Spousal social security


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Jan 24, 2021

If a spouse is 12 years younger how does it work for spousal survivor benefits if the younger spouse is not 62 yet?

Do they lose the benefits or does it go on hold until 62 or something?

If they do get benefits does it stay the same as was being collected?

Thank you.

Thank you for the information.

So, if they're say 52 technically at 60 they can collect a reduced amount, but at 62 they would pick up where they left off depending on inflation etc?
I'm not sure what you mean by "pick up where they left off". If they want to collect the full survivor benefit with no reduction they cannot file for survivor until they are full retirement age. Or they could file for their own benefit at 62 and then switch to survivor at full retirement age. Or if their own benefit would be higher at age 70, file for the reduced survivor at 60 and then file for their own at 70. Confusing :crazy:
I'm not sure what you mean by "pick up where they left off". If they want to collect the full survivor benefit with no reduction they cannot file for survivor until they are full retirement age. Or they could file for their own benefit at 62 and then switch to survivor at full retirement age. Or if their own benefit would be higher at age 70, file for the reduced survivor at 60 and then file for their own at 70. Confusing :crazy:

Thank you.

Both are early retired.

One is currently 56 and the other 45.

If the older eventually collects at 62 and passes soon after or say the younger is only 50 and no military, I assume the younger is out the SS until 60 or later if they can wait.
Thank you.

Both are early retired.

One is currently 56 and the other 45.

If the older eventually collects at 62 and passes soon after or say the younger is only 50 and no military, I assume the younger is out the SS until 60 or later if they can wait.

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