Making a Job Decision


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 11, 2014
I need to make two decisions regarding work by Feb 15.
The first decision is will I retire in June 2020 or continue working?
The second decision is, if I work, what should I do?

I’ve made decision #1. I am going to keep working. My target date is June 2023. Two reasons:
My pension increases approximately 35K between retiring at in 2020 and 2023.
In 2023, dh will be eligible for medi-care and I will get 4 years of my current medical with no premiums (carries me to medi-care)
I can revisit this decision each Dec./Jan., based on how the market is doing (so how our retirement accounts are faring), my health, dh’s health, my moms health and possibly, how I feel about work. It’s definitely a possibility I will decide to retire in 2022 instead of 2023, despite 2023 being the best financial option.

My next decision is if I should change jobs and hours. This is where I’d like some insight into what to do. I’d appreciate any comments as I ponder my decision. If I choose not to reduce my hours, I can revisit it again year (and every year, until I retire).

I work in education. A 100% contract is 188 days, with 2 weeks at Xmas, Presidents week off, a week in April, and 9 weeks off in summer. Dh retired in July 2020.
Option 1: keep my current 90% contract.
Option 2: reduce to a 50-60% contract.
I have the opportunity to make this decision each year as I approach retirement (but once I reduce I likely need to keep the reduction)

Pro’s and Cons:
Job: Keep current job, which I like, is fulfilling, very flexible. Get to work with lots of people (most I like a lot, some less so). Option 2: I can’t pick this job and could be assigned anywhere. Most options would be okay, but probably somewhat boring.. One big concern is being asked to job share my current job. I really DON’T want to work with the person I’d job share with. In fact, I’d decline to do so, which would make me look bad. Other concern is I don’t job share, but when the new person screws up (and they will), I’ll be asked to help out, and again, it would be awkward all the way around.

Job Stability: Current job, there would be no changes. Option 2 would likely be a site change each year until I retire.
Days Worked/Off: Current is 2 days off per month, which I can flex based on when I want them. I can accumulate a couple days, but prefer not to take off more than 3 consecutive days. (I took 6 in a row this fall and that was a bit much). Option 2 would be 2-3 days off per week, but not flexible (pick a schedule and stick to it)

Hours: Current is 8-3/3:30 most days. Option 2 will likely need to be 7:45-4ish

Commute. Current commute is 5-10 minutes. Opton 2 will likely be 20-30 minutes, and at least 15.

Salary: Both jobs pay the same, just the percentage of full time.
IRA’s/401k’s/403b’s: Current job we don’t make any withdrawals. I’m actually planning on restarting putting money in retirement accounts (I stopped because we weren’t sure about money with dh retiring. Option 2 we need to withdraw funds.

Random Thoughts:
I have a big fear of a market downturn and losing a lot of our assets. Working longer rand having a pension that keeps us from needing much from our money helps ease these fears (irrational because we do have retirement money/cash). Not touching our assets yet also seems good to me. But the reality is we can afford for me to reduce my percentage from 90% to 50/60% and it’s a small amount relative to our assets.
I also have a history of terrible insomnia. When those nights happen, I have the flexibility to sleep a little longer, which I wouldn't with a different job. (Although I have recently been using something that has seemed to solve my issues, you never know)
I get significant job and personal satisfaction from my job and know I won’t really in a different position. I mean, I really enjoy my job. If I give it up, there is absolutely no way I’d get it back. So I can’t change my mind later. Which matters more? Extra time each week or the job satisfaction?
Healthwise, dh and I are in good health. We like to travel and typically already travel during Feb and April breaks, plus a 3 week trip in summer, and I do 8-10 long weekends a year (with dh, girlfriends, etc). I also take my mom and sister on a 10-14 day trip each summer. I’m not sure we’d travel more even with a shorter work week. Also, no wedding to plan for the kids and no grandbabies.

I appreciate any thoughts as I finalize my decision.
Option 1.

It seems you like your current position; you have tons of time off; and your commute is miniscule. And staying at such a job brings you oodles of more money and benefits.
I would choose Option 1.
You say you really like your job, so why not keep the same one for another couple of years?
Familiarity, more money, better benefits, less commute. Plus, you still get the school breaks and summer off.
If your big fear is losing some of your money in a downturn, then will your full time work will allow you to put more money away to offset that fear?
This is obviously a forum that normally tends to advise: FIRE NOW!

But based on your OP, I agree with the others - pick option 1. Doesn’t sound like you will gain much upside with option 2.

Is there an option 3 where you retire NOW, or is that out of the question?
This is obviously a forum that normally tends to advise: FIRE NOW!

But based on your OP, I agree with the others - pick option 1. Doesn’t sound like you will gain much upside with option 2.

Is there an option 3 where you retire NOW, or is that out of the question?

FireCalc has us at 78% for me retiring in June. That number is a little lower than I'd like.
I did not see upside to option 2, or why option 2 is even an option at all.

Well, the big upside would be working 2-3 days per week. For my job, it's my choice if I would want to reduce to that level. It would be the districts choice to reassign me (as they logically would). Or their choice to ask me to job share, which I obviously really don't want to do.

So the question is, does the extra time off each week compensate for the cons?
Personally, I'd prefer the fewer days working.

"But the reality is we can afford for me to reduce my percentage from 90% to 50/60% and it’s a small amount relative to our assets.
I also have a history of terrible insomnia. When those nights happen, I have the flexibility to sleep a little longer, which I wouldn't with a different job. (Although I have recently been using something that has seemed to solve my issues, you never know)
I get significant job and personal satisfaction from my job and know I won’t really in a different position. I mean, I really enjoy my job"

Your health is your #1 priority. You can enjoy your job with fewer hours, less stress and better sleep. You're in a good financial position. Trust that and devote your time to things you enjoy (your job part time).

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