The prisoner


Full time employment: Posting here.
Apr 18, 2006
Is anybody a fan of this TV series from the 1967 starring Pat McGoohan?

I just rented the 1st episode form the library. Made me think that this was an early ER story. He quits his job. Everyone in the company is quite unhappy about that. He is hijacked into a paradise like island "The Village" where life is great can do what you want all day but can't leave.

There is no way out of the Village though....
Huge fan here--and I had quite the crush on McGoohan when I was ~13. (Heads-up readers might remember that I referred to The Prisoner in a recent post in the thread about The Villages adult community.)
The Prisoner:
Where am I?
No. 2:
In the village.
The Prisoner:
What do you want?
No. 2:
The Prisoner:
Whose side are you on?
No. 2:
That would be telling. We want information.
The Prisoner:
You won't get it.
No. 2:
By hook or by crook . . . we will.
The Prisoner:
Who are you?
No. 2
The new number 2.
The Prisoner:
Who is number 1?
No. 2:
You . . . are . . . number . . . 6.
The Prisoner:
I am not a number. I am a free man.
(mocking laugher . . .)

No . . . I'm not a fan. Never heard of the show. :)
I enjoyed The Prisoner, but found Secret Agent Man more to my liking. When you watch an old series, they often don't "hold up" to what you remembered. Secret Agent Man still does.
We have always enjoyed Patrick McGoohan in the Prisoner. It starts to look very dated now but that just adds to its charm. It aired on BBC America not that long ago, and may again they're always repeating on there. I looked it up on Netflix, to see if it is available there, it is, on 10 dvds. Interestingly, it says it is "recommended" for us because of our high ratings for:

This Spinal Tap
The Manchurian Candidate
2001: A Space Odyssey
Lawrence of Arabia
and, last but not least, A Clockwork Orange

This may give you some idea of whether you'd like it or not ::) :D
I'm a huge fan and have been ever since seeing it in high school. In fact, I just watched an episode tonight!

Not sure if I was even alive when it came's shows are good, but will they live on as long as The Prisoner?

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