Laser Iridotomy: Anyone had it done?


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Dec 21, 2008
In 2012, my opthalmologist in Maryland diagnosed me with "Narrow drain angles," where the eye's internal drains, which keep fluid pressure from building, had narrowed.

If narrow drain angles close, the inner-eye pressure increases quickly, causing blindness in 24 hours unless treated immediately. The treatment is bilateral iridotomy - using a laser to make a tiny hole in each iris for drainage.

She examined my drain angles twice a year, always concluding that the drain angles had not gotten to the danger point. My glaucoma test always showed normal pressure in both eyes.

This year, I saw an opthalmologist in Florida. She found the pressure in my left eye had increased to 24 (could be due to cataract). In addition, she said people with narrow drain angles should get preventive iridotomies. Especially those who travel where quick treatment may not be available.

So, I plan to schedule the procedure this summer. Was wondering if anyone here has had it, and what was the outcome?
I've had a Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty for glaucoma to help keep the pressure down in both eyes. To date that's all my specialist has recommended beyond drops. Laser procedures are generally safe and easy. Good luck, it's a disease that absolutely sucks.
I had it done several years ago as a preventative measure. Pretty much a non-event other than the disconcerting popping sound when the procedure was done.
In 2012, my opthalmologist in Maryland diagnosed me with "Narrow drain angles," where the eye's internal drains, which keep fluid pressure from building, had narrowed.

If narrow drain angles close, the inner-eye pressure increases quickly, causing blindness in 24 hours unless treated immediately. The treatment is bilateral iridotomy - using a laser to make a tiny hole in each iris for drainage.

She examined my drain angles twice a year, always concluding that the drain angles had not gotten to the danger point. My glaucoma test always showed normal pressure in both eyes.

This year, I saw an opthalmologist in Florida. She found the pressure in my left eye had increased to 24 (could be due to cataract). In addition, she said people with narrow drain angles should get preventive iridotomies. Especially those who travel where quick treatment may not be available.

So, I plan to schedule the procedure this summer. Was wondering if anyone here has had it, and what was the outcome?
I haven't but my wife has had it done and is a very simple surgery/procedure. In her case it helped for some time but as time went on it narrows again. Her procedure after that went to installing a stent that has been better for her in her case.
I had it done several years ago as a preventative measure.

Pretty much a non-event other than the disconcerting popping sound when the procedure was done.

I remember when I had LASIK.

I was -8 in both eyes which required a relatively long "burn" for each.

Each time I could smell my cornea being burned away...
In 2012, my opthalmologist in Maryland diagnosed me with "Narrow drain angles," where the eye's internal drains, which keep fluid pressure from building, had narrowed.

If narrow drain angles close, the inner-eye pressure increases quickly, causing blindness in 24 hours unless treated immediately. The treatment is bilateral iridotomy - using a laser to make a tiny hole in each iris for drainage.

She examined my drain angles twice a year, always concluding that the drain angles had not gotten to the danger point. My glaucoma test always showed normal pressure in both eyes.

This year, I saw an opthalmologist in Florida. She found the pressure in my left eye had increased to 24 (could be due to cataract). In addition, she said people with narrow drain angles should get preventive iridotomies. Especially those who travel where quick treatment may not be available.

So, I plan to schedule the procedure this summer. Was wondering if anyone here has had it, and what was the outcome?

DW had it done and it was no big deal. This was 20 years ago and she is still fine with her pressures. I would have thought the procedure would eventually need to be repeated, but not so far. YMMV
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