Queen Elizabeth Dies at 96 - Long Live the King

She seemed to greatly love her family and reportedly had a cheeky sense of humor.
I like that.
May she rest in peace and her family feel blessed to have had her in their lives.
Condolences to members here who lost their country's Queen.
She was the personification of duty. May she rest in peace.

Earlier today I sent a link to the jubilee video the Queen made with Paddington.

That friend just sent me this, which she saw on Facebook.


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Even though I was born in the US and am a US citizen, I spent a lot of time in the UK working in the late 90s/early 00s and came to view her as "my queen" as well. A class act and sad to see she is gone. I hope/think that King Charles will surprise the skeptics.
Cool video but sorry, that's not the real James Bond!
I was kind of hoping she would hang in there and beat out Louis XIV of France for the longest reigning European monarch.
Yeah me too.
Obviously, he had a bit of an advantage taking the throne at age 5. :LOL:

She seemed to greatly love her family and reportedly had a cheeky sense of humor.
I like that.

+1. I just crack up when I come across clips where she displays her sense of humour.
She's probably one of my three people, living or dead, that I'd want to have dinner with.
One more little story: My mom and grandma had planned, for about a year, a 3 weeks trip to England, with tickets on the Queen Mary, when it was announced that Elizabeth's coronation would be when they were there in 1953. So, they lucked out and not just got in a visit in with relatives, but were there for the coronation. My mom often talked about how wonderful and festive it was.

Now they are all in a place where they can finally sit down and have tea with her.
What kind of surprised me was my daughter texted me and told me the queen had died. She’s almost 28. I wouldn’t have thought she’d care ghat much. But she was very shocked.
A British publication (I forget which) said something along the lines of, "How will we know how to be British without her?" Her contained and minimal demeanor in public was balanced perfectly with occasional hints at her sense of humor and great humanity.

The British monarchy will continue. Like pb4uski I think that King Charles III will pleasantly surprise us. When it is time, William, with Kate, will step into the role seamlessly.
I’ve always admired her backbone and steadiness. That position can’t be easy. And to think you can never retire! She literally worked with a smile up to the day or so before she died. Rest In Peace, dear lady.
I remember singing 'God Save the Queen' every morning in school. She seemed a very gracious person who saw her duty and performed it to the best of her abilities - which were extraordinary. RIP.

I cannot hear that song without singing, at least in my head, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty..."
I'm American and send my condolences to all of Elizabeth's subjects, Queen of Canada, Queen of Australia, yada yada yada. I have heard so many epitheths in the last few days. As an American I see her as our queen as well. We had a disagreement about 250 years ago but we made up and have had a special relationship ever since.
Charles is old enough that he must be thinking he may only have a few years to make his mark and distinguish his reign. I certainly would not let the grass grow under my royal slippers if I was in his position.
Charles is old enough that he must be thinking he may only have a few years to make his mark and distinguish his reign. I certainly would not let the grass grow under my royal slippers if I was in his position.

I haven't spent much time thinking about this, just not something I've followed - but when I did think about Charles taking over at his age, and the overall respect that Queen Elizabeth had for her long reign, he must be thinking "That's a tough act to follow!". I kind of feel sorry for him in that regard.

So I don't know, do you get aggressive and try to "make your mark" as you stated, or just do your duty, kinda keep your head down, maybe thinking it will look like you're trying to 'compete' with her from the shadows? Kind of 'bide your time' and let William and Kate be the ones to leave their mark?

It's complicated.

I hope King Charles can bring his honest self into it and not try to outdo anyone else. Sounds like he is committed to the role. I hope he doesn’t stress over making any kind of mark.
Charles is old enough that he must be thinking he may only have a few years to make his mark and distinguish his reign. I certainly would not let the grass grow under my royal slippers if I was in his position.

Given his age I actually thought he might step aside and let William be king. But I think Charles will do a good job. He will not have the impact of Elizabeth for many reasons including having some very big shoes to fill.
Given his age I actually thought he might step aside and let William be king. But I think Charles will do a good job. He will not have the impact of Elizabeth for many reasons including having some very big shoes to fill.
He's been preparing for this for decades so what exactly would be the point of him giving it up? I say give him a chance and, who knows, both his parents lived long into their 90's so his reign could last 20 years.
He's been preparing for this for decades so what exactly would be the point of him giving it up? I say give him a chance and, who knows, both his parents lived long into their 90's so his reign could last 20 years.

Once again, I'll express my sympathy that he is taking on a j*b for life. I quit and left money (and time) on the table. I think it would take a special person to sign on to a j*b with a no-FIRE clause. I wouldn't do it but Long Live The King!
He's been preparing for this for decades so what exactly would be the point of him giving it up? I say give him a chance and, who knows, both his parents lived long into their 90's so his reign could last 20 years.

Absolutely. I wasn't expressing an opinion of what should happen because I really don't have one. I was just speculating about what might happen. He is in his 70s and could easily live another 20 years. But at his age he might not want to be king (maybe he wants to RE) and the alternative of abdicating so that William becomes king saves him the headache, largely preserves his lifestyle, and gives William the possibility of a very long reign.

In any case, I am enjoying the pageantry around the transition.
Charles has been banging on about climate change, saving the planet and organic farming since he was a young man, long before it became popular. Most of the UK population just thought he was either eccentric or just plain crazy.
He's been king in waiting for so long, I think he deserves a chance.
In any case, I am enjoying the pageantry around the transition.

Agreed. I mentioned seeing Her Majesty's coronation. Then the wedding of Charles and Diana as well as her funeral. No one does pageantry like the British. YMMV
I think this says it all. Saw it posted elsewhere but have not seen it here.


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