Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting banter

Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

I will honor any rules that Dory36 puts forward to govern posting at this forum, TH. He has a right.

You don't.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

For the record - I am NOT a 13 year old from Missoula.

Now that's an old post.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

I thought you were a 49 year old librarian taking Black Cohosh for your hot flashes. Or so I recall. ;)
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

I will honor any rules that Dory36 puts forward to govern posting at this forum, TH. He has a right.

You don't.

I do too have a right. And a left.

Is this about to degrade down to "you aint the boss of me?".

You're just mad about what Bernstein said about you.

Unclemick, we all know you're 14 by now, but nice try sidestepping that old rumor.

I wish I was a dog, mine get better treatment than I do...
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba


Boy oh boy - some things just can't be killed!

Sigh - there goes my chance to run for senior curmudgeon. Hope AARP doesn't find out and revoke my discounts.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

What is it with this Bernstein fellow? It seems like he is always causing some sort of trouble somewhere or other.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

Bernstein is a rookie neurologologist from Oregon with excess time on his hands - Efficient Frontier website, books like Intelligent Asset Allocator, Four Pillars, and Birth of Plenty.

Forget him - read Ben Graham and perhaps Bogle.

Another twenty years of seasoning - he might have something interesting to say.

Although I enjoyed his musings in Birth of Plenty, and Four Pillars convinced me - Bogle was right all along and that Slice and Dice was a male horminal disease.

Unfortunately - I got it and it's incurable. Hopefully it can be controlled enough to lead a semi - normal life.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba


When it comes to "lumpers" vs. "splitters", I swing
both ways. "lumper" in my wife's IRA and our
after tax (both in accumulation mode) and "splitter"
in my IRA being drawn down. You are right about
the male hormone thing, however.


Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

. . . This fits a pattern with you. You did the same with SalaryGuru. He didbn't blow, so he's still here. If he had, SalaryGuru would be lost to us too. Why? Because TH decided he didn't want SalaryGuru around. That doesn't sound like "live and let live" to me.. . .
Oh wow. :eek:


TH and I disagree about at least one issue. And don't be mistaken. I did blow. So did TH. And on more than one occasion. I think it is fair to say that we made many on this board uncomfortable.

The difference between us (TH and I) and others (you, for example) is that we did eventually learn to modify our behavior. We both wanted to be part of this community more than we wanted to win an argument with the other. There's nothing unacceptable about making mistakes. What is unacceptable to everyone is when you keep making the same mistake over and over again. TH and I have chosen not to do that. :)
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

SG - I hope you realize this doesnt mean we're going to be taking warm showers together anytime real soon ;)
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

The difference between us (TH and I) and others (you, for example) is that we did eventually learn to modify our behavior.

I am going to continue to report honestly what the historical data says re SWRs, SalaryGuru. William Bernstein reported honestly what the historical data says in his book "The Four Pillars of Investing," and the world did not come to an end when he did so. So my guess is that our little discussion board community will not come to an end if I just continue to tell it the way William Bernstein tells it.

If you put up a post saying that you disagree with me and Bernstein, I think that's good. The expression of honest differences of opinion often generate good discussions that we all learn from. If you support intercst's position on this question, that Bernstein did not say what Bernstein in fact said, I will feel compelled to report to the board community that you are posting dishonestly. Busted retirements are not a joking matter. The board deserves to know the facts of this matter so that it can make up its own mind.

I believe that dishonest posting hurts the board. It has driven away many fine posters from other communities and in all likelihood it has caused us to lose some too. If we continue to see large numbers of deliberately dishonest and deliberately disruptive posts on SWR threads, I am going to ask that Dory36 take action to deal with the matter. TH isn't the Town Sheriff and Intercst isn't the Town Sheriff and SalaryGuru isn't the Town Sheriff. Dory36 is the Town Sheriff. It is going to be Dory36's call as to whether honest posting on what the historical data says re SWRs is going to be permitted here.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

Hello TH, SG, ***** and all of you fine folks. For the
record, I did not "blow"; I didn't inhale either, and.............I never had sex with "that woman".

BTW and off topic. Obviously I was never a Bill Clinton
fan, and Hillary might as well be Satan IMHO. However, seeing
what Bill is coping with now has softened my heart.
On top of all his troubles if he survives, just look at what he has to come home to.

Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

The Bernstein's, Siegal's, et al are largely full of it.

Why?? - Because they don't give credit where credit is due - The Norwegian widow. For cripes sake - the spreadsheet arrived in 1981 or so - they play with numbers, half baked MPT, and think they discovered something new.

Ben Graham had he lived, Sir John Templeton, and perhaps Dreman would just shake their heads and grin.

As for the town sheriff - remember this:

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence - was NOT the town sheriff ---AND Bogey never said: "play it again Sam."

First cup of coffee post. Heh, heh, heh,heh.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

Dear *****:

I believe you are confusing "town sheriffs" with "community leadership".

But then there is an awful lot of confusion surrounding you and your efforts to troll and divide communities, so thats not unexpected.

Whats humorous is that your efforts actually seem to end up uniting the very communities you seek to create dissent in.

Please accept my fondest thanks for your efforts.

I suppose all of this means that I'm not your hero anymore? :)
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

I'm posting honestly, TH. William Bernstein has provided an honest account of what the historical data says re SWRs. Intercst doesn't like anyone reporting what Bernstein said because it makes him look bad. That's his problem, not yours. It's certainly not mine.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

Hmmm, I'm not so sure that it's intercst who "doesn't like anyone reporting what Bernstein said because it makes him look bad".  For the umpteenth time on about as many message boards:
Bernstein believes that a 4% withdrawal from a mixed equity/bond portfolio should be about 4% of the original value adjusted for inflation or a flat 5%.  
One point cannot be made often enough -- when you retire, are you going to be withdrawing a fixed inflation adjusted amount on a regular basis, or are you going to be withdrawing a fixed percentage of your portfolio? This is not a semantic fine point. If you need a fixed amount, plan on withdrawing no more than about 4% of your starting amount in inflation adjusted terms. A fair dollop of bonds won't hurt in this situation.  
If you can be more flexible and spend a fixed percentage of your nest egg each year, then you can indeed keep you entire retirement stash in stocks and spend 5% annually. Just remember that your stipend will likely fluctuate wildly over the decades of your retirement. Keep a few cans of Alpo in the cupboard if you decide to go this route.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

SG - I hope you realize this doesnt mean we're going to be taking warm showers together anytime real soon ;)
I wouldn't dream of suggesting such a thing. . . I know that was a special thing for you and ed. :D

How about a bottle of wine and the spa? :D :D
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

Eh, I think Ed broke up with me. :p

Can I pick the wine?

Can we dress up in our Town Sheriff outfits first?
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

Intercst didn't publish a "Should Be" study, hyperborea. He published a "safe withdrawal rate" study. With an SWR study, you look at historical data.

On Page 234 of his book "The Four Pillars of Investing," Bernstein reports what number he got for the SWR when he looked at the historical data. The number wasn't the same one as the one intercst reports as the SWR in the study published at It wasn't even close.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

Eh, I think Ed broke up with me. :p

Can I pick the wine?

Can we dress up in our Town Sheriff outfits first?

Is that YMCA I hear playing in the background?

Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

Now this is fun, no hairy sodomy, a little clean fun in the shower and spa with the occasional thumb to the eye.


Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

I'm glad we're back to a solid tongue in cheek pg-13 as well.

Apparently if you remove the foul mouthed, racist, misogynistic, ignorant puddin' head from the dialog it settles down ;)
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

Apparently if you remove the foul mouthed, racist, misogynistic, ignorant puddin' head from the dialog it settles down

I prefer Newellcr's approach to dealing with problems of this sort to yours, TH.
Re: Profanity, personal attacks, and disgusting ba

You're wrong, TH. There are scores of posters who have expressed a desire for reasoned debate on SWRs as well as on many other topics.

You speak for TH and no one else.

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