Social distancing / stay at home - love it or hate it?

Reaction to social distancing / stay at home

  • Love it

    Votes: 14 17.1%
  • Hate it

    Votes: 21 25.6%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 47 57.3%

  • Total voters
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Live And Learn

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 24, 2012
Tampa Bay Area
Almost all of my volunteer gigs are closed and many people in my area are staying home. Our HOA and all it's activities, including the golf course, have been shut down for over a week. I am home 95% of my waking hours (rather then 50%). I am loving this time! I have been slowing down and smelling the roses.

My 81yo mom who has always spent 95% of her time at home is miserable.

How about you?
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I'm building my 3 string guitar kit. Gonna learn guitar one finger style - :)

I'm a homebody anyway but I do miss eating out. Big time. Serious. Sushi bars - :(
Almost all of my volunteer gigs are closed and many people in my area are staying home. Our HOA and all it's activities, including the golf course, have been shut down for over a week. I am home 95% of my waking hours (rather then 50%). I am loving this time! I have been slowing down and smelling three roses.

My 81yo mom who has always spent 95% of her time at home is miserable.

How about you?

Same here. Mom who NEVER leaves her house except for hair and nails is busting the coop!!
I'm a homebody, but don't like the lack of having the option. That said, I'll stay this way for as long as it takes to be safe and keep everyone else safe.
DH, talking to his father, said, "At last! I can live according to my nature!"

DH and I, both introverts. Except for the grocery issue, would be content like this for a while.

MIL, (age 88), is antsy. We are trying to phone her more often.
I don't particularly like, but sign me up as I'd rather be part of the solution.
Except for not being able to go out to eat, our day to day life is unaffected. We walk around the neighborhood, work in the garden and putz around the house. I am grateful that I do not need to choose between going to work to feed my family and staying safe. I feel for those who are suffering and pray that it might be over soon.
Same. Miss eating out with friends but not much has changed. I can still take the dog on long walks and play golf. Golf could change but hopefully not.
I am an introvert so, in some ways, it is not a big change. In a typical week, I used to go out to eat a couple of times with DH, had lunch with a friend once a week, and occasionally went out shopping. All of that is gone for now. I talk to the friend by phone. DH has gone out and done the shopping the few times we have needed something we couldn't have delivered.

So, it is probably not as upsetting to me as someone who is extroverted.

It is odd feeling to not be able to just get up and go somewhere (we have a stay at home order here except for necessary stuff).

That said, the more difficult part is that it is harder to order stuff to be delivered (supplies are limited) and you have to think about how to keep distant from the person delivering and taking care with regard to what has been sent to you (put in garage for awhile, wipe down, or handle with gloves depending on the item). I find that a bit nerve wracking.
I honestly cannot remember how many days we've been staying home. It'd be much worse if we didn't have satellite television and the internet to keep us company.

At least we can get out and ride through the countryside if we get too bored.

I took a truckload of "stuff" and last Fall's leaves to the city dump today, and pressure washed my boathouse. There's plenty of Spring cleaning to take care of my days on two houses without contacting anyone.
. I feel for those who are suffering and pray that it might be over soon.

Amen to that. Most of the working people I know are thankfully able to work from home. The first responders and medical professionals are in my prayers and praises.
I'm a homebody, but don't like the lack of having the option. That said, I'll stay this way for as long as it takes to be safe and keep everyone else safe.

That's pretty much us. When we are not traveling, we go to a couple or so concerts a month, and maybe out to eat the same amount. Still getting out for our runs, and we have a weightlifting gym and movie theater in the basement. So not much change as long as we are at home.

Not being able to travel irritates a bit, but no big trips affected yet.
I can handle it but I hate what it’s doing to the economy (and my businesses).
I enjoy socializing so don’t like it, but accept that it’s necessary to do our part to control the spread of the virus. Miss hanging out with friends, having overnight guests visit, eating out, and even running errands to an extent. We are limiting ourselves to one grocery shopping trip per week and only going to one store.

Agree with others that it’s sad to see how much this is hurting local businesses, the unemployed and the economy in general.
My FIL misses visiting his DW in her nursing home, which is closed to visitor. But he loves the iPad we got him for Christmas. Otherwise, we’re both introverts. We’ve gone out for walks when the weather permits. But staying home isn’t so bad.
Just today DW said she misses being able to go out to eat. Me too. I don't like being in home quarantine. Even though I am more introverted than extroverted. Kind of miss other person interactions.
Been doing a lot of yardwork at house, when the weather cooperates. Walk some in neighborhood. See lot of neighbors doing same.
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It's not that I don't like it. I don't like having to do it. It complicates things and you are still sort of looking over your shoulder as far as possibly catching something. Something else to worry about.

But does t affect me? Not much Like a couple people have already said, this is pretty much situation normal for all intents and purposes. I never do anything that involves lots of people anyway. But my dental cleaning for next week, scheduled since October, has been cancelled by the dentist. They're only doing emergency work, nothing routine. In a few months if this is not resolved I will have to do my annual medical blood testing. Can't phone that one in. Can't do it online. And I could catch something while there. Can't stay 6 feet away from the lady with the needle.

When I do buy food every week, I'll be keeping my distance but I do that anyway.
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I have a French learners group that usually meets weekly to read novels and do grammar exercises in French. We are now doing our weekly meeting with FaceTime. I’m doing a Zoom happy hour Fridays with friends, which would be hard to do face to face even during normal life because most of my friends have young kids. I do volunteer upcycling crafts for our local library (book folding) and continue to work on my in-flight projects at home and keep the rest of the upcycle volunteer group updated via email and pictures. The social connections are there if you make an effort and try to make the best use of the technology available to you. For my elderly relatives without smartphones or computers I just make an effort to call them about twice as frequently as usual to check in.

DH and I have been isolating at home two solid weeks as of tomorrow. (No symptoms just trying to flatten the curve). We aren’t doing takeout and are just cooking at home until the grocery delivery system sorts itself out here. (We stocked up on non perishable food in early March). Luckily we are very easygoing and used to each other’s company. About ten years ago we spent several years living on a sailboat, which was excellent practice for this “stay at home, cook at home” situation. We have much better internet access now, which makes it a whole lot easier.

I am enjoying the extra time to catch up and read posts on this board, so much knowledge and life experience here! Please, everyone, stay safe and healthy during this time!

Edited to add: to answer the original question I’m neither loving nor hating it. Just rolling with it for now...
DH and I are happy to stay in to help flatten the curve. We have the freedom to take walks around the neighborhood, work in the yard, pick up take-out dinners, explore this town we moved to last November.

However, I voted Hate it because we will not be visiting our youngest in San Francisco in late April. Although I am 100% certain we cannot make this trip, I have not yet cancelled the Southwest flights nor the hotel.

I tear up thinking about it.

Next week I will take care of that and watch for the first possible chance to see him. (I'm hoping late June.)
The weather here has been nice so we've been able to go for walks for exercise and vitamin D. We talk to the neighbors from a distance and keep up with friends and family with calls and email. We used to go out pretty often to live events like concerts and plays, but I also have a lot of at home hobbies and enjoy streaming videos so life has still been good. I know times are tough for many households right now, so I feel very grateful we don't have to worry about paying bills or buying groceries.
We hate it being extroverted but totally understand. Talking to everyone by phone.
I work from home so the stay-at-home order isn't much different than my usual routine. I mostly just miss going out to dinner or to see a movie with my wife, not that we did it all that often anyway.

Things have been a lot harder for my wife who is in an "essential position" but they're scrambling to figure out how to change procedures in order for her to work from home.

I think things are hardest on our mothers who are essentially left in isolation without family to visit or care for them.
I don't miss the social interaction so much, although I would like to get together with the folks that we play cards with once per week. And church on Sunday.

I do miss the ability to jump in the vehicle and run to Lowes for bits an pieces. Just today I realized that I do not have a chalk line in this house.

I am rebuilding a 3D printer that needed some TLC, I guess I am put of excuses... But it would be nice to get some fresh filament for it, and a couple 12V small computer fans. I don't want to order online, because that just burdens the delivery system meaning the drivers and such (who are probably overloaded as is) would be putting in effort on a somewhat frivolous project.

I would also probably run get some spring fertilizer, maybe a hedge trimmer, and other small stuff. But it is not necessary, and I am going to stay inside.
My Invisalign trays pulled out a crown, and there are signs of decay underneath. I spent 4 hours waiting for a callback from the emergency dentist, as all the practices are closed. They cannot see me till next Tuesday, and I got the impression it was grudging, as they are only supposed to see you if you are "bleeding from an injury." I fear they'll take a quick look, say "there's decay but we aren't allowed to treat it," and send me home.

. But my dental cleaning for next week, scheduled since October, has been cancelled by the dentist. They're only doing emergency work, nothing routine. y.
Other than missing DW's hair appt we're pretty neutral. However since DS must go to work and deal with the public, I feel our efforts are in vain.
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