Social Situation: What Would You Do?

That's the first time I have seen something interesting done on a treadmill. :)
These responses are beautiful. I can't imagine coming up with all those ideas myself exept for the unplugging of the cable. That was a great thought. I guess you have to live with the wife and it's her friend so you have to cave a little. I've done that a number of times to "keep peace in the family". Those things might seem minor to a guy but they are major to a woman. Give in to your wife's friend: however, to quote a few threads, unplug it, don't help in the moving and never forget what happened.
My thought exactly. Doing anything other is reinforcing bad behavior. And we have enough of this going around in both society and government.
I would agree. Tell them you have been using it as a clothes rack. Of course, if DW doesn't go along, you are toast.
Tell them you'll give them your working treadmill if they'll deliver the their broken one and pickup your working one. Oh yeah, you'll have to set a timeline and make it clear that there would be no more future repossessions after the swap takes place. I personally wouldn't have any problem being this blunt with anyone. My guess is that they wouldn't be able to put the delivery and pickup together though, so you would end up still owning the working treadmill.
I'm not sure how to do it but if someone can post the one where Bevis and Butthead launch themselves into the wall with a treadmill that one is hilarious.

I will graciously and smilingly let them have it back, as long as they do the moving. They also said we could have their new treadmill, "which is broken but perhaps you can fix it." I will say "no thanks" to that.

I'll keep you posted.

So Al, what's the story? I've been wondering how this worked out. I'm still totally annoyed at your friends about this, since it reminds me waaayyyy too much of some people I know. Did you follow through? Or did they come to their senses? Color me curious/nosy. :flowers:
Sorry, nothing new to report yet. The friends will be driving to their daughter's house (in L.A.) in April, so that's when the repossession will take place, if it happens. I chatted with the couple at a party last night, but the subject didn't come up -- I'm not going to say anything.

I've been using the treadmill a lot more recently, since the weather is now cold and rainy.

I've been scanning craigslist for treadmills.

I promise to report here when anything happens
A friend and I "junk swap" alot ... we also share tools. He has asked for a couple item back (a ladder most recently ... needed it for the kids tree house). Really miss the ladder. But would'nt let a material object come between us.
OMGosh, Al this thread really tickled me...thanks for the laugh & to everyone who contributed, as well. tee hee
I just stumbled across this thread and got a real hoot out of it. Many people will ask for anything...since they don't have the sense or manners to care about anyone else but themselves. I would thoughtfully unplug it and let them have it back with a smile. You got it for nothing anyway. Then, I would write them off my list. Their actions show what kind of people they really are. Your DW sees something in them that we do not. Maybe one day she will see the light.

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