New Year's Resolutions for 2012

The shack made from a cardboard box, under a bridge? :D

A REAL cardboard box, and UNDER a bridge? A luxury!!!

I am expecting an old shoe box, on the side of the road... cue The Four Yorkshiremen, before Monty Python (this is my fav version :D)

1. Contribute 4% of income into 401k up to the match (only 10% of what I contribute after 4 years so this may change).
Found an interesting link on CNN Money from 2007. 'A no-match 401(k): Still worth it'
2. Pay off 3k in credit card debt at 0%.
3. Max out my Roth IRA contribution.
4. Save money toward downpayment on a townhouse or house.
5. Shop around more and look at the overall financial sense of my decisions. Use coupons for the items we buy every week.
6. Keep going to the gym 3x a week or more even with work / eating more natural foods.
7. Make decisions quicker, focusing less on being a perfectionist. Getting the process going often is more efficient than the periods of time spend procrastinating or building up anxiety about it being perfect the first time. The book 'The Now Habit' is making me more aware of my behaviors and how to address them.
8. Impress my employer so much I get a raise before the end of the year.
I plan on exercising more. Not just saying it, but really doing so.

Other than that, I really don't make resolutions.

I payed $30 for a YEARLY renewal of my gym membership at the senior center. As for really doing so exercise wise?


Resolutions - I don't need no stinking resolutions.

heh heh heh - I also like any version of the 4 Yorkshiremen. :dance:
1. Lose 40lbs
2. Build up emegency fund
3. Save for a condo (1-2 year goal, if interest rates stay low)
1. Lose the notorious "last 5 lbs."
2. Declutter house and donate
3. Learn to cross-country ski
4. Teach myself to play the harmonica
5. Update our will, self directive and other legal paperwork
6. Take a bicycle maintenance class
7. Complete my "2012 bucket list" (biking and kayaking trips)

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