How can I get Google Maps attention?

Just a thought, maybe your neighbor from hell reported the "road" to Google and that's the why the Google car showed up.

If you don't mind the invasion of your privacy, contact the local media and they may run a TV piece and contact Google for their comments since you've reported it and nothing has been done.
How about a sign that says "Entering private property. Access fee $5, bill by mail. License plate will be recorded. Authorized by state statute 582.5(P). Questions, call ((google support phone))
Unless they are subject to the rules of an HOA. ;)

There is a covered bridge in the 'burbs of NW ATL that has been there for YEARS and the county has gone to extensive lengths to keep people driving "too big" vehicles from trying and failing...and the ONLY thing that has worked was big arse metal beams that the vehicles hit before the bridge. Flashing lights, signs, A TURN AROUND, and dangling warning streamers hanging above didn't work. Never underestimate the power of stupid.

This is a bit off topic, but people don’t read signs. In downtown Harrisburg PA, the two main roads cross under a railroad overpass bridge. Some trucks are too tall to pass under the bridge. Despite truck route signs all over the place, trucks routinely get stuck under the bridge or sometimes approach and realize they won’t make it. They have to back up on a one way street and make a turn a block back. Or deflate the tires to unstick the truck then reinflate them.

This provided entertainment to the maternity ward patients 9 floors up, looking down at the road and the bridge.

Now back to the regularly scheduled forum thread...
Hmmm... How about a red light strung over the driveway, just high enough that you can drive the pickup truck underneath? And a Private Property sign with it too? ...

I think my propane delivery truck would rip it down.
This topic has some interest to me because trespassing is an issue for me at the ranch. I have cameras out in areas of access for one reason only is for theft if it happens. I have not of my knowledge ever had one thing stolen from my place or destroyed. I have turkey, big game, fishing and pheasant hunter trespass but I never press charges and If I can see them I ask them to leave or make sure they don't leave and junk behind.

I have had less to nothing since I put up a few sings saying Cameras in Use. I also have no hunting/trespass signs also, along with Cameras in Use.

In my state if you own rural land, you have to put up no hunting/no tresspassing signs if you don't want people to hunt your property... IOW, unless it is posted hunters can hunt on your land.

Sometimes hunters will track down the owner of posted land and ask permission to hunt there.... some owners are agreeable but they just want to know who is hunting their property... but some never grant permission.

Technically, there needs to be a posted sign on its own post (and not on a tree) every so many feet along the property line, signed and dated by the owner and registered at the town in order to be property posted and few owners go though those hoops... but at the same time most hunters respect no tresspassing signs even if the property isn't technically posted properly.
We live on an old dirt road which turns to nearly impassable just past our driveway.Our drive turns to the right and goes up hill at a steep pitch.
A few times we have had 18 wheelers come up the drive. There is no place for them to turn around even though we have a circular drive at the top it is only about a 30ft diameter.
4 years ago this guy decided to try.
5 hours later I finally could get out of my property.
Got the trucking company to pay for bunch of new hard pack and fixed it myself. Nice to have a tractor!:)
GPS or google maps was to blame! It has happened several times. Usually just cars who turnaround.:facepalm:


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Maybe I missed it in another post, but why not gate the one you use least (Lois)? Use your Clark driveway and you can open Lois when YOU want access there. Without seeing it, I can’t know if that’s a workable idea. I would think in time Google would get enough negative feedback that they’d update their app? Then you can leave the gate open again.
Talk to a real estate lawyer. You may be in danger of a prescriptive easement. Here is one lawyers take on it which I agree with. I have seen this be a problem over and over again:

Basically you need to interrupt the hostile use of your property by others for the legal length of time required by law. You can do this by stopping them altogether (successfully!), or by giving them permission. That’s why you have probably seen signs that grant permission “revocable by the owner at any time.”
Do the inexpensive chain

I would do the inexpensive chain, even a cheap bright orange plastic one for 2 months, then as someone said, those trespassers could complain to google, or at least stop the regulars.

Also keep it up when home , if you are running an errand leave it down across till you get back. Then one less time out of auto.

Opening and closing a chain would bother me less than people driving through my yard.

Or if you have an older junker car, park it in the driveway so it would be hard to drive around! Or park a camper on Lois Lane blocking access to the Clark driveway and only use the Claro driveway (like someone suggested)

Good Luck!
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So did Google trespass to get these photos? That may be an angle.

Posting from multiple fake accounts likely wont work as they will likely all be from the same IP address.
Could write up an email to people you know and trust and ask that they file a complaint on your behalf, providing them with clear articulate instructions on how to do it. (screenshots are great)
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OP may find that getting satisfaction through Google to be difficult. I used to do work in providing roadway geometry to navigation companies/agencies. I too had difficulty getting in contact with the right people to make things happen.

Chances are that OP’s private roadway was originally mapped by US census as part of their TIGER files more than a decade before Google Maps started. Google maps started using the US census TIGER files for their mapping.

I don’t believe that Google verifies public and private ownership of roadways. Google may or may not have driven all of the alignments in their apps. The driving only serves as an update to their original mapping taken from the census files. Update could include a more accurate geometry based on gps and street view data.

County/ emergency response 911 uses the same TIGER files for dispatch. Again, these agencies don’t really dig into whether a roadway is private or public.

If I were OP, I would contact the emergency response 911 people and see what their mapping shows. They may have a contact at Google or advice on how to rectify the situation.
.... Chances are that OP’s private roadway was originally mapped by US census as part of their TIGER files more than a decade before Google Maps started. Google maps started using the US census TIGER files for their mapping. ...

I don't think so... we put the driveway in in 2008. That and Waze and Mapquest and for that matter all the other GPS mapping systems have it right. I think that Maps has it wrong only because the Google Maps car drove up my driveway.
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Could you put in gates at the Lois Lane end of the driveway?
No, because when I back out of my garage I need to back a little into Lois Lane to then drive up my driveway to Clark Rd. Waterfront property and area is very tight.
... Opening and closing a chain would bother me less than people driving through my yard. ...

I want to be clear that the incursions are infrequent... perhaps one or two a week... but just enough to be a nuisance.
Do these people have an sort of a schedule to their trespassing ?

If for instance it was always on Thurs & Saturday, you could simply leave your car out blocking the way on those days. A couple of months of that would frustrate the people enough (backing out) that they will be inclined to not even try anymore.
I'm looking for advice on an oddball thing.

I had a somewhat similar issue a couple years ago with an incorrectly named street near our house (winding streets and avenues confusion)

I also sent multiple feedbacks to Google Maps with no effect.

What I did that -seemed- to get the problem fixed was this:
  1. Get several different people to navigate your house using Google maps.
  2. If it sends them via Louis Lane, gave a bad review of the trip
    (The smiley click box that shows up at the end of the trip)
  3. In the feedback text for that bad review, state that Louis Lane
    is a private road, or similar.

In my case, after 4 or 5 negative reviews, the problem was fixed.

..The negative reviews seemed to have more effect than direct feedback??
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I don't think so... we put the driveway in in 2008. That and Waze and Mapquest and for that matter all the other GPS mapping systems have it right. I think that Maps has it wrong only because the Google Maps car drove up my driveway.

Based on this, I think you’re right - google did it with a drive through. I thought the driveway was older than google.

All of the private driveways in my neighborhood older than 1994 show up on google maps. Mine does not having been put in in 1994. They didn’t drive the driveways in our neighborhood or they would include mine.
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Do these people have an sort of a schedule to their trespassing ?

If for instance it was always on Thurs & Saturday, you could simply leave your car out blocking the way on those days. A couple of months of that would frustrate the people enough (backing out) that they will be inclined to not even try anymore.


I would turn the car sideways as much as possible to give people a strong hint.

Heck, I would also make it stronger by leaning a "No Tresspassing" sign against the side of the car.
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