Skip a rope, jump into a puddle, make mudpies...


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Feb 13, 2008
East Nowhere, 43N Latitude, NY
This should get some good answers...

We are all adults (well, in most cases ;)), correct? We're responsible, we're engaged in LBYM, we do the right things, yadda yadda yadda.


Now reach deep down inside and find that inner child.

The question is...

1. What do you currently do that releases your inner child ? The sillier the better. It has to be something you used to do as a child.
2. If you currently don't let your inner child play, what activity would be your first choice to return to some plain simple fun ?

I'll go first...

1. My silliest current activity is playing "dress-up dolls" with my avatar at Yahoo chat. When the season changes or a holiday comes up, I change the avatar's costume to match. :blush:

2. Almost forgot...I own coloring books and crayons. It's been a while since I did a multicolored dinosaur. ;)
Well, the other day someone said, "I double dog dare ya!"....and I did it! :D
I'm glad this is an annoymous forum.

Leaving aside the old Dr Who DVDs (one of my favourites from childhood), when I need to unwind after a really stressful day I take my daughters (aged 6 and 4) down to the playground in our development and play with water pistols. I seem to get more out of it than my children. :blush:
Knoch Knock Jokes & a coloring book now and then along with water fights in the pool on a hot day and still love to fly a kite.

I will never forget to play and laugh! Do not do it often enough but I refuse to be a grown up all the time!
When my wife gets up at night I tend to snatch her pillow away. It's a real kick when she comes back to bed, lies down and bangs her head on the headboard. Never fails to crack me up. She, on the otherhand, isn't always the best of sports. I gotta' make sure my next wife is more forgiving.
On the second or third night of our marriage I reached over, about 1 am and grabbed DW's pillow, thinking it was mine, I pulled it out from under her head. I realized what I had done and we both started laughing. Since I have often stolen her pillow when she has gotten up in the middle of the night, however, I have not repeated the stealing of the pillow while she in on it. One simple reason.... paybacks are hell!
I love to stomp and shuffle through piles of dry leaves, to get that crunching sound. Or sing silly songs with made-up words with my SO - fortunately our inner children get along well!
I make snow angels. Also an occasional snowman. This year I need to develop a safer method for stacking the snowman sections.
Just this past weekend, my sisters and I spent probably a good half hour making funny faces at each other, cracking up the whole time. My parents joined in too!
I play water volleyball three times a week. The players range in age from early 50's to in there 70's. We sometimes play for 2 or 2 and a half hours. We actually play pretty competitively but we laugh so much it's just like being a kid again. I can almost hear my mother yelling to come out of the pool, you can't stay in there all day.
I never walk over to the waste basket to throw a piece of paper away when I can hone my BBall skills from accross the room.

3 seconds left in the team (the Celtics of course) is down by 1....he dribbles to the top of the key....2 seconds....he shoots....1 second....0 seconds....swish! :clap:
A couple of weeks ago when it was very cool for October, I took a long walk in the rain. I didn't use a umbrella, only my raincoat with a hood. My glasses were misted over and my coat was very well beaded up with rain drops and I was having FUN. I really don't like exercise, but, that was fun.:D
I still like to slide on the hardwood floors in my socks and pull wheelies on my bike. One of these days I'm gonna pay. :LOL:
I still like to slide on the hardwood floors in my socks and pull wheelies on my bike. One of these days I'm gonna pay. :LOL:

I like to do that too. Along with my silly dancing in the kitchen with no music other than what comes out of my mouth. I get a little strange when I'm by myself.:ROFLMAO:
Oh I love to do the floor slide. I also take my one year old grandnephew, hold him and dance with him around the house like he is my teeny little dance partner. Pink FLoyd is appropriate accompaniment. I even hold his hand and pump it up and down and try to do a few dips. We also enjoy crawling wildly around the dining room table.
It´s so sad but I don´t remember any silly innocent things of my childhood that I would like to do now. I was born old. What I did was a lot of stupid things.
I still do them now, when pushing 60.
This is a topic that always get me depressed.
I´ll stop now-dont want to bore you or dampen the posters´s good mood.:)
It´s so sad but I don´t remember any silly innocent things of my childhood that I would like to do now....
It took me a while to think of something. I loved to jump into a big pile of raked leaves this time of year. Maybe you'll think of something later.
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We are all adults (well, in most cases ;)), correct? We're responsible, we're engaged in LBYM, we do the right things, yadda yadda yadda.

Did not get this memo...:duh:

Now reach deep down inside and find that inner child.

No reaching required...:dance:

1. What do you currently do that releases your inner child ? The sillier the better. It has to be something you used to do as a child.

:flowers:Skipping, playing with leaves, sliding across floors, down railings, jumping in excitement about mundane things, "borrowing" youngster's toys (trucks and dolls included), shooting rubber bands at office, squeezing screeching monkeys at office (to piss off a codgy co-worker)...if we had regular ceiling tiles at work, I'd probably be tossing pencils up in air...oh, the list goes on...:greetings10:

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