This weather is awful - 2022 to ?

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It was cool here for a couple of days (and lower humidity...woohoo!) but it's warming up and the humidity is pumping in from the south. We are wanting to go to the state fair next week, but with highs forecasted to be in the mid 90's...I think I might veto that idea. :(
It’s the Mosquito fire affecting Reno. I woke up and it was 344. I wore a mask to go to my doctor appointment and it really helped. I didn’t have a asthma attack. Really sick of not being able to walk my dogs. It’s cooler now so would be perfect weather.
Invest 98L potentially could be a major hurricane next week and most likely will end up in the gulf.
Most "spaghetti models" have it curving to the panhandle or even closer to my Tampa area.

Yep, not looking good for the Gulf Coast at this time. Still to early to tell where it's really going or what it's strength will be. We will probably have a much better idea in 3 or 4 days.

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Temp dropped from 90 yesterday to low 60’s today. I had to put socks on! Well maybe it’s not awful, it’s perfect for some yard work.
Temp dropped from 90 yesterday to low 60’s today. I had to put socks on! Well maybe it’s not awful, it’s perfect for some yard work.

Same here. Welcome to the autumn equinox…
Temp dropped from 90 yesterday to low 60’s today. I had to put socks on! Well maybe it’s not awful, it’s perfect for some yard work.
Personally I'd wear shoes with those socks if I were going to do yard work. YMMV
Looks like TD#9 ("Hermine-to-be") is headed towards Florida. Hope you all are ready for this one! I'm selfishly glad that it's probably not coming here, but I hate to see others going through this.


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I'm sure you have been watching this one daily as the models have been changing a good bit. Yesterday, the spaghetti models were showing a definite shift towards the central Gulf coast, today it's back to the West coast of Florida. Lucky you... Not so much for our friends in Florida.
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Looks like TD#9 ... is headed towards Florida. Hope you all are ready for this one!

An article pointed out that the current predicted track is similar to Hurricane Charley's in 2004. I wasn't in Florida back then so I looked it up. Charley sure caused a mess 18 years ago. :(

I went ahead and gassed up the car and bought some food just in case. It's too early to panic, but I like being prepared. Hurricane Irma was low Cat-1 by the time it reached my neck of the woods, and that was plenty-exciting for me. :popcorn:
An article pointed out that the current predicted track is similar to Hurricane Charley's in 2004. I wasn't in Florida back then so I looked it up. Charley sure caused a mess 18 years ago. :(

I went ahead and gassed up the car and bought some food just in case. It's too early to panic, but I like being prepared. Hurricane Irma was low Cat-1 by the time it reached my neck of the woods, and that was plenty-exciting for me. :popcorn:

Glad you are preparing! It's nice to know where the storm is headed this far in advance since that gives you lots of preparation time. Looks like the NHC is expecting it to make landfall as a cat 3 or above, according to their graphics.

If you have been through this before, then you know what to do. On the other hand if you are a newcomer to your area (I have no idea!), you can probably get helpful hurricane preparation tips from your local government or local news sources.
Best of luck to all our members in the path of Ian. God speed.
I don't really like to complain of sunny weather, but this is getting kind of ridiculous for the PNW. Temps remain in the high 70's-low80's, no rain. Today continued hazy smoke from wildfire, with Air Quality alerts. Nights are cool, we go from 50's to 80 in a few hours!
Rain is showing for next weekend and the following week.
And my weather app shows prediction of rain almost every day in early November. Yay!!
Woke up to this yesterday in Minneapolis. Reminder: this is October 14th.

Hey, no vulgar pictures on this site.

IIRC, our last snowfall was in April so we get six whole months without seeing snow.

I'd like to live somewhere and see snow 2 or 3 times a year perhaps in January, with the depth shown in my photo, then have it melt by noon. Just to remind myself of where I've left.
IIRC, our last snowfall was in April so we get six whole months without seeing snow.

I'd like to live somewhere and see snow 2 or 3 times a year perhaps in January, with the depth shown in my photo, then have it melt by noon. Just to remind myself of where I've left.

I live near Green Bay, WI so I know how you feel.
It's a smokey mess in the Seattle area. It's nice and warm though. Currently 72F and tomorrow predicted to be 82F.

If only we could go outside and enjoy it!
It's a smokey mess in the Seattle area. It's nice and warm though. Currently 72F and tomorrow predicted to be 82F.

If only we could go outside and enjoy it!

I'm in the plume too and I keep taking brief sub-aerobic strolls just to move a little and get outside and there are quite a few people out at the parks with little kids who were probably bouncing off the walls. Hopefully we're not reducing our lifespans.

Cliff Mass local meteorologist says, rain next weekend -for sure-, and maybe enough in the Cascades to put out that darn Bolt Creek fire.
IIRC, our last snowfall was in April so we get six whole months without seeing snow.

I'd like to live somewhere and see snow 2 or 3 times a year perhaps in January, with the depth shown in my photo, then have it melt by noon. Just to remind myself of where I've left.

Sounds a lot like you would like NW Ga. or SE Tn. because thats about all their is around here most years!:dance:
As I was leaving the midwest, I was (sort of) beginning to acclimatize to "chilly weather" as it was getting into the upper 40s at night. Soon as we hit Honolulu, it was low 80s but high humidity and the trades had died. Was like that for over a week! So the feeling was "hot and muggy" though during mainland summer, it wold have been considered mild!

So just a couple of days ago, the trades picked back up and it's been the way I recall the Islands. But imagine a pouring rain just outside your window. You'd think that would be cooling, wouldn't you. But instead, it simply made it more humid. Now the rain is gone much of the humidity is gone, the trades are back. All is right on the Islands (well, with the weather!) YMMV
Got freeze warnings for the next couple of nights. around 29F. For SW PA, Then back to the mid 30 to 40 ies nights.
It's supposed to get really chilly here on Tuesday and Wednesday, with highs around 65F and lows in the high 40's or 50F. Brrr! That's very cold for New Orleans in October and I'm not used to it so I'll really feel the cold. I know, that sounds like whining over nothing but I'm just not acclimated to it and that makes it seem colder.

I don't have many warm/wintry clothes, so my plan is to stay inside here at home where I can be comfortable. I just had my HVAC checked out so my heater will keep me warm, and I am perfectly happy at home with my video games and internet to keep me occupied.
It's a smokey mess in the Seattle area. It's nice and warm though. Currently 72F and tomorrow predicted to be 82F.

If only we could go outside and enjoy it!

Dang, I have not been following the news. Just searched on the Web to see this. How awful!

Here, we got a heavy rain yesterday. I am going to check on the Web the level of the reservoirs here to see if the rain makes a dent in the ongoing drought.

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