Snoring is destroying my marriage

Gosh darn it, why dont you folks let the rest of us know when those great investing deals come around?!?
Maybe that beats reading about how the best way to invest is day trading in 3rd world penny stocks...

....What? I should sell ALL my 3rd world penny stocks? This is gonna require a very large asset reallocation. My RE plans will certainly change.
....Seriously, back to the subject at hand. I have been working nights (parttime thank goodness) in a hospital for the last 10 years. EVERY patient using a CPAP or BIPAP was overweight, no exceptions. I would rather lose weight than subject mrsjclarksnakes to sleeping with a man wearing a gorilla mask. Hmmm? Maybe she has done that already and liked it?
I was not clear. I paid for the testing. I paid for the cpap through the official channels, not e-bay. I found one by accident on e-bay.

I am overweight, for sure. However, the young chap who fit my mask is not and he uses a cpap, too. Assuming the sleep clinic is not a fraud, it appears to me that there are more people with sleep apnea than just us fat guys. I have an older friend who could blow away in a high wind who also has one. It saved his life. It may be saving mine. It sure improved it.
My wife snores like the proverbial freight train (gaining weight was the definite trigger) After all the usual physical/psychological violence and mayhem on your partner mentioned in previous posts which did not work, I found the key to a good night sleep for me was the use of ear plugs _ BUT_ it took me a long time to find plugs that really worked well. There is a great deal of variation in the sound control features of different plugs, ear canal shapes and the specific frequencies that are blocked. Also, I found that using a very small amount of distilled water on the plug to aid insertion in the ear canal helped inmensily. Now, she can snore away and I don't hear a thing ( dogs wet cold nose on my face when she wants out still works though...)
Don't you find that your ear canals get sore?

I've found some Leight ear plugs that, when really inserted deeply, really cut out almost all noise. But after a few hours my ears are very uncomfortable.
True, with some ear plugs made of harder foam the ear canal does get sore but I found some purple ones at Walgreens that are made of a very soft material that expands slowly to almost completely block out the sound (you have to hold them in until they have expanded). I also found with these plugs that they can of work their way almost out of the ear by morning but I guess once I'm seven seas under I don't hear her! Maybe that explains why my ears are not sore the next day.
soupcxan, I can relate to your problem since my wife and I have slept in seperate rooms on and off during our 23 years of marriage due to my snoring. In our case, it wasn't healthy to our relationship since we weren't able to cuddle, touch, etc. during the night which we felt we wanted and needed.

I recently went to a specialist re snoring during the last couple of months and the result was that I had severe sleep apnea which caused me to stop breathing approximatly 85 times per hour. I know that your wife most likely isn't as bad but my specialist told me with sleep apnea depending on the severity, the nose strips, pillows etc, are useless. He also told me that the surgery, laser or otherwise would have also been useless since in time the snoring usually comes back and there are often side effects. I was also told the CPAP machine was my best choice to help me through this, the second and only other recomendation given was the mouth piece which would have to be custom made for my mouth.

Here in Canada, the CPAC machine can only be purchased off of the shelf by perscription only and the settings can only be changed through perscription, although I found a way to do it myself.

Bottom line is both of you talk to a doctor, since they may want to ask you question re her sleep that she may not realise due to her being asleep.

I still haven't gotten used to the CPAP machine but I do know it is helping me.

I hope things work out for both of you. Both of your health can be effected by this.
Like most medical conditions, start with the cheap and over the counter first, then go to the family doctor for the next level, and a specialist after that.

We tried the cheap things like pillow, sleeping positions, etc. The family doctor identified a possible allergy problem and started hubby on Advair for an asthma like condition. Snoring gone. Expensive monthly if you dont have insurance but worth it.

Simple solution and worth a trial. The next step according to the doctor was more indepth study to determine if there was a physical problem.

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