I did it! I finally retired!

Today is my first day of retirement!:dance: Just shy of my 58th birthday. I closed from my private psychology practice Friday! I love my work so it has been a difficult decision for me to let go and retire. I will continue with my pain coaching and life coaching as a side gig for 10-15 hours/month. (I know the retirement police will disagree with my definition of retirement, but it allows me to continue the best part of my career at an easy, comfortable pace from anywhere in the world. Coaching allows me to snowbird in Costa Rica, which my state psychology license won’t allow).

Thank you all for your wisdom and guidance these past few years!​

Congratulations! Ah, reading this thread brings back fond memories of when I first retired. Seems like only yesterday. Like you, I started a thread about it right away:
Congratulations, and don't worry about the retirement police, it turns out they are self-appointed and have no actual enforcement powers. :)
Congratulations, it looks like you have found a comfortable balance that allows the freedom of retirement and a way to enjoy some time staying in touch with colleagues.

Congratulations Lucie, the first few weeks and months are magical. Nothing like sleeping in an extra hour or two on a weekday - just because!
Congrats Lucie! Since you are still planning to create some income, I did the same so I call it "rehirement" lol. Enjoy!
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