So, frugal people, what DO you allow yourselves?

A waterfront vacation home (which doubles as a vacation rental).

What else does one need?
$250 ticket to see Paul McCartney last night - brilliant!!  Wouldn't have missed it for the world....

jj said:
$250 ticket to see Paul McCartney last night - brilliant!!  Wouldn't have missed it for the world....

Now that's not disposable income spending. That's necessary! :LOL:
I buy clothes at Ross and food at Winco. I don't wear or buy jewelry. However, every couple of years we take a trip, either to Europe or to Mexico for a few weeks.

Then it's back to drying the clothes on a rack and toting lunches to work.

Maybe it's silly, since the trips cost much more than our frugality saves us, but travel is what we value.

Except ... well, I have a weakness for small electronic gadgets too ... but I'm trying to keep that under control.
I don't consider myself all that frugal, and I frequently
just ignore the budget (which really doesn't exist accept
in my head) and splurge. The only thing I am really
addicted to is those blasted Starbucks Frappacinos.
Longest I have quit is maybe 3 weeks. I have been able to limit it to one per day though.


I love them too. Problem for me is 3 gulps and its gone. DW found the receipe. I tried it. Not bad but not like the McCoy.
BUM said:

I love them too. Problem for me is 3 gulps and its gone. DW found the receipe. I tried it. Not bad but not like the McCoy.

Interesting. DW said "You can make them at home."
Tried it. Same result.

Today I whooped it up by buying the 14-pound bucket of dishwasher detergent for $2.87 when the same brand's five-pound box cost $2.99. And after I'm done using the detergent (about 18 months from now!) I'll have a FREE bucket.

But while I can make a buffalo nickel whimper for mercy, let me point out that this article on frugality crosses the line from "saving money for the things that you value in your life" to "possum living".
Yeah, they sound like nutcases to me.  But it's obviously a hobby for them, and a lot of people are known to get fanatical about hobbies.

But this one was just too much:  ... and she even makes her own laundry soap, which costs two to three cents a load. To make it, she grates a bar of Fels-Naptha bar soap and melts it down on the stove with water, before adding laundry soda and borax. She keeps it in old plastic laundry jugs given to her by her relatives. "My clothes come out softer," she said. "And there’s no strong smell, like you get with Gain." 

These people obviously don't consider the value of their time in the cost equation!
How about this one:

After hunting deer and squirrels for meat each fall... Chester manages to spend just $25 each week on groceries for her family of four.

I understand deer. But squirrels? They don't yield hardly any meat!
justin said:
I understand deer.  But squirrels?  They don't yield hardly any meat! 
But they take a much smaller caliber! Aim a little lower, lead a little less, or nail a peanut to a tree stump...
Nords said:
But they take a much smaller caliber! Aim a little lower, lead a little less, or nail a peanut to a tree stump...

Squirrel traps are reusable, so you don't have to waste money on bullets. Now the forest is my all-you-can-eat buffet!
REWahoo! said:
Yep, you've got to be pretty darned hungry to go for tree rat stew... :-\

Have eaten squirrel, rabbit, deer, elk, javelina, wild turkey, dove, snappin' turtle...

They all taste like chicken... :uglystupid:
I spent a good part of the last 3 months learning to catch, prepare and cook crabs. OMG Crab meat, stew, cakes, chowder, cocktail, etc. Very good eats!

Natures perfect food. It takes as many calories to prepare as it yields. But add drawn butter and enjoy!

Season reopens in April
There's moose turd pie, prairie and rocky mountain oysters and aligator...I've eaten and kept down 3 of these.
I can tell the difference in taste between Coke and Pepsi and prefer the Coke (more chemical-like?), but I always buy whatever is cheaper at the store (We buy 2 liter bottles for the weekend). I feel the lower price more than compensates me for any subtleties of taste difference, especially related to junk foods. Do people always get their favorite junk food?

Have Funds said:
Have eaten squirrel, rabbit, deer, elk, javelina, wild turkey, dove, snappin' turtle...

They all taste like chicken...  :uglystupid:

I pride myself in trying anything - Once!  

- I've eaten Squirrel, rabbit (Cottontail and Jacks), Wild Turkey, deer, elk, bear, caribou, moose, Harbor Seal, Ring Seal, ducks, geese, Woodcock, grouse, Quail, Pheasant, A lot of nasty things on a Sushi Bar!, and I even tried some Whale Blubber!

But the nastiest thing I've ever eaten was rotted shark fin, served during an Icelandic Feast.
Yuck!  :-X
We have special, bird feeder fed squirrels at our house. My bet is that they taste like nutty chicken. I'm thinking of getting the pellet gun out after being waaaay too nice to them for over a year. Mmmmm . . . squirrel pot pie.

'Tis the season Minnesotans. How 'bout lutifisk?

Apocalypse . . .um . . .SOON said:
  I can tell the difference in taste between Coke and Pepsi and prefer the Coke (more chemical-like?), but I always buy whatever is cheaper at the store (We buy 2 liter bottles for the weekend).   I feel the lower price more than compensates me for any subtleties of taste difference, especially related to junk foods.  Do people always get their favorite junk food?


Hi Greg. I never drink any soft drinks of any kind. I wonder how
much in the minority that places me.

Cut-Throat said:
- I've eaten Squirrel, rabbit (Cottontail and Jacks), Wild Turkey, deer, elk, bear, caribou, moose, Harbor Seal, Ring Seal, ducks, geese, Woodcock, grouse, Quail, Pheasant, A lot of nasty things on a Sushi Bar!, and I even tried some Whale Blubber!

But the nastiest thing I've ever eaten was rotted shark fin, served during an Icelandic Feast. Yuck! :-X

Apocalypse . . .um . . .SOON said:
'Tis the season Minnesotans. How 'bout lutifisk?


Now boys, behave yourselves! :D

Have we deteriorated to the point of bragging about who on the board has ingested the most disgusting food item? You damn right we have!!!! :D :D

If anyone posting here attended any of the military survival schools, it's not likely anyone who missed out on that "opportunity of a lifetime" will be able to measure up. Be thankful you won't. :eek: :p

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