This weather is awful - 2022 to ?

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Our weather is beautiful in the high 70’s.
Dang, I have not been following the news. Just searched on the Web to see this. How awful!

It hasn’t been great. The lack of rain and high temps aren’t helping.

The official high reached 88 degrees Sunday at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, making it the latest day in the calendar year at or above 80 degrees on record, National Weather Service meteorologist Jeff Michalski said.

The previous record at Sea-Tac, set Oct. 14, 1961, was 80 degrees.

Sunday’s temperature also eclipsed the previous record high temperature for Oct. 16: 72 degrees, set in 2018.

Saturday was bad. For a change, I wore a mask outdoors and took it off when I went inside. :)

It’s not over yet. Today is cooler and the rains arrive this Friday. That’ll help extinguish the forest fires and we can get back to our normal PNW Fall. I can’t wait.
It hasn’t been great. The lack of rain and high temps aren’t helping.

Saturday was bad. For a change, I wore a mask outdoors and took it off when I went inside. :)

It’s not over yet. Today is cooler and the rains arrive this Friday. That’ll help extinguish the forest fires and we can get back to our normal PNW Fall. I can’t wait.

Same here, although I read that the upcoming rain may not be enough to quell the Nakia Creek fire. We still have unhealthy air quality and will until the rain arrives. Can't happen soon enough for me
So sorry to read that some western states are still going through massive forest fires like that! For some reason I thought that was mostly a summertime thing. Take care, and stay safe, everyone.

And don't breathe that smoke if you can help it! It can't be good for the lungs. OK, I'm a worrywart, I admit it. :blush:
I'm in the plume too and I keep taking brief sub-aerobic strolls just to move a little and get outside and there are quite a few people out at the parks with little kids who were probably bouncing off the walls. Hopefully we're not reducing our lifespans.

Cliff Mass local meteorologist says, rain next weekend -for sure-, and maybe enough in the Cascades to put out that darn Bolt Creek fire.

Too bad about the smokiness in Seattle. We caught a bad few days of it in 2018. I read then that smoke due to wildfires was common in the Seattle area 100 years ago.
It hasn’t been great. The lack of rain and high temps aren’t helping.

Saturday was bad. For a change, I wore a mask outdoors and took it off when I went inside. :)

It’s not over yet. Today is cooler and the rains arrive this Friday. That’ll help extinguish the forest fires and we can get back to our normal PNW Fall. I can’t wait.

We sometimes get smoke here due to farming burns. Usually not visible but you can smell it. We even ended up installing an air quality monitor because DH is very sensitive to smells in the air particularly smoke. Yep, when not good we wear masks during our outdoor activities, they are quite effective! I’ve often thought neighbors probably think we’re kooks.
A few days ago there was frost warning for this morning, it is 36F. Close, not quiet right.
The same prediction is for tomorrow morning.
Growing season end last night (for summer vegetables)

Here in Central NJ, I harvested my last cherry tomatoes and green beans yesterday, knowing a freeze would come last night. I think about earlier times, when the end of the growing season was a crucial time, and I think about my ancestors, who similarly were probably frantically out gathering the perishable crops the day before,

However, garden season is NOT over, and I think my lettuces, and certainly the spinach and lamb's quarters and carrots and tatsoi, will continue to produce perhaps through the entire winter. Lamb's quarters (mache lettuce) produces throughout the coldest conditions, and it is one of the mildest lettuces, not a bitter green.

Who else was harvesting yesterday? The entire northeastern quarter of the US was under freeze warnings.
Mid 30's here this morning. That is cold for this part of Texas this early in the season.
Mid 30's here this morning. That is cold for this part of Texas this early in the season.

Considering where the temp was last Saturday, quite a change. Nevertheless, this is Texas and much warmer temps will be here soon.
Been freeze warnings the last 3 nights here in NW Ga. it hasn't made it down below 33 yet, it is 42 right now up from 36 last night. I think they need a new dart board or better aim at the TV station "Meteoroligst" ;-)
complaining again today!
Air quality Index still at Unhealthy Red, 151 due to nearby fire smoke. Doesn't help my asthma much.
Fridays rain can't arrive fast enough for me!
So sorry to read that some western states are still going through massive forest fires like that! For some reason I thought that was mostly a summertime thing. Take care, and stay safe, everyone.

And don't breathe that smoke if you can help it! It can't be good for the lungs. OK, I'm a worrywart, I admit it. :blush:

I would think wearing a gas mask 24/7 is tough.

Perhaps an electrostatic forced-air cleaner can reduce much of the particulates for the indoor air, particularly at night when you sleep. I bought one a while back when I was suffering severe allergy from pollens.

I would think wearing a gas mask 24/7 is tough.

Perhaps an electrostatic forced-air cleaner can reduce much of the particulates for the indoor air, particularly at night when you sleep. I bought one a while back when I was suffering severe allergy from pollens.


Note that this mask has a tag saying it's a "USA Seller". Doesn't mean it's made in the USA though! :LOL:
Note that this mask has a tag saying it's a "USA Seller". Doesn't mean it's made in the USA though! :LOL:

Most likely not. It only means you are likely to get it in 2 days with Prime shipping. Else, the wildfire would be out already by the time you receive it.
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We sometimes get smoke here due to farming burns. Usually not visible but you can smell it. We even ended up installing an air quality monitor because DH is very sensitive to smells in the air particularly smoke. Yep, when not good we wear masks during our outdoor activities, they are quite effective! I’ve often thought neighbors probably think we’re kooks.

Last time we visited Maui, there was still a vestige of the sugar cane industry. Air quality could be bad when cane fields were being burned in preparation for harvest. Not a fun time. Maybe not quite as bad as the volcanic smoke on Big Island, but sill unpleasant. I understand that the last of the sugar is now gone from Maui.
Last time we visited Maui, there was still a vestige of the sugar cane industry. Air quality could be bad when cane fields were being burned in preparation for harvest. Not a fun time. Maybe not quite as bad as the volcanic smoke on Big Island, but sill unpleasant. I understand that the last of the sugar is now gone from Maui.

It's all in south Louisiana and Jamaica. :LOL:
I just checked the top 10 worst air quality listing for the USA.

Number one is Oakridge, OR with the worst quality 493 on the Air Quality Index
Numbers 2 through 10 are all in WA. Number 10 has an AQI index of 312.

Anything over 50 is considered unhealthy for very sensitive people. Over 200 is everybody can possibly be affected. Over 300 is unhealthy for everyone with even the healthiest people showing some effects.
The smoke is worse today. I couldn’t see the Seattle skyline from a distance.

If you’re curious, you can see the Seattle skyline from a webcam on top of the Space Needle:

Dang! There goes my dream of winning the lottery so that I could buy an oceanfront house on Bainbridge Island with a view of the Space Needle across the bay.
I remember eating lunch at Elliott’s Oyster House on the Seattle waterfront 2018, and looking out over the sound, and all we could see was white. No details whatsoever on the water.
Dang! There goes my dream of winning the lottery so that I could buy an oceanfront house on Bainbridge Island with a view of the Space Needle across the bay.

The late Emmet Watson and his KBO agents would be happy to have that view spread world wide. :D
The late Emmet Watson and his KBO agents would be happy to have that view spread world wide. :D

Not being a Seattleite, I had to look up Emmet Watson. He appeared to be a colorful character. :)

Emmett Watson ... was an American newspaper columnist from Seattle... He was a tireless advocate, through his column as well as through a fictional organization he created called Lesser Seattle, or limiting the seemingly unbridled growth and urban renewal that dramatically altered the city's landscape during the second half of the twentieth century...

Lesser Seattle is a fictional organization invented by Watson. It is also known for its KBO agents and supporters, for "Keep the Bastards Out"...

Watson periodically suggested actions that KBO members could take to make "immigrants" (perhaps especially Californians) uncomfortable, and, hopefully, encourage them to leave. Readers and others occasionally observed that it was all a sort of joke; Watson sometimes responded that people could think what they liked, but that he would continue to promote the KBO as one way to deal with the decrease in the quality of life in the Pacific Northwest and especially in Western Washington.
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