It’s Oscar time

A three-hour single-issue lecture/haranguing. Funny (and appropriate) at first, but grating and gratuitous after that. I finally turned off the pity-party.

What are you talking about??
Did anyone see the movie Carol? I'm thinking of seeing it. Is the acting good? Is Cate Blanchett's scowl oppressive? Are the lovers miscast? Would it be a better movie if they had someone besides Cate B in it?
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Which of the following movies do you think should win Best Picture? Any must see movies on the list?

The Big Short
Bridge of Spies
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
The Revenant

Only saw 3 of them... (Bridge, Max and Martian) and like others am very surprised Mad Max was on the list... it did win a good number of awards, and I guess that some were deserved, but the movie itself sucked (as others have said)....

I want to see The Big Short and The Revenant... the others not that interested... maybe will take a look at Spotlight if it comes back...
Watched the Revenant on the TV screen.
Watched all the way through, unfortunately, without closed captions, I had no idea what the actors were saying. Aside from the gore, the confused story line, the illogical and impossible situation, the discontinuity, and the number of characters who were killed, but lived to fight another day... The absolute stupidity of one scene being shown in waist deep snow, at the same time and in the same place where horses and riders were walking on top of the snow...(obviously the writer has never seen or experienced snow), the background music, which was nothing but nerve tingling discordant screeches, and despite the fact that the bear mauling injuries of DeCaprio showed in different body locations in ever other scene...

I'm guessing you rooted for the bear.
saw all the movies except spotlight. Revenant got all the publicity but the sleeper was room. Really liked that one and was glad to see brie larson win best actress. The little boy was also very good. Hated mad max.
I saw only one of the movies nominated (The Big Short, and thought it was really good) but DH saw a few more. I don't think we've ever not watched the Oscars so of course had it on last night. I thought Chris Rock did a good job as host, there weren't any time-wasting extravaganza dance numbers for a change, and there were a lot of surprise winners, so we enjoyed the show.
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