Planning Fetish?

He would then weigh his kit (running shoes, shorts, teeshirt and socks), enter that.

I would think that this should remain constant or have very little change. I wonder what he does with the data.
I think it's mostly planning not recording. If you travel maybe 15-18 times a year you have to plan. Most of the recording is financial stuff I think I need. Some motivational recording of weight and workouts but nothing like that engineer.

Okay, yeah I can see more detailed planning is necessary with that level of traveling. Just keep an eye on each other so you don't cross over into OCD land!
VisiCalc - The killer application that is responsible for the computer revolution. Lets face it guys without VisiCalc we would have no interest in computers, there would probably be no laptops, no iPods, iPads or smart phones.

Our addiction to SpreadSheets has to say something about how we are wired as human beings. It is something that the para-psychologists should study. I think it works on the same receptors as Crack.

Hi My Name is RCHT and I am a Spread-Sheet-Aholic.
Cincinnati? I think I understand her sweatiness. :)


:LOL: Well it could be Indy or Nashville or St. Louis or anywhere really. Sometimes it's nice to just go get a hotel room in a nearby large city and check out some of the restuarants, museums, other attractions and even the shopping :(. DW thinks this requires planning beginning two weeks ahead of time. I say just google a few on things on the way there.
Nords. I am certainly not a collector or hoarder. Tax returns 6 years. Only record stuff I need like securities ACB etc. Planning mostly relates to travel. Once we go it becomes part of our financial plan for future reference. If I were to drop tomorrow my executor (DW) would be able to carry on given the data I have. Enjoy analysis and planning not collecting. Cheers.
I would think that this should remain constant or have very little change. I wonder what he does with the data.
He had different outfits and shoes, so he just wanted to know if it was 4lb or 5lbs.

I don't know that he did anything with the data. I never heard any great revelations like, "I run 40 seconds faster per hour when the air temp is 67degs and the barometric pressure is 1086 hectopascals".

I think he just liked the process.

I like spreadsheets but kind of lose interest from time to time.
I chuck the support documents, receipts,etc. But the amount of paper in the actual tax return document is pretty small. So keeping even 30 years of fed + state returns shouldn't be a burden. Personally, I'd prefer paper over PDF's.
I wish you'd been helping me last week when I was cleaning out my father's file cabinet...
I wish you'd been helping me last week when I was cleaning out my father's file cabinet...
Hi Nords, I'm just guessing this was a real sad experience. It just so happened I was cleaning out my files today (it's raining a lot here) and had to scrap a file of records about one of our long gone relatives finances and also a file about our beloved old Corgi.

Regarding the tax records, my files for just fed+state returns going back to the early 1980's is only about 6 inches deep. Not too bad so I'll keep them.
Hi Nords, I'm just guessing this was a real sad experience. It just so happened I was cleaning out my files today (it's raining a lot here) and had to scrap a file of records about one of our long gone relatives finances and also a file about our beloved old Corgi.
Regarding the tax records, my files for just fed+state returns going back to the early 1980's is only about 6 inches deep. Not too bad so I'll keep them.
The worst part was sifting through all the trash for the treasure. He kept printouts of trade orders, trade confirmations, weekly watch lists, monthly summaries, asset-allocation lists, and even routine e-mails. For every one of 20-30 securities & mutual funds that he traded over the last 25+ years.

My point wasn't that the volume was so bad. My point was that what seemed to me to be treasure was actually trash when seen through the eyes of another. Even if it's "just" six inches, I'd rather turn it into a hard drive file than to keep it around for someone else to have to paw through for a cleanout.
At one time I had utility bills going back to the 70s. Even ones from apartments during college. All marked like:
Paid $ 22.17, BofA Chk#1074
Jan 7, 1974

Hey, ya never know when SoCal Edison is gonna call and say, "Mr. Nerdly, we did not receive your payment for January back 23 years ago, can you prove you paid it?"
Hey, ya never know when SoCal Edison is gonna call and say, "Mr. Nerdly, we did not receive your payment for January back 23 years ago, can you prove you paid it?"
Back in 1984, the Navy's pay people chased down one of my shipmates over a question of his housing allowance... from 1967. It turned out that he had better records than they did.

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