Rude awakening at the early buffet


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 1, 2009
Ouch! I have never seen that. Wow. I think a sign like that is enough for me to ignore such a place. You can have the policy, but to put it on a sign like that? Wow.

Looking forward to my City's discount on swim and workout room discounts next year. A huge discount and one that is not taken advantage of enough by the senior population.
Ouch! I have never seen that. Wow. I think a sign like that is enough for me to ignore such a place. You can have the policy, but to put it on a sign like that? Wow.

Looking forward to my City's discount on swim and workout room discounts next year. A huge discount and one that is not taken advantage of enough by the senior population.

Me too...but I feel bad for the 20/30 somethings out in the workforce who pay ridiculous prices while comfortably retired (or soon to be retired) folks with much higher incomes get a big break on the entrance fees.
Ouch! I have never seen that. Wow. I think a sign like that is enough for me to ignore such a place. You can have the policy, but to put it on a sign like that? Wow.

Looking forward to my City's discount on swim and workout room discounts next year. A huge discount and one that is not taken advantage of enough by the senior population.

I'm assuming it was done with a touch of humor. Relax.

I also think they have a point, to a degree. Our imprisoned former Governor (Blago, I need to specify which one, as this is in Illinois) was recorded bragging about how "he" got free rides on public transportation for people's grandmothers. Of course, it wasn't his money, but regardless, I don't see how age should determine if someone gets a discount or not. I know some very wealthy elderly people. Why should they get a discount when a struggling college student pays full price (OK, there are a lot od student discounts as well, and some wealthy students!).

It’s a joke. Relax. Age is one area of human differentiation that’s ok to joke about since we will all experience different age brackets in our lives. (As opposed to different races, genders, etc.)
You folks don't think an over 62 couple with a 35 foot luxury motor home should not have a life time pass to the National Parks, while some 40-somethings with two kids who are tent camping should be paying $10-$20 to stay in the park? I am shocked! Shocked!
I see it as yet another attempt to sow discord in the country, one more us vs them line drawn.
Sowing more discord....

At my house one of us gets the senior discount and the other doesn't. Frankly, I'm not sure why one should and one shouldn't. We both use the same amount of space at a movie theater, buy the same gallon of milk, etc. Are senior discounts really good for business?
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Many seniors live on SS only so need the discounts.
Many seniors live on SS only so need the discounts.

And some don't. That's the point - why base a discount on age rather than need?

OK, for a private business it's really an attempt to drum up business (I wonder if it has been well tested?), so they can do whatever they want (hey - left-handed discount day!). But it bugs me when a government does it, I don't have a choice on paying taxes, I have a choice on whether I use a certain restaurant, etc.

So a restaurant should require financial records to see if you qualify for a 10% discount?
Haha. I expected that photo just to get a few belly laughs.

What have I wrought? :cool:
Ouch! I have never seen that. Wow. I think a sign like that is enough for me to ignore such a place. You can have the policy, but to put it on a sign like that? Wow.

Looking forward to my City's discount on swim and workout room discounts next year. A huge discount and one that is not taken advantage of enough by the senior population.

You know it. Went to the pool near where I think you live at 10 am one morning and DW and I had the entire thing to ourselves. An entire Olympic size swimming pool with just a FUEGO, a Mrs. FUEGO, and 5-6 bored looking lifeguards sitting around. I was like "where all the old ppl at??". ;)

On many subsequent visits I've been accompanied by several grey haired swimmers, so maybe they got the message.
I'm assuming it was done with a touch of humor. Relax.

I also think they have a point, to a degree. Our imprisoned former Governor (Blago, I need to specify which one, as this is in Illinois) was recorded bragging about how "he" got free rides on public transportation for people's grandmothers. Of course, it wasn't his money, but regardless, I don't see how age should determine if someone gets a discount or not. I know some very wealthy elderly people. Why should they get a discount when a struggling college student pays full price (OK, there are a lot od student discounts as well, and some wealthy students!).


Just a point.... most of the rich older folks would not be caught dead on public transportation around here... maybe different up there...
Just another point... seniors do not seem to want to get out as much, so to get that traffic you offer a senior discount... the young do not seem to mind and the place does get some business...

Also, some place around here limits when you can get it... IOW, not during times the place would be filled with full paying customers...
Seniors usually will dine out more and have more disposable income. Businesses compete for that market and will discount in order to get their REPEAT business.

But in the spirit of the sign's obvious humor, I'd reply back to the business that, while we seniors might have had twice as long to get the money, we spent it on their college education only to discover that they only ended up working at a restaurant anyway.
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Some days are like that. Even in Australia...

Is this a Millennial vs. Boomer thing?

Nope. It's a World vs Mdlerth thing. Just as I approach being old enough to score the senior discount, they yank it away. Our national pastime isn't baseball, it's goalpost-moving.

My whole life I've watched as no end of privileges and special considerations got ladled out to everybody except me. I've learned to expect it. Today they pull senior discounts; in a few more years they'll partition medicare. When I'm ready to engage SS they'll means test it out of my reach.

But I'm not one to complain... sigh.
So a restaurant should require financial records to see if you qualify for a 10% discount?

Hah! A business can do whatever they want (within the law). But you really don't see the oddity in assuming that age equates to needing a discount?

I could make parallels that would have people screaming that I'm a bad person. But it's OK to "pick on" old people.

But it was just a humorous sign, go with it. :)

What’s really bad is when the young clerk looks at you and asks if you want the senior discount
Nope. It's a World vs Mdlerth thing. Just as I approach being old enough to score the senior discount, they yank it away. Our national pastime isn't baseball, it's goalpost-moving.

My whole life I've watched as no end of privileges and special considerations got ladled out to everybody except me. I've learned to expect it. Today they pull senior discounts; in a few more years they'll partition medicare. When I'm ready to engage SS they'll means test it out of my reach.

But I'm not one to complain... sigh.

The primary reason I am going for SS at 62 in 2018 is just because of this issue and what that sign is prophesying.
Nope. It's a World vs Mdlerth thing. Just as I approach being old enough to score the senior discount, they yank it away. Our national pastime isn't baseball, it's goalpost-moving.

My whole life I've watched as no end of privileges and special considerations got ladled out to everybody except me. I've learned to expect it. Today they pull senior discounts; in a few more years they'll partition medicare. When I'm ready to engage SS they'll means test it out of my reach.


I paid full price when young and stupid, now as an old fool I want my discount... or I'll go to where it is....

Maybe restaurants know old folks have the TIME and KNOWLEDGE of how to cook, so offer a discount or I'll stay home and eat healthier. :cool:

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