need help figuring out what to do?

On the other hand, if you want to send me $39.95, I can give you lots of ideas too!!
And $695 for a "personal retirement coach"!!!! I'm WAY cheaper!!
geez--what will they think of next?
Shucks, I signed up for the free trial membership. It's the best ER-related entertainment I've had in months.

Lightweight boilerplate that needs a grammar checker. Generic sad stories about retirees who ended up fat, depressed, and shunned by society. Dire warnings about having a plan along with lots of activities to keep you from feeling bored & unfulfilled. Better volunteer for a local charity before all the good volunteer jobs are taken by someone who's better prepared than you. Better still, get a part-time paid job so that you'll retain some shred of personal dignity and self-worth. You can't do this alone-- retirement is too hard to be tackled without professional advice!

Here's today's tip from my "Deleted" box, which I feel is the "highest" quality of the stuff they've been shoveling out so far. In other words what I've been reading is usually much worse.
"TRUE STORY. Bruce had a career in school administration, providing generous, early pension benefits and bonus vacation time (summers off were Bruce's elixir). He had a solid nest egg, a modest mortgage and got his kids through college.
Bruce retired early, but without a plan. Just days after his retirement party, Bruce's 25-year-old son was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. Like any of us would do, Bruce retooled his life around his son's care.
Fast forward to the happy ending. Three years later, the son is doing well - and Bruce has found his plan, his passion. Bike riding.
Having always enjoyed an occasional ride, Bruce got involved with Team in Training, which raises money for serious illnesses through sponsored rides. The group hooks you up with others in your area to train and travel with.
Numerous 100-mile rides later, Bruce is in the best shape of his life. Shortening his times and lowering his target heart rate challenge him mentally and physically. He's also richer socially, connected to a whole new network of like-passioned comrades.
He even landed a part-time job as the local bike shop's first 60-year-old ride leader.
Bruce took one of the keys to retirement success (Physical Exercise) and made it the key to his next phase.
A My Next Phase full membership helps real people develop successful non-financial retirement plans. Upgrade now. Just log in and click the Upgrade My Services button on your Dashboard.
The My Next Phase Team"

The one that really made me snort nasal fluids on my monitor was the "tip" about the retiree who joined two different neighborhood social clubs with daily activities. The main reason he joined was so that if he didn't show up at them each day, one of the members would call him to see how he was doing...

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