Mystery unsolved - suggestions welcome


Full time employment: Posting here.
Jul 16, 2004
For the past couple of months, about 2-3 times a week, I've been getting calls at work for a Joe Smith (not me). I've received calls from:

--H&R Block
--JD Byrider (used car chain)
--Local sheriff department
--Local bank (for a home refinancing. The caller gave me the address of the property. Interestingly, according to county records, it is owned by a "Jim" (not "Joe") Smith).
and several others.

This person has been putting my work phone on applications. And it's continuing to happen, as the Byrider application was submitted just yesterday.

I don't know of anybody who'd be trying to play a trick on me.

I work a a military base and will be calling the investigators at the Base Police on Tuesday when I return.

I'm also a little intrigued and would like to do a little investigating on my own.

Just wonder if anybody else had any experience or thoughts.
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My husband’s handwriting is not the best, in fact sometimes barely legible. His 4’s can often look like 9’s. I wonder Joe might have such an issue with a phone # quite similar to yours?
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm under the impression, though, that these applications were made online.
I think I would start with the sheriff dept. Make it an official sounding call....." I'm calling from Fort XYZ to inquire about a call from this number...."

Thought: JD Byrider and Rent A Center generally cater to customers with credit issues.

What was the reaction of the bank when you told them you were not Jim or Joe?
Seems like a good time to get a printout of your credit report.
Around ten years ago, DW started getting lots of calls from collection agencies.
It turned out that there was a deadbeat with the same name who moved around a lot. Since they never knew where to contact her, they just called anyone with that name, hoping to get the right one.

That went on for several years until they finally either found her or gave up.

We keep our credit frozen and monitor everything all the time, so no harm done but it was very annoying.
OP here. My credit has been frozen for over 10 years, and my work number is not on it.

Besides, my name is nothing like Joe Smith. My last name is 12 letters.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep you all updated.
Considering the rise of income tax refund fraud, straightening the issue out with H&R Block would seem highly advisable.

Use of the work phone number is odd. It reminds me of a situation where a whacked-out co-worker targeted another employee by signing her up for untoward magazine subscriptions, mail-order purchases, pizza deliveries, etc. Once management got wind of his antics, he was fired and escorted out of the building.
OP here. My credit has been frozen for over 10 years, and my work number is not on it.

Besides, my name is nothing like Joe Smith. My last name is 12 letters.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep you all updated.

Understand that the credit freeze is a prudent action. Perhaps you could add some numbers and special characters to your name? :angel:
My wife was signing up this week for some "freebie" online and she realized nothing is free. She never completed the sign in.

But dozens of telemarketers calling her, many from India. I tell them she is not taking calls and they keep calling back. It teaches my wife a lesson, however.
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