Jack LaLanne

Jack's brother even made it to 97 which makes me wonder if Jack would have made it to 96 even if he had exercised less and eaten less healthy foods.

That's interesting! Does anybody know whether his brother lived a healthy lifestyle or not?
I was a big fan of Jack Lalanne. I used to watch him swim on TV, pulling all those rowboats with dozens of people in them. But I have no idea whether his fitness routine kept him alive longer. He had a good sense of humor, though. When asked about sex, he had a standard joke, saying that despite their advanced age, he and his wife still made love almost every night: "Almost on Monday, almost on Tuesday, almost on Wednesday..." However, then there's George Burns, who DID make it to 100. He had none of the conditioning Jack did. Here's a bit from an interview with him:

"Is it true that you smoke eight to ten cigars a day?"
"That's true."
"Is it true that you drink five martinis a day?"
"That's true."
"Is it true that you still surround yourself with beautiful young women?"
"That's true."
"What does your doctor say about all of this?"
"My doctor is dead."

He did say that he thought the most important aspect to longevity is lack of stress. I have to go along with that.

Anyway, RIP Jack.
Jack's brother even made it to 97 which makes me wonder if Jack would have made it to 96 even if he had exercised less and eaten less healthy foods.
Seems to me that this is a huge success story if he was physically active and healthy up till the end. Most people in their 90s are not!

I saw something saying his exercise regimen may not have extended his life but it almost certainly helped him 'square the curve' and live a more active life in his 80's and 90's.
When we were kids we stretched and jumped around to his half hour b+w TV program. I loved the part where he would say, "beginners stop!"

I'm a perpetual beginner. Whenever I've had enough of anything, I still hear his voice, "beginners stop."
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Exercise and eating right is like having good tires on your car. You can still crash, but it's less likely compared with someone with bald tires.


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Cheers to Jack LaLanne! He was an inspiration to us all in many ways. He was faithful to his workout routine, to his wife, to his dog. He seemed to walk the talk. I hope he is in Heaven now.

In younger years I would watch him on the black and white TV and enjoy seeing his positive friendly attitude along with his desire to help everyone be healthy and happy. I consider him to be one of the major role models to emulate. I had a great deal of admiration for him.


Here is a photo of Ancel Keys father of the low fat high carb diet at 100
Here is a photo of Jack at 94. Ancel did make it to 100, but who looks healthier?

YouTube - Jack Lalanne - Sugarholics
50 years ago Jack LaLanne gives some sage advice on diet.

News flash.....

Jack LaLanne will carry his own casket at his funeral.
I remember my grandma exercising to Jack LaLanne.

A few years ago I saw him at a health fair and enjoyed his talk on exercise and healthy eating. He was very motivating and full of energy. At the end of his talk, his wife came on stage and jumped into his arms and he carried her around the stage. He must have been in his eighties at the time.

I'm sure his 96 years were full of quality and vitality up to the end.

RIP Jack
I was sad to hear this news. He certainly did a lot to raise popular awareness in the diet and exercise department, a laudable thing given the growing obesity rate. I do think that one can live a lot better longer by getting regular cardio exercise and introducing more plant-based nutrition into one's diet. Good genes help, too, as does managing stress in one's life. Jack LaLanne was an icon and way ahead of his time.

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