My lunch with Al Franken


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 27, 2004
and 200 other lawyers.

I just came back from our bar association's annual Law Day lunch. Al Franken was the speaker and is running against Norm Coleman for the Senate in Minnesota.
His speech was excellent; he did a good job talking about the history of our republic and how our system of checks and balances has been sabotaged by the current administration. He did a nice job of sprinkling in some jokes with the serious stuff. ("James Madison said that we wouldn't need government if men were angels. Well men are not angels. And neither are you women.")

I had the chance to talk to him afterwords and told him that if he wins, I will work for his office on health care issues for free. I have his card. :)
Martha said:
I had the chance to talk to him afterwords and told him that if he wins, I will work for his office on health care issues for free. I have his card. :)

I hope he wins. You would enjoy it, and help the country at the same time.

I heard Al when he was campaigning for Kerry last election - gave a speech here in Tampa. He is very smart and has spent months visiting the troops in the mideast. Seems to be very "patriotic" in that he really loves this country and its core values.

On a few occasions, including a recent Letterman visit, he seems to be struggling to jettison the comedian content. Taken out of context (as it will be in the election) some of the things he allegedly said are outrageous. In context, they are simply hysterical. It will be interesting to see how he plays it out.

Franken/Ventura in 2012 ;).
The few times I have seen good ole Al... he makes an a$$ of himself....

He leans way to far to the left and belittles the right to no end... reminds me of that movie guy Michael Moore... who I can't stand either...

Good luck in your charity work Martha...
Martha said:
I will work for his office on health care issues for free. I have his card. :)

You would jump right into the big one, eh? Hope he wins, and good luck.
For the record, I'd never vote for Al Franken. Not because of his politics, but simply because is very ugly and smelly. His breath is a combination of hot garbage and rotted fish (rotted carp, specifically). He also has a gigantic nose and he burps alot. His burps smell like spoiled cabbage and old hot dogs. He is very ugly too. The pores on his bloated, fat, ugly face are so big, it looks like his face was used as a dart board by the entire Irish Republican Army. Speaking of blemishes, Al Franken has blackheads on his face and back that are older than me! He has so many pimples that every time he smiles, a little bit of puss comes out of his face. Yuck!! He was really beaten by the ugly stick. And those glasses - they are so thick! he actually gets his prescription from pre-WW1 coke bottle bottoms! Did you know htat he suffers from severe depression? He gets depressed everytime he looks in the mirror. The man is a goblin! Did I mention he is ugly?


PS- For the comedy challenged: the post above was satire. I really don't hate Al Franken. I actually think that Al Franken is quite hilarious. I was merely using his own techniques that he has perfected in his books "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat idiot" and "Lies and Lying Liars that tell them" against him. :) :LOL: :LOL:

Good Luck Martha!!!
Way to the left for me... But nice to see you had a good lunch :LOL:
Interesting to hear all your comments. Minnesota is a special case. Our right is most other states' left.
Don't follow politics that much anymore - but I suspect Al is way way too far to the right for this old SW Washington Democrat.

heh heh heh - just kidding. Although I would for for for Edwin if the Fed's would let him run from prison.
Martha said:
Interesting to hear all your comments. Minnesota is a special case. Our right is most other states' left.

So it Texas.... our left is most other states right... and our right are just kooks...
Al Franken used to tell a true funny story about how at one dinner, a scientist took him aside and told him me was involved in research about some disease or conditions that makes your head and hands very large, and that he thought that Franken had that.

I'm impressed by him, and hope that if he wins, he will add the comedy stuff back into his speeches.
TromboneAl said:
I'm impressed by him, and hope that if he wins, he will add the comedy stuff back into his speeches.
Ruh-roh-- are you implying that the White House hasn't already done that?!?
Martha said:
Interesting to hear all your comments. Minnesota is a special case. Our right is most other states' left.

i visited minnesota once and was so surprised how liberal the state is - and just about the nicest people i ever met too! oh yah!
It is a very interesting state, particularly if you go back a ways and see how the farmers organized to confront the old agra-business system that picked their pockets and bankrupted their farms. There is a reason why they are who they are.

Al is no where near as ugly and vitriolic as Rush. I think Al is a breath of fresh air compared to the hypocrites and cowards (aka, those folks who would commit others to fight a war where their own families are not in the line of fire) in the current administration.

I shall now get off my wooden apple box.
"Al is no where near as ugly and vitriolic as Rush. I think Al is a breath of fresh air compared to the hypocrites and cowards (aka, those folks who would commit others to fight a war where their own families are not in the line of fire) in the current administration."

Ok where did that come other than from out of left field... It is a volunteer military you know. You know people actually sign up for this..etc And before you stroll into how people joined just for the college it ;)
Credit Alex for my response. It doesn't take much for me to get fired up about the current administration and their #*#!*s... I'm not right or left, just mad!
Martha said:
. . . I had the chance to talk to him afterwords and told him that if he wins, I will work for his office on health care issues for free. I have his card. :)
Now I have another reason why I hope he wins. :)
It's simply beyond my abilities to understand how anybody (even a liberal) could vote for Al Franken. :confused: I'm glad you enjoyed your lunch, but man what a slime ball he is.
saluki9 said:
It's simply beyond my abilities to understand how anybody (even a liberal) could vote for Al Franken. :confused: I'm glad you enjoyed your lunch, but man what a slime ball he is.

I thought this was an interesting observation, considering it comes from Franken's book titled ''Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them":

[url] said:
Book critiques ---

In a review of Franken's book in the Washington newspaper The Hill, reviewer Mary Lynn F. Jones, a fan of Franken's previous works, wrote, "Franken's tendency to mix fact with fiction [also] left me wondering sometimes what was true and what wasn't."[4] As an example, she cited a passage in Franken's book in which he wrote that former Bush foreign policy advisor Richard Armitage "bolted" from a Senate hearing and "[knocked] over veteran reporter Helen Thomas, breaking her hip and jaw".[5] The paperback version has a footnote saying, "The Helen Thomas thing is a joke."[6]

The only thing I can think of that could be as boring and useless as a left wing liar criticizing the right wing liars would be... a right wing liar criticizing the left wing liars. I'm just so glad (that is satire) that the people on the extreme right/left are busy patting themselves on the back over how clever they are. [/satire]. In the mean time, the real work gets done when people meet in the middle, try to understand each other and work towards some common good. Others sell books.

Nords said:
Ruh-roh-- are you implying that the White House hasn't already done that?!?

Indeed, comedy writers the world over will mourn the passing of the administration that practically writes its own jokes.

Come on...the VP shooting a guy in the face? The president commenting on our desires to put food on our families? My Pet Goat?

We never expected the goldmine of late night tv bits we bought with our votes.
Like the Clinton admin did not write their own jokes....

And whoever is in the next president... the admin will be doing strang things that will be on the late night shows....
Yeah but the blowjob jokes got old after a while. Bushies seem to come up with something new every week!!!

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