Hip pain and Relief Factor


Full time employment: Posting here.
Apr 20, 2010
I am feeling some pain in my hips.

Saw ads about Relief Factor and wonder if anybody here tried it or have any other comments or recommendations?

I have no experience with that product, but in general I would not try or use anything before first getting a diagnosis and treatment recommendation from a doctor, in your case an orthopedic one.

Problem is, a lot of OTC stuff might mask the problem and give you some relief, in reality or placebo, leaving the underlying issue untreated to get worse.
Go check it out with your doctor and find out what is the underlying cause. It could be a labral tear or arthritis, and if serious wear and tear you don't have a choice but to have hip replacement.

I have had a right hip problem for 2 years, first ortho sent me to PT for 3 months. PT didn't help one bit and was discharged by my ortho. I changed ortho this year and got a MRI. Labral tear and nothing can be done. Not a candidate for hip replacement yet because I still have lots of cartilage. I don't need a steroid shot but I take an Ibuprofen on some mornings when it is bad before a round of golf.
What is the origin of the hip pain? You are capable of self diagnosis for most situations. When you have a solid self diagnosis, you have the choice of putting yourself on a care plan, researched in the usual way, or to visit a healthcare worker and telling him/her what the situation is and what you want him/her to do for you.

Ortho stuff many times can be dealt with by temporary reduced activity, ice, NASAIDs, stretching and ultimately strengthening. Surgery and prescription medication should be very far last resorts in most cases.
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I would be skeptical of anything marketed so aggressively (and high cost).
I would be skeptical of anything marketed so aggressively (and high cost).

Agree. Don’t buy anything that “comes across your radar” or that you “saw on TV”. Don’t buy anything that you weren’t already specifically looking to buy, especially in the healthcare arena.
There are many causes of hip pain and should be diagnosed correctly. I have SIJ issues. Sacroiliac Joint. I've tried a number of OTC remedies that really do nothing but mask.

Many of my issues through the years come down to overuse and/or muscle imbalance.

If you don't want to see a medical doctor perhaps a reputable physical therapist could help with therapy and exercises.

Good Luck
DH told his doctor about his hip pain and his doctor sent him for Xrays. He was diagnosed with arthritis. His doctor prescribed generic Celebrex and he's having good results taking it.
Have never tried it, but looking at the ingredients, turmeric looks like the most effective natural anti-inflammatory. You could probably try that alone at less expense.
Is there a reason OTC anti-inflammatory meds such as Ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen won't work or you don't want to take?
I second the idea for medical check if it continues or gets worse, if only for proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Have never tried it, but looking at the ingredients, turmeric looks like the most effective natural anti-inflammatory. You could probably try that alone at less expense.
Is there a reason OTC anti-inflammatory meds such as Ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen won't work or you don't want to take?
I second the idea for medical check if it continues or gets worse, if only for proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
I talke tumeric for a anti-inflammatory, in addition to OTC, and find it effective for my chronic numbness. I'm not sure about the rest of the stuff in the magic pill or what it costs.

But, I have been diagnosed and treated for my condition and I recommend OP do the same.
I talke tumeric for a anti-inflammatory and find it effective. I'm not sure about the rest of the stuff in the magic pill or what it costs.

But, I have been diagnosed and treated for my condition and I recommend OP do the same.

I talked to my doctor today and will try tumeric as well.

How long did it take till you felt any results from taking it ?

I walked around for probably a decade on what turned out to be a large labral tear in my hip. All of the meds and supplements in the world weren't going to heal it, but in the time I spent either ignoring the pain or just trying to make it go away (or blaming it on my back), I compensated my body into such a pretzel that 3.5 years after the repair surgery I am only now getting close (I think) to untangling it.

It's not an easy diagnosis (can really only be confirmed with an MRI with contrast), and the surgery to repair it (I had to have three anchors placed to reattach it) does not bring a quick recovery. And sometimes the repair surgery can actually accelerate the arrival of arthritis. I was lucky to find a surgeon who would even agree to do the repair on someone my age .

I did the repair mainly because I didn't want to replace the hip at age 51, hoping to at least get another five years out of the original joint. But now, at 55, it's starting to bug me, and I am trying to get myself to go to the ortho for an x ray.
Have never tried it, but looking at the ingredients, turmeric looks like the most effective natural anti-inflammatory. You could probably try that alone at less expense.
Is there a reason OTC anti-inflammatory meds such as Ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen won't work or you don't want to take?
I second the idea for medical check if it continues or gets worse, if only for proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

It's important to take black pepper with turmeric - a substance (piperine) in black pepper causes your body to absorb the curcumin in turmeric at a much higher rate (see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3535097/ for the gory details).
I too looked up the ingredients and agree there might be some analgesic or at least anti-inflammatory effect. Still, diagnosis and treatment by a doc seems so much more appropriate but YMMV. Best of luck with your hip pain issues.
I walked around for probably a decade on what turned out to be a large labral tear in my hip. All of the meds and supplements in the world weren't going to heal it, but in the time I spent either ignoring the pain or just trying to make it go away (or blaming it on my back), I compensated my body into such a pretzel that 3.5 years after the repair surgery I am only now getting close (I think) to untangling it.

It's not an easy diagnosis (can really only be confirmed with an MRI with contrast), and the surgery to repair it (I had to have three anchors placed to reattach it) does not bring a quick recovery. And sometimes the repair surgery can actually accelerate the arrival of arthritis. I was lucky to find a surgeon who would even agree to do the repair on someone my age .

I did the repair mainly because I didn't want to replace the hip at age 51, hoping to at least get another five years out of the original joint. But now, at 55, it's starting to bug me, and I am trying to get myself to go to the ortho for an x ray.
Thank you for sharing. I have a labral tear in my hip and my ortho said surgery is a hit and miss and he does not recommend it. I take a muscle relaxant at bed time if I have a bad day and an ibuorofen in the morning if it bothers me too much before I head out for golf.
Thank you for sharing. I have a labral tear in my hip and my ortho said surgery is a hit and miss and he does not recommend it. I take a muscle relaxant at bed time if I have a bad day and an ibuorofen in the morning if it bothrers me too much before I head out for golf.
I had an amazing PT who said she'd only trust two doctors in the area to do it, and I had it done by one of them, who is the lead orthopedist for one of the big local sports teams. But yeah, he gave me 60-40 odds at my age, though he said he thought it would work at least enough to delay the inevitable b replacement of that hip, which is borderline dysplastic anyway. And it basically did work. But man, did I do a number on my carriage while pushing through the pain.
Relief Factor may be a pain reliever for many people. But to get that 3 week free trial, you'll have to give them a credit card number, and the forever after monthly charges will be very painful to the pocketbook.

I would prefer to have any serious problem properly diagnosed by an orthopedist, and a plan of action prescribed.

Pain Relief is not inexpensive stuff. And Pat Boone is expensive as a geriatric advertising spokesman.
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