The Pitfalls Of Being A Mixed-Retirement Couple

I have to admit there's some mixed retirement stress in my marriage. I RE'd a year ago and DW semi-retired (working a few months out of the year) with the original intention of carrying on for another 5-7 years. As I'd worked for almost 15 years longer than she had we initially agreed this was fair. Nevertheless (and perhaps unsurprisingly) there is some occasional grumbling about how she must slave away for several months while I have the life of Riley.

The thing is, she's not wrong. Whatever we may have agreed on, life is more stressful for her than for me and I can understand the envy. The temporary solution is for me to help out more around the house and remind her of her own Riley-like life that will start up again this summer and last the better part of the year. While this works more or less for now, that 5-7 year plan may end up being curtailed to a 3-4 year plan. A happy wife means a happy life and this may matter more than a few more years of her income.
DW was retired 6.5 years before I did. We had no problems whatsoever. I may have envied her a bit, but never resented her.

I have a feeling now that I'm retired as well there will be more significant adjustment. The adventure begins...
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