Jury Duty dress code

Jeans, t-shirt, sneakers.

You are the one doing the public service here. Everyone else is getting paid or is the dirtbag on trial.

Heh, heh, so glad to see you haven't already made up your mind about the accused.:LOL::facepalm::cool:
Most jurors get paid. In my county it is $25/day plus mileage.

About the same when I was on a Jury. Seems more like an insult than payment, but at least it's a token. But my company paid my salary and I simply signed over my county "pay check" to Megacorp.

Our clerk (at Megacorp) asked very politely not to ask for the mileage money back - even though it was an expense to me. He said it would take nearly an hour of his time to make it w*rk as Megacorp hadn't really thought about that when they set up the jury-duty payment system. SO, I didn't ask for my 12 miles of mileage money. I felt so good about my service to the county - and to my Megacorp clerk.:LOL:
Middle of the road should be fine.
I'm impressed that folks here are so concerned about their appearance. Y'all should try jury duty in NYC sometime - a true intersection of all classes, all types, and all manner of attire. What really surprises me each time is how many of my fellow jurors have had criminal records themselves, lol. Much as I try to come across as that smart-alec guy you really don't want on your jury, I not only usually get picked but usually end up as foreman.
I would not buy new cloths to serve on a jury. If the cloths I already owned were not good enough I'd ask for a hardship withdrawal.
I was called in for jury duty 4 times and was picked once. I wore comfortable slacks a collar shirt and sports coat. But that was before retirement and had the clothes. Now retired and of an age that they took me out of the jury pool I wouldn't be picked to serve again anyway. Although, I wouldn't mind it if they did ask me.

Was a perspective juror last month. I’m doing part-time work running a job-site construction materials lab and had to show up mid-day as a candidate juror.

Came in to the courthouse at the requested time in work wear, jeans, work shirt, boots and safety vest.

Was quickly dismissed and went back to work testing pavement materials and breaking concrete cylinders!

I got some funny looks because the reflective safety vest that I wear looks like the same as is worn by those who are sentenced to community service picking up trash on the side of the road!
If you're dressed in a full business suit and get selected you'll risk being appointed at foreman of the jury. :) ��

True. As a college professor told us " Whether you like it or not, people judge you by the way you look".

I've been an expert witness in several bench trials on eminent domain cases. I always wore a suit and looked my best when in court. While waiting in the halls, I had many people ask me if I was available to represent them in their cases - mostly traffic cases. They must have thought that I was a lawyer available for hire.

As a prospective juror, I don't want to stick out as the best dressed or worst dressed in the room.
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This discussions reminds me of my first time on a jury. The judge was a stickler for protocol and would ream out either of the attorneys at the slightest hint they were up to anything less than 100% ethical and customary behavior. He would then kindly tell the jury to not infer anything positive or negative about the defendant or witness because of the tongue lashing he gave the attorney. I liked that judge.

Anyway, a young fellow entered the court as an observer. He was dressed in a tie-dyed t-shirt, flowery shorts and flipflops. BANG! Down came the gavel. “You man this is a court of law, not the beach. You are welcome back if you return dressed appropriately.” The fellow sheepishly left the courtroom. Years later that judge was elevated to the state Supreme Court, which reinforced my faith in the legal system. As did my experience on this jury and another jury I was on later in life.
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I'm still trying to get used to the "concept" of a jury of your peers.
I've never been accused of any crime. So I am not a peer.
Perhaps the secret is to show up in "a tie-dyed t-shirt, flowery shorts and flipflops."
Probably all juries should be made of people who have faced charges. A Jury of you peers.
In October, I filled out the on-line questionnaire from the US District Court, so I expect I'll get a jury summons sometime in the next few months. However, I'm fairly confident that I will never be picked for a jury.
Casual, clean & respectful is good.

I used to think that lawyers would select the jurors who look most intelligent, but the truth is they're looking for jurors most likely to vote in favor of their clients. Once when I was in the pool & not selected, one of the chosen ones was a guy in rags who looked homeless. You never can tell!

The TV show "Becker" had a very hilarious episode on this point.

As for dress, not much I can add - neat, clean, and respectful works. Something I'm glad my parents drilled into me when I was young :).
Be careful some courts don’t allow cell phones, check before you go.
The last 2 times I was called for jury duty, I wore what I wore for business casual days.

The first of those 2 times, in June, 1996, my company had recently introduced Casual Fridays for the summer, so I simply wore what I would have worn on those warm-weather Fridays - a nice, casual shirt I bought from Land's End and shoes and business slacks. I might have tucked in my shirt, something I didn't usually do at work.

The second of those 2 times, in October, 2007, business casual was the norm every day, so I once again wore what I had been wearing to work. Same for tucking my shirt.

But the very first time I was called for jury duty was in November, 1987. Back then, I had no business casual wardrobe. My nonwork clothes were not appropriate, I felt, for jury duty. So, I just ditched from my work outfit the tie and the sport jacket and wore my button-down shirt and nice pants and shoes.

All 3 times, I was paid full salary from my employer so they either deducted whatever small pay I got from the courts or I turned over the check to payroll. I was allowed to keep any travel expenses. I think my employer allowed whatever cents-per-mile they reimbursed for business travel which may or may not have been the same as what the courts paid me for.

I haven't been called again since 2007, 16 years ago. If they call me again, great. If they don't, that's fine, too.
DH received a summons for grand jury duty and will begin calling in next week.

I have not yet served as a juror. Maybe now that I am retired, that will change . . .
...I had many people ask me if I was available to represent them in their cases - mostly traffic cases. They must have thought that I was a lawyer available for hire...

Reminds me of my time in family court (long, contested divorce.) The courthouse was in a low-income urban location, and in a jacket and tie I was often assumed to be a lawyer. Other litigants would ask me legal questions. The sad part was, toward the end there, I usually knew the answers!

DH received a summons for grand jury duty and will begin calling in next week.

My DW got the same one, going in for the introductory session Friday.

Me? I would probably wear jeans and a polo shirt. A big step up from the retiree uniform (shorts and a T-shirt in summer, jeans and a flannel in winter.) If they don't like that, don't ask me to participate.
I have never been called for jury duty. I have been on the list for a year at a time but never have I been called and went through the process to be a juror.
I have never been called for jury duty. I have been on the list for a year at a time but never have I been called and went through the process to be a juror.

I went to the court house once but I was sent home after the first round of questions so I didn't make the jury or even an alternate. I wore jeans and a hoodie with black New Balance walking shoes and didn't feel under dressed at all. If I got called tomorrow I would wear cargo pants with a long sleeve polo shirt with the same black New Balance walking shoes and I wouldn't expect that to be a problem at all.
Jeans, t-shirt, sneakers.

You are the one doing the public service here. Everyone else is getting paid or is the dirtbag on trial.

LMAO.... Thats EXCACTLY what my brother wore when got called in...
On the shirt.... "kill them all and let God sort them out"

was turned loose the 1st day
LMAO.... Thats EXCACTLY what my brother wore when got called in...
On the shirt.... "kill them all and let God sort them out"

was turned loose the 1st day

Ah, the words of the revered abbot Arnaud Amalric, who, during the Albigensian Crusade, when asked how to distinguish between Catholics (his side) and Cathars (his opponents) in the massacre at Beziers said "Kill them all; for God knows which are his own." A real peach, that guy.
Personally, I found being on a jury very interesting. I learned a lot about the law, and realized how ignorant I am of many legal concepts.
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