with mechanized monsters, mini haunted houses, etc.. Even the pets are in costume. Some houses erect small stages and perform Halloween themed plays or comedy acts. The local TV networks send in camera trucks. I've never seen anything like it. Oh yea, and the kids collect candy door to door.
Sometimes we go out to the house of some friends of ours from church. We hang out on front lawn, hand out candy to folks passing by and sip some hot chocolate spiked with homemade peppermint schnapps. Not sure if that's on the agenda this year. If not, we'll probably just be home watching the baseball game.
We are heading out Saturday as Jeannie & Major Nelson...wonder where the Master will direct us to go! (party or just a couple costume themed bars?)...
We sit around our cul-de-sac talking story with the neighbors. It's been rainy this week so Hallowe'en socializing might be cut short.
Oddly, I've never lived anywhere as an adult that had trick-or-treating. When we lived at the beach, all the kids went to a community party (wisely surmising that the sketchy beach bums might hand out beers instead of skittles). And now we live in the country where there are few kids and very long driveways with "eaty" sort of dogs potentially at every house.

We're going Friday night to have some oysters and carve pumpkins at a friend's house.
My fave Bostonian is going as Father Guido Sarducci. He knows all the routines and has done this act for years. I've never seen him in this costume.

I miss the Father Guido avitar.

Sadly, we do not get Trick or Treaters out here in the sticks.
The year before last we had a bear visit on Haloween evening but it didn't count because it wasn't in costume.

Got the decorations up, carving the pumpkin and bought snacks, just in case. This year I am going as a Steeler fan.

Free to canoe
We rarely get any trick or treaters except the grandkids but I still buy candy just in case .
We rarely get any trick or treaters except the grandkids but I still buy candy just in case .

Me, too, I always buy my favorite kind just in case I "have to" eat it. Twenty years in the same house and only had trick or treaters twice. Almost felt bad not answering the door. :LOL:
Yeah, I bought two bags of Reese's peanut butter cups. I bet 3/4 or more will be left over. At least I hope so >:D
At 50 I think I'm the youngest kid on the block. Maybe I should dress up and go trick-or-treating at my neighbors! ;)


P.S. I live in a 55+ community just in case you were wondering......

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