Mel takes a pretty good Mug Shot...............



Not as bad as some of the other 'stars' we've seen in the last few years. Mel looks better in his 'after partying' Mug Shot than most of us do on our drivers licenses. :D

yeah, not bad for an anti-semitic son of a bitch. thanx for putting that face in my face.
At least Melzy had the good fashion sense to keep his hair short. Wild-assed hair and beards more than anything did more to burn the images of  Glen Campbell, Nick Nolte and Saddam Hussain in the collective "Celebrity Mug Shot Hall of Fame"
razztazz said:
At least Melzy had the good fashion sense to keep his hair short. Wild-assed hair and beards more than anything did more to burn the images of Glen Campbell, Nick Nolte and Saddam Hussain in the collective "Celebrity Mug Shot Hall of Fame"

Here we are at the other end of the Mug Shot Spectrum. :D

Glen Campbell takes a pretty good Mugshot too...


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Not too bright. I mean the guy is loaded not like he could afford to call a limo...Would have saved himself a load of hurt. And holy crap Glenn is scary..
It's not just celebrities. Retirees can be drunks too.

You got plenty of time, a reasonable amount of money, and not alot to do some days.

That leads some ERs to drink to excess. There are lots of alcoholic retirees. Its a real problem.
My wife mistook him for S. Hussain (SP?) at first when she saw the picture in the paper. It was a different one from the one posted up top. He had a beard and was looking old.

Mike D.
MasterBlaster said:
It's not just celebrities. Retirees can be drunks too.

You got plenty of time, a reasonable amount of money, and not alot to do some days.

That leads some ERs to drink to excess. There are lots of alcoholic retirees. Its a real problem.

Are you thinking of anyone in particular? 8) or is that just a general observation...
Here's another picture of Mel Gibson...


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Daneboy said:
Are you thinking of anyone in particular?  8) or is that just a general observation...

- Just a general observation. There's plenty of drunks in all walks of life. And it is kind of sad.
There is an old saying, "In wine, truth." I think Mel will have a hard time spinning his harsh portrayal of Jews in "The Passion" and his father's holocaust denials.  What a shvantz! (used with apologies to my Jewish step-mother)
MasterBlaster said:
It's not just celebrities. Retirees can be drunks too.

You got plenty of time, a reasonable amount of money, and not alot to do some days.

That leads some ERs to drink to excess. There are lots of alcoholic retirees. Its a real problem.

Most retirees don't make a Major Movie depicting a bias slant on a group of people, and then go into a tirade against that group of people once they are arrested for a DUI.

If it would have been a simple Driving under the influence incident, this story would have long been over.
Mel is an excellent reminder as to why I don't drink alcohol anymore. No more chardonnay blackouts (saying off the wall cr*p and not remembering a word the next day) , nice low blood pressure numbers and a sane mind.
What cracks me up is with all the major world news going on, this keeps coming up as the top story.

Gimme a break.
The real problem is the guy who fired at volunteers in the Jewish charity office. But it's more fun to watch Mel dig himself out of this than to ponder the legal maneuverings and past influences on that Faq guy.
C'mon guys, there's no mug shot that can beat this one:

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