Oh the Pain Redux


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Apr 13, 2007
Bet you thought I was going to continue complaining about the market. And today would be a good day to do that.

But it seems I just can't catch a break lately. I had to postpone my blow that dough Tesla purchase and took the 18 year old Acura in for an exhaust repair and new tires today. All was going fine. I came back, went up to the office to check the markets and forum posts. When I got up from the chair I had a stabbing pain in my left knee. It really hurts if I put weight on it.

Luckily I had one of my 95 year old mom's walkers upstairs or else I probably would not have been able to get down the stairs to get her up and dressed.

Right now I am stuck in the recliner icing the knee and taking ibuprophin. Good thing I can't get back to the office. It will keep me from doing any stupid stock transactions.

The other good thing is the loaner car I have for two days is automatic. I doubt I would be able to do much clutching in my car.

One advantage of paying too much to the Acura dealer is that they said they would have someone deliver my car and pick up the loaner if it came to that.

Luckily I had
Ouch! you tweaked something--Ice, elevation, ibuprofen is the best treatment. If it doesn't improve in a day or so, call your doc!
Hope you feel better soon.
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My DH has had one knee replaced but the other one "goes out" on him every once in a while and is very painful. He rests, ices and elevates that knee and usually in a week or so it starts feeling better but it may take a month to be back 100%.
Hope your knee is better soon. My knee does that when the muscles are tight and then I twist it in some way. In my case, acupressure balls are good for rolling out the tight muscles.
Thanks for the well wishes.
Re acupressure balls, I saw a YouTube that seems to show somethings similar with the back of a spoon.
I moved the thread to the health forum
Thanks for the well wishes.
Re acupressure balls, I saw a YouTube that seems to show somethings similar with the back of a spoon.

I haven't seen the back of the spoon video but the acupressure rollers and balls help me. I have some vibrating ones now that are supposed to bring more blood flow to the area. There is some Pubmed research on the vibrational rollers being effective.

I hope you find something that works for you.
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