Introverts: what are your hobbies?

As a card-carrying introvert, I love spending time alone by myself, with my thoughts, and with SO. During the pandemic, I rediscovered some old hobbies and found some new ones, namely:

(1) walking
(2) looking for spare change while walking
(3) finding cheap eats around us
(4) blogging every day and really enjoying it

I'm looking to pick up new hobbies (preferably one that I can do alone or with SO) and would love to hear ideas from this group!

I’m border line introvert. I am social but I also need a lot of alone time.

1) walking and exercise
2) reading and internet use, social media, etc, big time
3)lying on my floaty in the lake
4) wading in a pool
5) having alcohol and flipping through travel books, possibly planning a future trip
6) attending social engagements and local community and state meetings with like minded people
7) visiting towns and natural areas in our state
8) attending venues like music, comedy, plays
9) Going to the movie theatre
10) taking care of our home
Extreme introvert. Though I enjoy spending time with people sometimes, it's tiring, and the more people there are the more quickly I become exhausted. I spend most of my day home with our dogs. I never feel alone, rather, I feel recharged, focused and productive.

Spring to Fall I take long walks (w/dogs), hike (w/dogs), backpack (w/dogs) mountaineer, mountain bike, road bike and volunteer at remote aid stations for bike and trail running races in our area (i.e. set up a tent and hang out in the woods/desert alone for a day or so). My spouse joins me for many activities since we do the same things, but often our schedules don't align. Lately we've also been doing some habitat restoration projects in the summer where we work all day as a 2-person team to dig ditches, haul materials and repair eroded trails in extremely remote areas. Technically it's a job, but for us it's more of a fun hobby since we're basically being paid to go backpacking.

Fall to Spring I Nordic ski (w dogs), Alpine ski, backcountry ski, and snowshoe. Nordic and snowshoeing we tend to stick together if we're out together, but we generally split up at the ski resort. Even if we are together at the resort, we use the "singles" lift line since it's more about exercising than socializing. On the chairlifts I just pretend that my music is too loud if strangers try to speak to me. Works like a charm even if I'm not wearing earphones.

For indoor activities I collect and listen to vinyl. There's also minutes each morning and evening that I spend brushing and grooming our dogs. Two years ago I learned how to wire a solar system, and so I built a system for our shed to charge all our battery powered lawn and construction tools. I also enjoy trip planning for ski/bike/hike trips and other getaways. I can get lost doing that for hours. This summer we'll need to repaint the exterior trim on our house, but I suppose that's more of a fair weather activity.

Since I can easily turn into a complete loner, I make a point to spend time with people doing charitable work. I'm on a working board where I volunteer as a grant writer, and I volunteer once a week at our local senior center to hang out with the old timers and otherwise do fairly mindless stuff (sweep, mop, clean windows, etc.). Still draining to be around people, but I like the fact that it's scheduled and my help is appreciated.

It was enjoyable to read about other hobbies people have. My better-half jokes that I started my business because I needed something to do since I don't watch sports or play video games. In truth, if it wasn't for my hobbies I would probably just work all the time. So the more hobbies I have, the less time I have to work, which makes me happier.
Every time I take the introvert vs. extrovert survey, I'm right up the middle. When my introvert wants to come out (go in?) to play, I typically go running or feed my audiophile hobby by listening to music.

I'm totally OK traveling by myself too, typically to running events. Nothing like doing well in a marathon and then having celebratory dinner afterward completely alone to ponder the day ... I love it!
If you're out walking anyway, you should sign up on iNaturalist. I can spend hours slow-walking my property looking for plants, insects, lizards, etc. It is surprisingly fun to identify a species you've never noticed before, plus your observations can be used by the scientific community for research.
Love this idea. Thanks
I enjoy researching and learning things online so that fits nicely into my I side.
I've been helping my son with his new master suite addition. Just finished wiring up the outlets and switches.
Recently joined the fire dept. at our cabin as an auxiliary member. That helps with meeting neighbors.
I'm also a free lance proofreader. One of my regular authors sent me a new novel to proof where he featured me as a character. Really cool, means more than the money I'll make proofing it.
Building, assembling, flying, and teaching about R/C airplanes.

Me too!, minus the building. I do assemble ARF and do all my programming
(I'm the guy on the right:greetings10:)


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I do more mountain biking than walking. Either way, my regular routes get touched up over time. I do trail maintenance with hand tools I stask along the way.

I picked aluminium cans as a kid and and am easily irritated with trash in my usual haunts. So I fill bags as I go. It usually takes me about 2 years to reach my garbage free standard. Tires in the woods, needles...anything i don't like to see.

I "borrowed" abandoned garden tools at my apartment complex and spent 3 years grading/composting/removing rocks to make a nice 1000 sf garden at the base of a cliff. It just happened, I did not plan it. Started with 3 tomato plants and a few 100 hours later...
Geocaching!!! It gets you outside, can be done close to home or anywhere in the world, doesn't cost you anything!!! Enjoy the hunt!
1: Metal detecting (Minelab Equinox 800)
2: Off-road driving and exploring (Both solitary and with a club) Jeep Wrangler Rubicon XR package
3: Photography / video with specialty cameras (Insta360 GO2 and ONEX2)
4: Reddit Groups (If there's an interest, you can find a group for it there)
As a card-carrying introvert, I love spending time alone by myself, with my thoughts, and with SO. During the pandemic, I rediscovered some old hobbies and found some new ones, namely:

(1) walking
(2) looking for spare change while walking
(3) finding cheap eats around us
(4) blogging every day and really enjoying it

I'm looking to pick up new hobbies (preferably one that I can do alone or with SO) and would love to hear ideas from this group!

1) Walking & listening to podcasts
2) Biking
3) Flying
4) Skiing
5) Triathlons
One of the handy things about most hobbies is that there is often some kind of a local club or group with others who enjoy that hobby. I've always found that I can learn new skills and increase my proficiency much faster by interacting with others, going to meetings, even the occasional convention. That interaction is good for helping to pull us introverts out of our shells.
Almost all my hobbies revolve around "build, create and fix" theme.
* Beekeeping
* Building construction: built our primary house, almost finished tiny house, next is finishing the interior of a workshop building.
* Woodworking on as needed basis for fine or rough projects
* Vegetable gardening: On hold until we tidy up the acreage we moved to last year.
* Fooding? Brewing (alcoholic, non-alcoholic), soy milk, tofu, canning, dehydrating, etc.
* Metal working on as needed basis: So far done welding, machining(mill+lathe). Next up blacksmithing, molding
* Car repair and maintenance: Top end engine, break, suspension, tire, AC, timing belt, etc.
* Hiking
* Shooting
My hobbies include knitting, reading, exercising, walking the dogs and playing with them, getting together with friends and family and playing games.
Walking reading texting a friends group. I moderate a buy/ sell facebook page for the local military base. Architectural committee for the HOA. 501c3 board for which I manage the website this past year. Lying on the floor playing with my baby. Sending baby photos to my mom. Ordering my husband things featuring pics of the cat.
Introvert activities:
1) Watch movies on an 85 inch TV instead of going to the movies
2) Hiking the mountains in the beaten path.
3) Walking around my area
4) Reading alone - no interruptions
5) Walk on the beach during winter where there are no people
I go on long dirt and gravel back road runs and mtn bike rides. Plenty of alone time to let my introvert mind wander.

And I get to see some terrific terrain. Last week was on my bike all alone on a new trail on a beautiful grassy hillside with a late afternoon sun low on the horizon. Just me and a few cattle. Soaked in the scene and silence. Love these early spring California days.
* Playing my cello (in an orchestra, in a quartet, at my church)
* Biking (greenways and rails to trails)
* Travel (in a hotel room in Utah at the moment)
* Reading forums
* Reading books (not as much as I should)
Participating in Internet forums to let other people know just how wrong they are...:)
Travel (once I feel more comfortable with it)
Home repair/upkeep
I had to back down from a few other things like motorcycles, backpacking, kayak/canoe, pretty much anything that requires heavy lifting.


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