Retired - Finding a Purpose for your life

I've had a similar experience. I entered early semi-retirement in early 2006 due to burnout (and the fact I met the 4% SWR requirement with my investment portfolio for the first time). I was fun at first "being irresponsible" and not having to get up early or get anything done for the day. But it got old after a while also.

Now that is difficult to imagine! When I get the chance I love not getting up early and not getting a whole lot of anything done. :D

I'm still working, though, so I'll take your word on it... ;)
This keeping busy in retirement must be a real problem for more than a few people. Last fall, right before I retired I was at the doctor's office for a checkup. When he heard I was going to retire he looked me in the eye and said, "You're not going to be one of those guys that's back here in six months saying you're bored and depressed and can't figure out what to do with all your time, are you? (according to him it's a significant problem)

Nope, not me Dude. :D

Me either! In fact I went to see Doc last week, and he commented that I must really be enjoying my retirement and keeping busy.....'cause it's been 2 years since my last visit....AND I've lost weight!

I was planning on having all the yard work finished back at the end of April, but somehow it got put on the back burner while another project got finished and now I'm playing catchup. Just not enough hours in the day to get it all done. For the last week I've been putting in about 5-6 hours a day trimming shrubs and getting the outside shipshape. It rained all day today and by about noon I was bored just playing on the computer so I headed out to my shop and didn't come up for air till about 5:30. Tomorrow looks like it's going to be hot (89) so I'll start early with the outside stuff and move into the shop later in the day. :D

Geeze, I may have to go back to w*rk just to rest up. :p

I've finally gotten the yard and garden work down to a science! I very seldom do long stints at it, instead I do a little bit almost every day. Sometimes it's a hour....but most times it's 10-20 minutes, and that might be split up into 2 or 3 different times during the day. I admit that when I'm planting the pots and containers, I get going on them and think "I'll do ONE more and call it quits for the day.".......then I figure "Oh, what the heck...I'll do just ONE more!"....then, like you, 5-6 hours later I finally do quit for the day! :rolleyes:

I usually get outside bright & early to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine....and all of the birds....and now, butterflies! If I don't have anything pressing that needs to be done, I spend most of the day out in the gardens relaxing, reading, sipping a cold beverage, visiting with neighbors, and even planning new adventures and/or projects. If it's a rainy day, I either do odds & ends in the house (or read), or more likely, I'll spend the day out in my shop piddling around. I throw in a few coffee runs, trips to the grocery, hardware, or garden stores, and an occasional day trip somewhere to break up any chance for boredom or monotony (went to Chicago yesterday and took an architectural boat ride on the Chicago River and Lake Michigan, and had a yummy lunch at Lawry's Prime Rib).

Life is great! :D
About a year fefore I retired I began to search for what my "purpose" in life would be once I did retire. Along the way I realized that having to have a purpose in life was just one of our societal myths that I could either cling to and forever be discontented , or let go of. Once I made the decision to let go of the so called "need" for purpose, I became so busy doing what some would call "doing nothing" that I don't have the time to worry about purpose.
You had to assure him of this?:eek: What is this world coming to......
yeah, they're everywhere. Tuesday I went to the Y for a sauna to recover after golf....while in the sauna guy goes on a rant about what a waste of time and money golf is..he goes to every class of Bodypump at the Y (got me to go couple times - Jazzercise with dumbbells set to techno/disco? ) - video Even though it must be good for me there's no way I'm spending time indoors on a beautiful day listening to horrible music and drill sergeants barking at me. When someone criticizes golf I remember to consider the source... I will admit some of the women have amazing muscle development.
When I get the chance I love not getting up early and not getting a whole lot of anything done. :D

In my natural non-burnout state (i.e., when I'm passionate about something or feel I have a duty to accomplish something), I'm a Type A personality (Type A and Type B personality theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). I can't sit still for a minute and as a result, I drive everyone around me crazy with my need to be "doing something" that I consider to be related to my passion or duty. Getting the right things done in a timely manner has saved me often because I was prepared ahead of time for what was going to happen next.

Yet I'm also capable of procrastinating for long periods of time when I want to avoid making an undesirable decision or taking an undesireable action (i.e., when feeling overwhelmed or burned out, I procrastinate as a way to cope with the situation). Procrastination has also saved me on many occasions when it kept me from taking an action that I would have later regretted.

I'll need something in full retirement that will keep me stimulated so that I will want to get up early to work on it. What will get my motor going will likely evolve over time as I get bored with the things I'm doing and have to find new things that will hold my interest.

Type B personalities, on the other hand, seem to lead a less stressful life, so I'm not sure which personality type is the blessing and which one is the curse. :D
Danny, haven't we already [-]beaten this subject to death[/-] gone down this well-worn path many times? ;)
I've got plenty of time and there is always some one adding new ideas to a topic like this so i say lets keep on walking because 6 months into retirement all the things i thought i was going to do only take up 10% of my time the rest of the time i'm bored out of my mind sitting around doing nothing.
...because 6 months into retirement all the things i thought i was going to do only take up 10% of my time the rest of the time i'm bored out of my mind sitting around doing nothing.
Yikes, I hope you were only kidding.
Yeah sure,i was just preaching to the choir to up my post count.
when I get to 2000 - the cold ones will be on me...barkeeper Wahoo when the time comes put em on my running tab..if you wood please ..Slainte!
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