Poll:What's your favorite season?

What's your favorite season?

  • Spring

    Votes: 25 20.7%
  • Summer

    Votes: 22 18.2%
  • Fall

    Votes: 70 57.9%
  • Winter

    Votes: 4 3.3%

  • Total voters
Hunting season. Starts locally Sept 1 and ends the last day of Feb.
Fall for me. In North Texas, July and August are unbearably hot. I'd never survive without the pool. January and February are pretty miserable too and we get ice storms that shut down the whole region. Other than those 4 months, it's fairly moderate and enjoyable to be outdoors. But by far, October is my favorite month of the year. Cool mornings, warm afternoons. No HVAC running, open windows to air out the house. I ride my bike every day unless it rains. All the landscapes are mature and colorful, but don't need as much maintenance.
I've been in Dallas the last three or four days and it has been gorgeous!
Fall here is really nice. Spring has the winds and that makes it not as nice. Summer is actually not bad for heat, but we also get majority of precipitation with the monsoon season. We certainly need the water however. Fall has the cooler nights and sunny days without being too cold yet.
My initial thought was fall. I like September and early October when the mornings are cooler but we still have warmish weather during most of the daytime hours. The problem is the nice fall weather is only about 6 weeks then it's winter for 7 months. Fall can be depressing knowing what's coming. Spring is basically just the month of May so hard to say that's my favorite. Summer is hot and humid a lot of the time but it's sooo much better than winter that I may have to say it's my favorite season.
We call HI the "Land of Ever-Summer." I picked summer, though I could miss some aspects of spring and fall if I worked at it. Summer here is rarely too hot, so that aspect of summer isn't a problem very often (as it used to be in the midwest.) Avg. diff in temp summer to "winter" here is about 5 degrees F. Honestly I kind of like our winter version of summer best - it's a bit cooler AND has bragging rights. YMMV
We call HI the "Land of Ever-Summer." I picked summer, though I could miss some aspects of spring and fall if I worked at it. Summer here is rarely too hot, so that aspect of summer isn't a problem very often (as it used to be in the midwest.) Avg. diff in temp summer to "winter" here is about 5 degrees F. Honestly I kind of like our winter version of summer best - it's a bit cooler AND has bragging rights. YMMV

Yeah yeah, rub it in.
Fall. I've lived in NY, CT, NJ, FL,TX, and GA over my lifetime, and in all those places fall was the best season weather wise of the four, especially in terms of low humidity, which tends to drain my energy even more than the heat. Not too hot. Not too cold. Generally just about the right amount and type of precipitation that I could easily tolerate. Also, generally less pollen.
Wow, surprised both at the poor showing of Summer and popularity of Fall. Would have thought that Spring would be on the same level as Fall.

At my current location I prefer mid February up to June, and then mid September to beginning of November. Mostly because of temperature and hours of sun.

Too little sun, unhappy camper. Too hot, very unhappy camper.

My ideal living is being able to do November - Feb in the southern hemisphere (e.g. New Zealand). Haven't figured out how to deal with those summer months.

Maybe Canada?
I used to just love summer... still like it but I'm less tolerant of the heat and humidity than I used to be. Now I look forward to fall (early fall) when the temps are in the 60s and 70s. Still nice to be outside and I don't have to take multiple showers a day. And I don't have to run the heat or the A/C. Gas and electric bill drops quite a bit in September and October!
Spring, with Fall a solid second. The days are longer in spring than in fall, and with DST now starting in early March we get those later sunsets.
I would say Jan-Mar because we meet all our snowbird friends from across the continent. Our most social season. We also love the Mexican people with all their fiestas. And there are many charitable events during the "high" season.

I voted for summer but in retrospect agree with Keith. Our time in PVR Jan-Mar is special.
Living in Florida we only have one season . I really miss fall and try to visit it yearly . I love the colors , the craft shows, the decorations , little kids in costumes , apple picking & pumpkin pie.
Fall used to be my favorite season because it marked the end of a Houston Summer and let into a much milder winter. Since retiring Spring became my favorite season because it meant we were setting off on our travels to avoid the Houston summer.

Now that we are in England I expect Spring will still be a favorite as it marks the end of winter and we love seeing the early spring flowers carpeting the verges, parks and gardens.
I've often felt like it's the one I'm in.

Really enjoying fall, thirty degrees last night. Slept with the windows open till 4am when the furnace started at 60f. I fear some falls due to SAD, hopefully not this year.

Winter the days actually get longer and snow when you have nowhere you have to be is nice.

Always love spring, new year with a new beginning. Morels if you are lucky.

Summertime is great expecially if it's not 100F. Fresh fruits and berries.
As a kid, I loved summer. But once I got old enough that I didn't have to return to school, fall became the best season.
I like them all

I like them all but spring is probably my favorite because I am a gardener and love watching my garden sprout. I like them all though- Fall is such a relief after our sweltering summers, I love a fire in the fireplace and sweaters and jeans, the spring of course, and then the first hot summer days means BEACH! I get tired of summer and winter by the time they are done- so I'm happy to see the approach of every season- what little we have of them (except summer, we have a lot of summer) in Alabama.
Winters in central Florida are lovely. Windows and doors wide open, sunny and crisp. It even gets cool enough to wear long pants and a sweater sometimes....a real treat.
It's a tossup between Fall and Spring. By the time fall comes, I am ready for it after a long hot summer. The mosquitoes are gone, and that time before the rains come are lovely. But, there's something about the Springtime...an overall sense of rebirth.
Ski season is my favorite. Skied over 40 days last winter and looking to beat that this year.
I'd say fall because it means summer won't be back for a long time, as opposed to spring which means summer is soon to be here for several months.

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