I think I got my leg pulled

I retired at 58 (not all that early) after a 28+ year Navy career and 7 years in the private sector. I found that when I got these comments/questions from someone I didn't know well, just saying "I was in the Navy for almost 30 years" seemed to be as much as they wanted/needed to know. If there was a follow-on question it was generally, "What did you do in the Navy?"

As others have commented, at almost 73 I don't get the same questions any more. :(
Let's take it a step further:

"So, how'd you do it?"
I think the "saved a lot" is a foreign concept to many people because they think they are saving all they can, and that's pretty much limited to their 401K as they live paycheck to paycheck otherwise. It just tends to lead people to think that I must've made a whole lot to save a lot.

"I've been careful with my spending" is really the same thing, as we know here, but a different perspective. It may open some eyes that maybe cutting back on a few things will free you from work earlier.

How I actually answer depends on who's asking, what their tone is, and how I feel that day. I don't think it's gotten that far too often.
You poor devils. Folks know we have rentals, so nobody asks how we managed to retire.
But aren't rentals just an entreprunerial form of part-time work?

I know even my Mom's single tenant commerical building with a long-term lease is some work and from watching my Dad's experience with residential rentals that would be even worse.
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But aren't rentals just an entreprunerial form of part-time work?

I know even my Mom's single tenant commerical building with a long-term lease is some work and from watching my Dad's experience with residential rentals that would be even worse.

It may be part time w*rk, but it is considered passive income and not earned.:LOL:
Yep. Unearned income. Goes along with my passive nature. Money for nothin and the chicks are free.
Last year when I retired I got a call from a lady in HR, she was upset that I hadn't applied to get my pension. I told her it was my plan not to apply until I was 65, "how will you live?" she asked. She couldn't fathom someone having enough assets to live on in addition to a pension.
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