RobbieB haven't seen you around for awhile

I took 6 or 8 months off from the forum a few years ago. I got busy with some things, felt like I had little left to learn and not much to contribute.

Felt I was spending too much time discussing (and arguing) with strangers. Reached a "who needs this?" point.

After a while I decided to return and still enjoy the interactions here. Very much. I missed my friends! Best site on the internet.
I drift in and out myself. I was very active when approaching retirement and in the couple of years afterwards. I'm four years into retirement now, though, and don't feel the need to talk about retirement any longer. To me, it's not "retirement;" it's just life.

Most of the conversation here focuses on money -- how to invest it, how to save it, how to blow it, what's the market doing, etc. My investment strategy is "set it and forget it," and so I am not interested in most of those conversations. Unless I'm wrestling with some financial decision. Then I'll often seek out the forums for information and advice.

I don't really get into the social aspects of the forum -- you know, talking about yourself, talking about your day, bonding over the internet. I know some people do, but it doesn't really appeal to me.

As for people being driven away for contentious interactions, I have to chuckle. If you think the interactions on this forum are contentious, you haven't spent much time on the internet. This is Mayberry compared to the rest of the internet.
Some posters post like mad as they prepare for retirement - and then disappear when they "graduate."
Unfortunately many long time posters do leave after a back and forth semi contentious situation/posting.

I saw Robbie's last exchange here, and it seemed pretty benign; certainly not the type of back and forth that would fell a down to earth and seemingly thick-skinned individual like him. If he left as a result of that, I imagine he'd been thinking of giving it a break for a while anyway. He never struck me as the type who would run off the moment someone said "Boo!" to him.

Not quite sure why the speculation. I bet we're thinking about it a lot more than he did. He's probably chugging around the California delta in his boat and having a grand old time.
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I saw Robbie's last exchange here, and it seemed pretty benign; certainly not the type of back and forth that would fell a down to earth and seemingly thick-skinned individual like him. If he left as a result of that, I imagine he'd been thinking of giving it a break for a while anyway. He never struck me as the type who would run off the moment someone said "Boo!" to him.

Not quite sure why the speculation. I bet we're thinking about it a lot more than he did. He's probably chugging around the California delta in his boat and having a grand old time.

Okay let's agree to disagree. His last exchange was with a moderator.
Agree generically he didn't appear to be thin skinned and perhaps he was going away.
Let's see when he comes back.
Okay let's agree to disagree. His last exchange was with a moderator.
Agree generically he didn't appear to be thin skinned and perhaps he was going away.
Let's see when he comes back.

It would be unfortunate for any member to assume what lead to another's departure just by their posts, even if one of those in-thread discussions happened to include another moderator.

Almost all "moderator exchanges" you see in threads are our normal behaviors, posting as members. Believe it or not, mods are normal members too!

Let's move on from conjecture and assumptions, please.
I quit one forum I had been on for years. Not because of this kind of stuff. It was because the owner started to allow and participated in stupid conspiracy theories and crackpot politics. It was a good forum until that creeped in. :nonono:
When I quit being a mod/admin, a lot of people here contacted me privately and wanted to know why and exactly what had happened! And was I going away for good? Tell us about the big fight and who was saying mean things to you! What was the "real skinny" on that?

Actually I love you all :smitten:, especially every single last member of the mod team, and I didn't leave due to any interactions either out front or behind the scenes. I just didn't want to mod any more. Now that it's been 8 years and I'm still here, maybe y'all will finally believe me. :ROFLMAO: :2funny:
I didn't leave due to any interactions either out front or behind the scenes. I just didn't want to mod any more. Now that it's been 8 years and I'm still here, maybe y'all will finally believe me. :ROFLMAO: :2funny:


The truth behind your departure is the mod team wouldn’t allow you to “Whee!!!” again because they feared you would trigger a huge market sell-off. :)

The truth behind your departure is the mod team wouldn’t allow you to “Whee!!!” again because they feared you would trigger a huge market sell-off. :)

Who, me? :D :hide: Would I ever do such a thing?

That's the third time in this thread you have hypothesized that various posters left due to some terrible arguments or "contentious situation/posting" as you put it.

As human beings, we all adore secretive scandals.

But having been a mod and then admin here for over a decade, I found (much to my surprise) that furious arguments and unkind posts so hurtful that they led to a very active member stomping off in rage and never coming back, seem to happen far less frequently than most people suspect.

Good point. In general, I think we get along pretty well for folks with strong opinions.
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Trombone Al is another member I have not seen anything from in quite awhile...
Trombone Al is another member I have not seen anything from in quite awhile...

Yeah, I miss T-Al. He always had lots of travel stories as well as his books he was w*rking on.
I stomped off mad for a few months one time.

Nobody cared. :LOL:
You folks must be die hards, I am a bit of a regular but do not miss anyone you mentioned with the exception of RobbieB, who cannot and will not miss him? I do feel I will miss Freedom56 though for his financial prowess and sage posts.
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