New Shingrx Shingles Vaccine

My overall muscle aches got a bit worse the second day after the shot coupled with a general “down” feeling which I wouldn’t call nausea or dizziness but still not feeling well. I told DW if I was still employed I would be on the fence for staying home but would most likely have to drag myself in to meet some deadline.

Three days after the shot I feel fine. Not real bad overall considering the risk of shingles. Insurance paid 100%, too.
Just got home from getting my second dose. I'm not expecting any side effects as I did not get any with the first dose.
I had my first Shingrix injection 12/30/2019. About 4 weeks later I lost my hearing in one ear. I went through a bunch of MRI, CT and other tests but no cause could be determined. The ENT said that cases like this are usually caused by a virus that attacks the nerve in the ear, but that's just their guess.

I got back some very low frequency hearing after taking steroids. I'm about 95% deaf in that ear though. I wasn't sick during that time with anything, and the only thing out of the ordinary was the Shingrix and a plane flight.

I had read about the older Shingles vaccine causing hearing loss, but your case is the first I've heard of it with Shingrix though I suspect that's what did it to me.
I'm sorry that you, too, experienced hearing loss following the Shingrix vaccine, and that unlike me, most of your hearing hasn't returned. I'm curious how much time elapsed between when you lost your hearing and when you began taking steroids? Did you get the 2nd Shingrix shot? I was fortunate that I was able to see an ENT within hours of losing the hearing in one ear, and he immediately prescribed an oral steroid. Fortunately, my hearing returned within days, but the tinnitus seems to be permanent. I did not get the 2nd shot. I was taken aback by the reaction of a few folks on this forum. I understand that shingles can be pretty awful, but so is deafness. There is no way I was going to risk my hearing by getting the 2nd dose. About 1 in 3 people get shingles in their lifetime. GSK has said that a single dose of Shingrix is 85% effective. My own doctor knew that, and when I told her of my ordeal, she immediately told me not to get the 2nd Shingrix shot.

The CDC maintains the VAERS database ("Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System"). Yes, it is possible to view data, as long as someone bothered to report the events. Doctors, patients, pharmacists, and vaccine makers can all report adverse events. I reported mine when my ENT told me he would not.

Anyone can do searches on the data, something I have done many times. The search tool is a little bit clunky but once you understand how to use it, you can quickly view the data. There was a mistake in the VAERS reporting tool that I got the CDC to fix. When I was attempting to report my own adverse event, I couldn't find the Shingrix vaccine in the lengthy list of vaccines. It turned out it was in a drop-down list of "Live shingles vaccines". However, Shingrix isn't a live vaccine. (Zostovax is.) I reported it and they quickly took it out of that heading and listed it separately. BTW, Zostovax is no longer available in the USA and there are many lawsuits pending against its maker, Merck, due to adverse events, including getting shingles as well as deafness. I had the Zostovax vaccine myself about 5 years ago with no apparent ill effects.

When I do searches in the VAERS database, I select for "Deafness", "Deafness Bilateral", and "Deafness Unilateral". (Hold down the ctrl button to select multiple symptoms.) I typically group results by "Symptoms", "Vaccine", and "VAERS ID". Under "Optional Measures", you can check a box if you want to read the "Adverse Event Description". There are many which sound remarkably similar to mine, with hearing being affected within 24 hours of receiving the vaccine. BTW, the timing is why my own doctor, 2 close friends who are doctors, as well as myself, all think my deafness was directly related to Shingrix. But there are other event descriptions with symptoms beginning weeks after receiving the vaccine, like yourself. You can also designate a time range for either the date the event was reported, the date the event happened, or the date the vaccine was given. Remember that Shingrix wasn't even approved until Oct. 2017, and I don't think became available until early 2018. And Zostovax ceased being available about a month ago.

They update the data in VAERS more or less monthly. At this time, there is data through this past October. The numbers vary depending on the search criteria selected. If I do a search for all 3 types of deafness I mentioned above, for events reported from April 2019 (when I got the CDC to fix where they put Shingrix in the reporting list) and the latest data (Oct. 2020), for ALL vaccines given in the USA, there were 193 total reported cases of deafness in the VAERS database. However 66% of these deafness cases were following either the Shingrix vaccine (55 cases) or Zostovac vaccine (73 cases). Given that these 2 vaccines represent a tiny fraction of all vaccines given in the USA, I find these numbers compelling.
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Anecdotes welcome. How did you fare?
When I got the Zostavax shot 6 years ago, it was a nothing, like all the other vaccines.
First "reaction" ever (very minor!) started about 1.5 days after my first Shingrix on Tuesday morning this week. Up in post #789 of this thread I described this morning's (Thursday) status. This evening, I do not notice any pain whatsoever if I move my arm around, only if I palpitate (love that doc word!) the slightly raised area that is a light red, and it looks like the color intensity has declined from this morning. In a bit I'm going to go sleep on it, literally, as that is the shoulder I sleep on for ~90% of night.
I'm on my way to get the new one now (me and my supposedly better trained B-cells).
Thanks sharing for the first hand experiences.

My ring said my average overnight temp was 0.6F above baseline, which happens rarely. This is the same as when I got the flu shot. This mild elevation hasn't manifested in any discernable symptoms.

The left deltoid caused me to say "ow" when I rolled over onto it, but I stayed laying on it, and immediate fell back asleep.

Interesting that so many symptoms went out to day 3. It's been only 22 hours for me so far.
I do not want to make light of the folks who have posted on here that they have had bad side effects from the Shingrix vaccine--all vaccines can have serious side effects. I feel terrible for all people who have vaccine side effects.

However, I hope these rare incidents will not discourage people from getting the Shingrix vaccine. Shingles is truly an awful disease. One third of all people get Shingles and the percentages get higher as you get older--if you live to age 85 you have a 50% of getting Shingles. About 100 people in the U.S. die every year from Shingles complications. About 10-20% of people who get Shingles get it in their eyes and/or ears and some of those folks permanently go blind and lose hearing. 20% of people who get Shingles get post herpetic neuralgia which causes lasting pain--in my personal case I still have Shingles pain after 20 years.

The Shingrix vaccine is about 95% effective--in my opinion everyone age 50 and over should get it.
Not trying to be a smarty pants - my EMT friends say Palpate.
You are correct, I remembered wrong!
I will palpate the affected area. If I over-palpate, it may respond by palpitating :)
DW got her first Shingrx shot yesterday and felt fine afterward. But after 5 or 6 hours the side effects started. Extreme soreness, headache, and almost nausea. Then she spent one of the worst nights she has had in a number of years -- hardly any sleep and miserable.

This morning, after a couple of ibuprofen, she started recovering, and was just about completely back to normal about 18 hours after the shot. She doesn't normally have much reaction to shots, but this one certainly did a number on her. She will certainly have the second one when it's time.

OTOH, when I had mine a couple of years ago there was no reaction at all. Funny how we're all so different.
I do not want to make light of the folks who have posted on here that they have had bad side effects from the Shingrix vaccine--all vaccines can have serious side effects. I feel terrible for all people who have vaccine side effects.

However, I hope these rare incidents will not discourage people from getting the Shingrix vaccine. Shingles is truly an awful disease. One third of all people get Shingles and the percentages get higher as you get older--if you live to age 85 you have a 50% of getting Shingles. About 100 people in the U.S. die every year from Shingles complications. About 10-20% of people who get Shingles get it in their eyes and/or ears and some of those folks permanently go blind and lose hearing. 20% of people who get Shingles get post herpetic neuralgia which causes lasting pain--in my personal case I still have Shingles pain after 20 years.

The Shingrix vaccine is about 95% effective--in my opinion everyone age 50 and over should get it.
I've only shared my symptoms as I feel others may be interested in how they might react to the vaccine. Certainly my minor symptoms would not make me change my mind on getting the vaccine.
Thanks sharing for the first hand experiences.

My ring said my average overnight temp was 0.6F above baseline, which happens rarely. This is the same as when I got the flu shot. This mild elevation hasn't manifested in any discernable symptoms.

The left deltoid caused me to say "ow" when I rolled over onto it, but I stayed laying on it, and immediate fell back asleep.

Interesting that so many symptoms went out to day 3. It's been only 22 hours for me so far.
Between hour 30 and 40, post inoculation, my upper back / neck hurt pretty bad. I was able to sleep most of the night, but when I turned over, it was pretty painful. Now (almost 48 hours after), the back/neck pain is barely detectable. The injection site is about half of what it was. I think I'm on the other side of it now.

Last night (in that 34 to 42 hour range), I ran a fever and had higher respiration rate from baseline. This is the highest fever I've ever seen since I bought the health monitor (which I wear all the time). Up until now, the highest fever was +0.8, I think. Even though I "know" this came from the vaccination, I'm a tiny bit spooked that it could be "something else" that shall not be named. I know it's not, though. Doesn't mean the irrational part of my brain isn't activated, though, hehe!

I'm only reporting this "for fun"...not meant to convince anyone not to get the shot. One night's sleep was "off", just a little bit, and that is no reason to risk the full-blown outbreak.


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Sensg..I got my second shot in late June and was told with a little might think you have COVID, but don't worry it's just the vaccination..:LOL:

Don't know if I ran a temp but I did have horrible dreams/nightmares that night in bed.
^That's nice you got the heads-up. Now 72 hours post the injection site itches a tiny bit, hurts a little when disturbed. Last night +0.6F, no difference in dreams. The neck/back thing is almost gone. Well worth the investment in discomfort, given how horrible shingles can be.
Just got home from getting my second dose. I'm not expecting any side effects as I did not get any with the first dose.

Looks like I jinxed it - I ended up with mild flu-like symptoms starting about 6 hrs after I posted this :facepalm: Felt better 24 hrs after the dose and 1 ibuprofen. The only significant vaccine reaction I've ever had but I don't regret taking it at all.
Today is the first day that the red itchy patches on my feet are essentially gone six days since the second shingles shot. All in all a minor nuisance if it keeps me from getting shingles in the future!
DH and I each got our second Shingrix shots a couple weeks ago. DH did not have much of a reaction, while I was miserable both times for almost three days.

Two years ago, an acquaintance had a horrible time with Shingles. His advice: "GET THE SHOTS". Ed was not able to get out and about for months.

Back to my reactions ....fever, headache, extreme lethargy....I Googled it (knowing good and well it was not COVID, but to be sure....)

A Dr. Roach has a column in the Detroit News. While I know nothing about Dr. Roach, I latched on to this. It's my robust immune system. makes perfect sense to me...... :)
DH and I each got our second Shingrix shots a couple weeks ago. DH did not have much of a reaction, while I was miserable both times for almost three days.

Two years ago, an acquaintance had a horrible time with Shingles. His advice: "GET THE SHOTS". Ed was not able to get out and about for months.

Back to my reactions ....fever, headache, extreme lethargy....I Googled it (knowing good and well it was not COVID, but to be sure....)

A Dr. Roach has a column in the Detroit News. While I know nothing about Dr. Roach, I latched on to this. It's my robust immune system. makes perfect sense to me...... :)

Yeah, we got our second shot just before the main Covid crisis hit. Otherwise, I would have figured I had the virus. DW and I were both mildly ill for 2 or 3 weeks! I'll believe "robust immune system" if you will.:LOL:
I just joined the Shingrix crew, jab one done. Insurance covered it.
Looks like I jinxed it - I ended up with mild flu-like symptoms starting about 6 hrs after I posted this :facepalm: Felt better 24 hrs after the dose and 1 ibuprofen. The only significant vaccine reaction I've ever had but I don't regret taking it at all.

Same. My second shot gave me the "24 hour flu", or what felt like it, and some of the worst flu-like symptoms I've ever had. Still beats the hell out of shingles.
I got my 2nd Shingles shot today at Walmart, I will report on any symptoms in the next couple days. Hopefully nothing to report:)
Shot yesterday morning, so far it feels like a mini flu. Sore arm, chills, random muscle aches, almost off stomach. Taking pain pills, Pepto, and resting.
Had my second shot Monday. This one has done a number on my immune system. Wednesday I have a couple of cold sores on my mouth, low fever, chills, and an acne break out.
Chills and fever really started Tuesday and completely gone by Friday. Everything else is slowly resolving.
Worth it to not worry about catching shingles.
DW and I got our second shingrix shot yesterday. First shot, we just had the typical mild flu-like symptoms for a day or so. Woke up middle of the night with the same general not feeling well feeling. Overall, just feel a bit sluggish. However, I'm going to ride this excuse through today so I can have a valid reason to sit on the couch and watch football all day!
Got my second shot last week.

Many thanks to everyone here who advocated for getting this vaccine. I probably would not have been as vigilant - especially as this new vaccine was hard to come by for a long time - without seeing updates on this thread.

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