UFOs In Texas Skies

Twinkle Toes

Recycles dryer sheets
Nov 1, 2007
I don't know about UFOs...never seen one...hope I never do. When I saw this article, Dozens in Texas town report seeing UFO - Space - MSNBC.com , I clicked on it expecting someone to be reporting on the balls of light outside of Marfa ( marfatx ), but not so.

The article stated that most UFOs are reported in TX, CO and CA. I thought it was odd that AZ and NM were not on the list...remember Roswell!...remember the big flap in Phoenix several years ago when almost everyone in town caught the UFOs on video/cameras several years ago.

I know a few true believers, and only one is too wierd to take seriously...think of the cropduster in Independence Day...that kind of wierd. The others are just normal people. I do this little "I don't know" dance every time there is a valid report (a bunch of unrelated people saw it, don't know what it was, and are a tad sheepish about talking about it).

Anyone want to kick this one around?
When I was a child in the early 1950's, my parents, brother and I were traveling at night between a small town in East Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana, when our car was paralleled for a few minutes by a large object just above the pine forest treeline. (My mother said "cigar-shaped" but I frankly don't remember if I ever knew.) The object moved silently and kept changing colors. Wasn't a plane, wasn't a meteor ... don't know what it was, but I've always referred to it as "my UFO experience."
I think the majority of people who report these things are honest, and are describing something they saw that they can't identify. I also most of these objects are natural, planes, satellites, flares, etc, but may appear in an unusual configuration and the average person can't identify it. However, there does appear to be a very small subset of sightings that are hard to explain, and there are still many things on this earth we don't understand.
I remember as a kid snooping around the "grownups section" at the library and discovering all those amazing UFO books, scared myself silly and for years after was uncomfortable walking outdoors alone at night.

I have never seen a flying thing that I could not identify and I am convinced that everything that passes for a UFO sighting can be explained. Still, I would love to turn on the news some day and find that we have galactic neighbors. "They dropped by for a visit and a meet and greet with the President!?", that would certainly qualify as living in interesting times.

Like Bigfoot, show me the body and I might believe. Eye-witness accounts, fuzzy photos, and shaky videos are not very convincing.
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Saw one once back in the early 80's in Missouri. The black triangle type. Didn't even know there was a black triangle type until I saw it. Very large, could see the structure as it passed over head. Still don't have any idea what it was. Many other people saw it over North Missouri that night. I am still supprised that no one knows what they are. But I know for a fact that at least some of the things that people report are real based on my experiance.
I couldn't trust someone who claims to have seen a UFO to lead a meeting, much less the country! :rolleyes:
I've seen several things that were at first glance UFOs, but then I figured out what they were.
I was temporarily convinced I saw one while driving out of Ashland, Oregon. The two others in the car with me made our peace with god or whatever was relevant, expressed gratitude for our lives, and were extremely brave as we waited for whatever it was to swoop down and grab up our car. It moved closer, then zoomed far away, then close again, changing color from yellow to orange to white, faster than any earthly creation could. But as we drove back towards Ashland, it slowly became apparent it was some sort of huge industrial gas flare, that was somehow optically modified when we saw it on the horizon towards dusk.
After that it will be nearly impossible for me to believe someone who has seen one without physical corroborating evidence, because I was fooled so easily and completely.
I was temporarily convinced I saw one while driving out of Ashland, Oregon. The two others in the car with me made our peace with god or whatever was relevant, expressed gratitude for our lives, and were extremely brave as we waited for whatever it was to swoop down and grab up our car. It moved closer, then zoomed far away, then close again, changing color from yellow to orange to white, faster than any earthly creation could. But as we drove back towards Ashland, it slowly became apparent it was some sort of huge industrial gas flare, that was somehow optically modified when we saw it on the horizon towards dusk.
After that it will be nearly impossible for me to believe someone who has seen one without physical corroborating evidence, because I was fooled so easily and completely.

Excellent you do not remember wahahaha

No, really

I always thought flying saucers were in the semi-mythical realm, but then a couple months ago DH and I came across a documentary on PBS - the German and US militaries actually made a number of them during and after WWII with varying degrees of success. No kidding, there were pictures and footage of them flying around and everything. I wish I knew the name of the program, we turned it on in the middle of the show.

When I mentioned it to the people I work with, my boss (retired Air Force) already knew all about them and pulled up a bunch of historical information online about two minutes later. For a long time, the info was classified, etc., similar to the stealth bomber. I don't know why the information hasn't gotten out that the saucers were real as well, I was really intrigued by the PBS show.
Of the people I know who say they have seen UFOs, the ones that really interest me are the pilots. Any pilots out there?
I'm with Asimov on this one. He believed in UFOs, with the emphasis on "Unidentified." There's no doubt that people see things, flying or not, al the time that they can't identify. With enough examination these would surely be explained as clouds, military aircraft, etc. It's when people claim to have identified what they are (e.g. some type of extraterrestrial craft) that things go off the rails.

The argument from logic:
1) If beings from other planets can really travel to the earth, then they have some very amazing technology well advancd of our own
2) They would either want to make contact with us or they would seek to avoid this contact.
3) If they wanted contact, they would be advanced enough to figure out how to do that in a deliberate way. Probably appearing to rural Amercians is not how they'd choose to make contact
4) If they wanted to avoid contact (or being noticed at all), their technical expertise would allow them to do this. They would not be blundering around being noticed (but somehow never noticed in such a way as to be well documented. Hmm)
Yep, I am a private pilot. No mistake in what I saw. I understand that people won't believe. I didn't either before I saw for myself. The big question is what is it we are seeing? Not if we are seeing things. It seems to me that its fairly important to find out. Yet after all these years there are very few good photos and no physical evidence that I know of.

Of the people I know who say they have seen UFOs, the ones that really interest me are the pilots. Any pilots out there?
I'm with Asimov on this one. He believed in UFOs, with the emphasis on "Unidentified." There's no doubt that people see things, flying or not, al the time that they can't identify. With enough examination these would surely be explained as clouds, military aircraft, etc. It's when people claim to have identified what they are (e.g. some type of extraterrestrial craft) that things go off the rails.

The argument from logic:
1) If beings from other planets can really travel to the earth, then they have some very amazing technology well advancd of our own
2) They would either want to make contact with us or they would seek to avoid this contact.
3) If they wanted contact, they would be advanced enough to figure out how to do that in a deliberate way. Probably appearing to rural Amercians is not how they'd choose to make contact
4) If they wanted to avoid contact (or being noticed at all), their technical expertise would allow them to do this. They would not be blundering around being noticed (but somehow never noticed in such a way as to be well documented. Hmm)

It seems unlikely to me that UFO's are alien spacecraft. However it is not impossible. But I also agree with Asmov. What I saw was no cloud or swamp gas. It was a physical object. It could have been a military ship. Does the military have large flying black triangles? I sure hope they do.
Probably appearing to rural Amercians is not how they'd choose to make contact

Yet, in almost every sci fi show and movie where an advanced civilization needs to examine or land on a backwater planet, they always pick a place where there arent a lot of people they'll have to avoid.

They would not be blundering around being noticed

Eh, we've sent a couple of well meaning probes to other planets that we accidentally crashed into them. So it seems that no matter how advanced you get, mistakes happen.

That having been said, I doubt we've been visited. I'm sure theres other life out there with the technology for space travel, but I'm equally doubtful that they're mostly benevolent and well meaning and wishing to just observe us.

Something tells me that our "first contact" might result in a bunch of us working in the dilithium mines on Talus 4.
Can you say "anal probe"?

I'm with Asimov on this one. Any visitor from outer space must have some incredible tech capabilities. The distances, even at light speed, are, well, distant... :p

It'd take a brazillion years to get here, and where would you park...
Of the people I know who say they have seen UFOs, the ones that really interest me are the pilots. Any pilots out there?

For more than 20 years. I have seen things in the sky, mostly at night, I could not identify. Two turned out to be SA-2s! Someone else very close by identified them for us.

So as far as the outer space type, I don't think I ever saw anything close.... except for the occasional space shuttle, satellite, or space station that goes over head.

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