Poll:What's your favorite season?

What's your favorite season?

  • Spring

    Votes: 25 20.7%
  • Summer

    Votes: 22 18.2%
  • Fall

    Votes: 70 57.9%
  • Winter

    Votes: 4 3.3%

  • Total voters


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 21, 2008
Spring. Winter is over, the shorts come back out, and the temps are great for golfing. At the same time, unlike fall, I know that cold weather is still a long way away.
Voted fall, but I think it depends on where you are. Summer/fall are great in Ontario. Fall/Winter/Spring are great in Arizona. Winter/summer best in the Rockies. Winter is awful in Ontario and spring is usually late and short.
It used to be salt, added at the table before I even tasted the food, but I gave up the salt shaker for Lent and never went back. Probably ginger.
Probably fall since it cooler (well not as hot) the grass quits growing, schools are back in session so I can travel with less congestion on the roads and attractions, NASCAR is into the chase, football season is starting to shape up, the world series is played and most of the new car models are out so I can decided on what to get for Christmas.
Cayenne pepper.

Seriously - I have a hard time picking. We have may gray and june gloom in late spring. In october we often have santa ana's with their super hot weather... But overall - it's pretty perfect year round here in coastal San Diego. The only difference between winter and summer is in winter I'm more likely to take a hoody with me for my dawn beach walk... But I'll survive without the hoody if I forget.
I would say Jan-Mar because we meet all our snowbird friends from across the continent. Our most social season. We also love the Mexican people with all their fiestas. And there are many charitable events during the "high" season.
Spring first, fall second.

Summer here in the Sacramento valley is too hot and winter is cooler than I like, but pretty mild.

I can garden year around, so every season is actually pretty good because of that.
The weather is amazing here in October; best month of the year for weather. But overall, I guess that spring is my favorite season. Why? I don't know. I just like springtime.

EDITED TO ADD: Springtime means baby birds, and other baby critters. Need I say more? New life, hopes for the future, lots of rain, flowers, and green grass too.

As for seasonINGS, instead of seasons, I love Cajun spices.
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Years ago I would have said summer, now it's a toss up between spring & fall.

(Back in my younger, footloose, days, the start of spring activated the "It's time to get out of here" response.......now that I'm old(er), but still footloose, that reaction can be unpredictable in its arrival.)
Fall for me, Sept to be exact, but I realize it depends on where you live. Love the cool temps, sleeping with windows open, and Fall colors. Spring is my second choice, similar temps, but no autumn colors, and it rains a lot in Apr-May here. Winter is fine up until the second snowfall (the first snow is beautiful as long as it's not too deep), after that we wonder why the hell we continue to live here...
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Every year I tell myself that winter is great and I'm going to really love it this year, really, just wear long underwear and great bulky sweaters and cool boots and mittens. Never happens, but hope springs eternal. On the other hand, I adore summer and I love hot weather, so the odds that I can embrace winter are slim to none. Spring and fall are just shoulders to summer to me.
Baseball playoffs if the team I'm cheering for is in.

Otherwise, summer as long as the temperature isn't too hot.
Fall. Love the colors and crisp days. Love football and decorating with the colors.

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Whatever the next one coming up is. This is why I like where we live in NC; summers can get a tad hot but there's always a change coming. 20 years in FL, even northeast FL, got to me with the long hot summers. I just like the changes.
Currently living in Michigan, so Spring. If / when I move, it may change.
In spite of my allergies, I'll take perpetual Spring -
It's "(nothing but) flowers"
Summer. I don't like having to put on jackets and such just to go outside.
Fall. Love the cooler weather after the long, hot summer. Our rainy season is late summer/early fall so fall is greenish. The smell of roasting chile. State Fair, Balloon Fiesta, Pueblo Feast Days. Spring is windy and I have have allergies to the tree pollen.
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